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Posts posted by nsimmons

  1. Dose lady boy count for this post?

    I went out with a girl for about a year here. Friends, after meeting her and many befriending her, I asked "what do you think" to many of them that spoke Thai and lived here for 20 years or more (as I knew I was new and she was younger). All of them said stuff like"seems you are on a winner there" , and "she is a very good sort etc". Both women and men all said positive things. I went to her home town met the family, father is a crane driver, mother is the typical big jovial woman, grandmother lived in house out back. Poor, but seemed salt of the earth etc.

    I have lived in many countries am 54yo, been married twice, once for 6 years (when young) and secondly for 22 years, still friends with both etc. One of my closest female friends, American married to a Japaneses guy living in Tokyo, also became a good friend of hers.

    When I finally tried to break up with her, and although she had promised when first getting together that

    "if you ever want to break up I cause you no trouble, it is not my fault I am younger etc". When it finally

    became obvious the age difference was an issue, and after many kindnesses, she went absolutely berzerk and stole

    everything she could get her hands on, and turned in to an absolute monster. Before you judge, I was not even sleeping with her, just let her live with me, as before she was sleeping on the floor in a beauty salon (I met her getting a haircut).

    After a very bad experience (first time in life I understood the saying, "no good deed goes unpunished"), getting repaid with brutal cruelty after taking her out of poverty, paying for mother's gall stone operation etc. My male

    friends (80%!!!) came forward and said "I did not think she was like that", but then proceeded to tell me their stories of woe, and how badly they had been ripped off. One lost a new 4x4, one a house etc. I heard from a few that some men that loved the girl, killed themselves etc. Many said it is the "price of living here, and until it happens you won't believe it" etc. I had read all the books like "Private Dancer" and she spoke reasonable English and had been married before to Thai guy that died (so a widow, which I checked out and was true) and had owned a jewellery business. Obviously not a bar girl etc.

    No matter how cautious I was, and no matter how much due diligence I applied, she still ripped me off blind and fooled all and sundry.

    Please don't respond and say it is not just Thailand, you can't find such endemic behavior elsewhere, except *maybe* the Phillipines. Here is a response to one guy offering possible answers and my response..

    (his take)

    I have a theory for their overall behaviour patterns.

    Basically, the vast majority of single mothers will be from low educated, low income, poor backgrounds where Mum and Dad (if still together as a family unit) can do nothing but try and make money whatever way they can.

    It's not uncommon for the families to be breeding 5,6, 7 + kids. Where is the love and affection for these kids coming from? They simply get swallowed up into the complications of the family. The talk is about nothing but survival and money. When you listen to Thai's talk it is amazing how many of them have to indulge in a conversation about the cost of things and money.

    You have a disagreement with them and they come straight at you with the financial statement. It's almost like a total obsession with them. When they see us they sense an opportunity. This is why the bar girls are the way they are. Totally ruthless, practically fanatical about getting money any way they can.

    Their nurturing has placed them in a vulnerable, unloved position in life. They fill this void and deep insecurities by hooking onto our benevolence. They have no rationality because their own survival takes precedence over ANYTHING else!

    This causes them to pursue ill-gotten gains, steal, cheat and hurt people without any remorse whatsoever. They have survived and that's all that matters!

    (my response)

    I think the above may be somewhat valid, but "M" only has one brother and parents are together, her father is a crane driver. I have been in many other poor countries, and I have found that if you are kind to someone, they generally feel very bad if they screw you over. "M" somehow seems to have twisted her mind to

    believe she deserves half my assets, just coz I was very kind to her for a year??

    When I met her, she was sleeping on the floor of a beauty shop with other girls and penniless.

    She now has money and a business etc. Is there is even a word for gratitude in Thai?

    I look at countries like India, with worse poverty, but the people still seem to have some morals.

    I’m getting back about 10% of what she stole, the cop that promised about 25% was to meet on

    Friday, but holiday, then today (Monday) we find he’s not back until Friday, he was probably bribed by her

    to say that, so they could rape me for more…of course she flirted with all the cops and I had

    watch them believe her bullshit.


    And then this...


    Apparently all Thai's are the same, irrespective of where you meet them or education etc, apparently they do it to each other all the time.

    I asked my pal, “How can she be so cruel after I paid for her moms multiple operations,

    her own five times in hospital, getting her a laptop and a scooter and the trip to Aus etc etc etc etc?”

