Appalling behaviour from the workers not helping there colleagues get medical help, but Thai authorities cant keep using cheap labour as cannon fodder.
This is so disrespectful they wouldnt do it in there own country , recently while sitting at a bar in O top Phuket a man walking past a bar lady sitting on a seat minding her business rushed in and kissed her on lips then laughing walked off while bar girl was naturally outraged and angry at him .
Cant understand why he would remain on ground and not get up, he doesnt appear to have impediment plus some one should have helped him up, i have helped drunks before as understand how easy it is to have good time.
How do they know Australian, not Aussie name and doesnt look Australian, also real Aussie wouldnt have that crap bling Lol.
Notice the nice Thais helping him stand bike up while hes been a dick.
Was at a bar in phuket and a loud obnoxious Russian was offering ridiculous money to a bar girl to go with him and she flatly refused, was so proud of that girl.
As soon as they got close he should have been suspicious, i am just astounded they can unclip necklace and whip it away without the victim not realizing.