    He says "right of passage if you try and live here. You won’t believe they can have no remorse or conscience

    or basic honesty until you experience it”


    I literally have known using heroin addicts that have far more ethics.

    But you would/could never believe this unless you experience it.

    It is soo far out of our Western values/beliefs. However Japanese are as honest as most, if not more honest than most.

    So it is not an Asian thing, it must just be a Thai thing (which I am hearing repeatedly).

    On this


    You often read where some Western guy kills himself over being “seduced/robbed/swindled/humiliated” by some Thai girl.

    I used to think ….

    “what a wimp” or “must be really gullible” and “he is old enough to be her father, can’t he see

    she is just in it for the money?” etc etc.

    Other negative stories you hear, you think the guy must have been really gullible/stupid/greedy/sex addict or


    Now I think….

    "Poor bastard, would never have even seen it coming, probably way too trusting a guy to live in Thailand.”

    And can relate completely, many lose their life savings.

    Happens a lot….guys fall in love, she takes him for everything, he kills himself.

    The ironic thing is, I bet they all think “that will show her”, “she will be sorry now” etc.

    But the truth is she will not give a shit and simply wonder how she can gain from his death.

    Thank God I never loved her, more of a sort of charity thing for me, we made it SUPER clear

    and agreed that it was very likely a short relationship. (age etc, and she promised she was fine with that etc)

    It still amazes me, the lack of conscience or even belief in Karma here (supposed to be Buddhist).

    It really is corrupt on soooo many levels.

    I am way too much of a trusting guy to be here (perfect 20/20 hindsight! tho ; )

    I have lived by….

    It is better to suffer wrong than to do it, and happier to be sometimes cheated than not to trust.

    --Samuel Johnson

    Works in most places, but not sure it applies here. Guy should have said ….

    In England, It is better to suffer wrong than to do it, and happier to be sometimes cheated than not to trust.

    --Samuel Johnson

    Anyway, I will survive, many don’t, especially if they were truly trying to help someone, and then get robbed.

    It is far worse to get raped by someone you are trying to help, rather than by a stranger.

    So hard to believe, few believe it (like me) and so the system/scam/con-game goes on.

    Not sure I want to live here, knowing everyone is out to scam me, and is insanely good at it.

    Your pals warn you, but you can’t see it until you are hurt….. BAD.


    I hope this helps someone, I now play their game, act as the "super rich farang" that I am in their eyes, and that I will always be, and now watch the pretty little girls tell me lies, trying to be #2 to rob me, I even get "freebies" in their attempt to get at the "huge money by getting rich by marrying a farang", and when she says "I like fat guys" , I say "I like small breasts" or if she says "young man no good, older man better", I lie back in equal fashion.

    Once bitten twice shy, and having a ball now that I know how the game is played.

    Good luck to us all!


    PS Been visiting here (owned apartment) for 10 years, lived here for two, not interested in hearing how it is not just a Thai thing, or "what about the men that rip off Thai women?" If you believe that, you have no idea and have not researched properly.

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  2. The money is gone , its sad there will be no happy ending to this all to familiar tale of woe. He will not listen until he is broke and alone again.

    How unhelpful!! In my own country (Australia) a drug dealing swindler would be reported to the police, and one would let justice take it's course. Just walking away encourages her to keep being a criminal. Has anyone here heard of a deterrent?

    I too was robbed by a Thai woman I tried to help. Gave her a laptop, scooter, jewellery and a trip to Australia etc.

    When I tried to break up with her, she went berserk and stole everything she could get her hands on.

    I went to the police, got some of the gold back she stole, and trashed her name on Facebook etc. She told people I would just "roll over" and take it, coz other stupid Farangs had. She may still be looking for the next victim, but I made it very unpleasant for her, and the threat of prosecution was the only thing that got my gold back and gave her a lesson in what happens when you steal.

    This is a Thai thing, I have had girlfriends in Japan and Australia and none were criminals like here.

    Do the right thing and get this criminal off the streets, and maybe protect the next benevolent man she will surely con.

    How do you think sociopaths choose their victims? They have a 6th sense as to who is benevolent, and is why we have laws to protect them and punish the vultures.

    Cheers and good luck to one and all!

    • Like 1
  3. If you are skittish or squeamish at all, don’t look at this, but this is what truly happens

    when one of those mini-buses doing 130KPH hits something….

    this is real, ….dead bodies etc, nothing like the movies….


    Look at this Mini-Bus accident on Facebook, dreadful.

    You only need to look at the explosion and debris to guess
    how fast it was traveling.

    Mini-buses are to be used here only as a last resort, you can bet the 12 or more
    occupants were mostly unhappy at the speed that it was traveling and were
    sitting there saying nothing.

    Travel by Mini-Bus as a last resort and SPEAK UP if he is driving like a lunatic
    also sit at the back


  4. Hi,

    Macs rarely get viruses, and this does not sound like one. Try this....

    1) Go to Applications Folder

    2) Near bottom of the list of applications, open the folder called “Utilities”

    3) Click on "Disk Utility.app”…

    4) You will see something like…

    Make sure you choose your main drive on left side, like in this screenshot, and make sure you have chosen “First Aid”.

    5) Click on “Repair Disk Permissions”

    When finished you should see a list of stuff it has fixed like…

    Once you have done this, your machine is all clean and repaired inside, and should be a bit faster too!


    Otherwise contact http://www.machelpnow.com/ , he does support in English by Skype and is very good



    • Like 1
  5. The boss at Phuket immigration should be commended, I have never had a problem there.Number system is great.Expat staff are great.

    I too had a good experience renewing my Retirement Visa and getting a Thai driver's license. The big African American woman

    who got my (day late) visa sorted was like an Angel saving me a trip in and out (visa run)

    When all stamped and done, she was gone, so I left a few cookies with hand gestures they were to share among the staff.

    Whoever came up with the "farang helper first" system, hit a home run!




  6. I too joined the club, was certain she was one thing (honest normal not sociopath), but here is the truth cut from emails to my brother, meant as a warning. Firstly I thought people on this forum were negative and racist against Thais.

    I have done a 180 degree turn, were are just "rich cows" to be milked and despised...

    They are actually taught "all Farangs somehow have unlimited money and are to be swindled if possible".

    I tried to break up with girlfriend Mikky, and even after her 100s of promises, she tried to take me for
    everything I have.(and she got a fair bit)
    I really try not to blame myself too much (although a lot), because she also fooled four guys (and 1 woman) I trust a
    lot, and have lived here for 20 years or more and speak Thai etc. You/I just can’t tell if they are lying.

    It went from...

    Ian (naive and gullible idiot)
    Oh you seem like a nice girl with some problems, I’ll try and help you out of poverty, help you use your brain etc etc
    “Oh your late husband dropped dead when you were so young and you got robbed, I will make sure
    it can’t happen to you again coz I’m a nice guy etc etc”

    Mikky (ethics free thief)
    Stupid old bastard, while alive I’ll take him for whatever I can get, and if he dies,
    I get the apartment, what a moron. I hope he dies soon, and maybe I can get that plane too!
    (bit later)
    Oh shit, he won’t have a baby with me and seems he wants to break up and just be friends.
    I had better RAPE him for as much as possible.

    Apparently all Thai's are the same, irrespective of where you meet them or education etc, apparently they do it to each other all the time.
    I asked my pal, “How can she be so cruel after I paid for her mom's multiple operations,
    her own monthly "salary", getting her a laptop and a scooter plus the trip to Aus etc etc etc etc?”

    He says "right of passage if you try and live here. You won’t believe they can have no remorse or conscience
    or basic honesty until you experience it”

    I literally have known using heroin addicts that have far more ethics.
    But you would/could never believe this unless you experience it.
    It is soo far out of our Western values/beliefs. However Japanese are as honest as most, if not more honest than most.

    (I lived in Japan over 10 years)
    So it is not an Asian thing, it must just be a Thai thing (which I am hearing repeatedly).

    On this

    You often read where some Western guy kills himself over being “seduced/robbed/swindled/humiliated” by some Thai girl.

    I used to think ….

    “what a whimp” or “must be really gullible” and “he is old enough to be her father, can’t he see
    she is just in it for the money?” etc etc.
    Other negative stories you hear, you think the guy must have been really gullible/stupid/greedy/sex addict or

    Now I think….

    "Poor bastard, would never have even seen it coming, probably way too trusting a guy to live in Thailand.”
    And can relate completely, many lose their life savings.

    Happens a lot….guys fall in love, she takes him for everything, he kills himself.

    The ironic thing is, I bet they all think “that will show her”, “she will be sorry now” etc. But the truth is she will not give a shit and simply wonder how she can gain from the death.

    Thank God I never loved her, more of a sort of charity thing for me, we made it SUPER clear
    and agreed that it was very likely a short relationship. (age etc, and she promised she was fine with that etc)

    It still amazes me, the lack of conscience or even belief in Karma here (supposed to be Buddist).
    It really is corrupt on soooo many levels.
    I am way too much of a trusting guy to be here (perfect 20/20 hindsight!)

    I have lived by this….

    It is better to suffer wrong than to do it, and happier to be sometimes cheated than not to trust.
    --Samuel Johnson

    Works in most places but not sure it applies here. <deleted> should have said ….

    In England, It is better to suffer wrong than to do it, and happier to be sometimes cheated than not to trust.
    --Samuel Johnson ; )

    The girl above cleaned out the safe of 16Bht gold, (been together 18 months and trusted her.) I even had a small aircraft (that must be in a Thai's name), bought on borrowed money (worth 1.5M Bht), in her name. She almost got that too!

    I went to the Police and really fought it, as per an article posted here from the Phuket Gazette.

    Got a bit of the gold back, about 15%, and made it really hard for her. Most guys just “roll over”
    and do nothing due to the humiliation and depression etc. I had two physical brawls with them
    and went to police etc. Got death threats so that is why I had to up security (cameras) for a while, (she said I get Mafia kill you) but all sorted now. (probably on to next victim)

    I was so duped and trusting, I left her an apartment in my will when I found out she was a widow (Thai husband dropped dead at 58), when she was 26. I have since had the humiliation of changing it back, and felt the derision and

    ridicule from some that warned me.

    Anyway, I will survive, many don’t, especially if they were truly trying to help someone, and then get robbed.
    It is worse to get raped by someone you are trying to help, rather than by a stranger.

    So hard to believe, few believe it (like me) and so the system/scam/con-game goes on.

    Not sure I want to live, knowing everyone is out to scam me, and is insanely good at it.
    Your pals warn you, but you can’t see it until you are hurt….. BAD.

    As it has been 100% proven, I am unable to tell if a Thai person is 100% honest or 100% evil.

    (at the same time I almost got conned very badly by a Thai man I thought of as a friend)

    For self protection, I must assume they are all out to totally scam me and must not be trusted.

    I simply can't recognize the honest from the dishonest here.

    I have read all the books like "Private dancer", have multiple Thai speaker friends that

    were also fooled. I had been visiting for 10 years, and STILL I was 100% duped. Be VERY careful

    out there guys, if you run into a sociopath, RUN, you can never win in combat, as they will do

    what you will be unwilling to do.


    I hope this saves the next guys....

    1) Put NOTHING in her name. If it can't go in your name, don't own it.

    (this include iPads, phones, motorcycles etc. Keep the receipt if

    you paid for it.)

    2) Don't legally marry them, do the ceremony in their village if you must,

    but not the paperwork. Thank God this witch was just my girlfriend and not my wife.

    If wife, she gets half or more and you are screwed.

    3) She was pushing for a kid, now I see how she could "own" me thru the kid.

    Avoid pregnancies unless you are ok with being blackmailed thru the kid.

    My 3 best friends have all been paying and paying for over 25 years and

    all admit, if no kids, would have "kicked her to the curb" long ago.



    PS Thai girls, WARNING Will Robinson WARNING!!!

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  7. There are not many drivers threatening tourists, but those who are, are creating an enormous problem and affecting the image of all taxi drivers in Phuket. Police need to set an example, so they understand we are serious, Governor Maitri said.

    Really - he needs to get out and about some more. See the real world.

    Why the <deleted>@k are they showing a picture of the tourist and not the taxi driver? Oh i get it, the tourist is to be known to other taxi drivers (troublemaker), and the taxi driver is to remain anonymous so that he can continue operating without people going "I'm not getting a taxi with you, you're that pri#k who assaulted that Lithuanian bloke!"

    Cmon media, show the criminal not the victim (or both)


    • Like 2
  8. Hi All,

    Have a read of this, one neighbour seems happy and the other seems unhappy,

    humour seems to be the difference.

    The title initially was...

    Another Nobody Writing About Their Life

    Only an Aussie could do this.....or the odd Brit or 2


    I have lived here for a year and been visiting for eight years,

    and I am pretty happy. If they could get rid of the taxi mafia

    (and not creating their own political disasters each high season) I would

    be ecstatic!!

    Good luck and good humour to us all.

    Pretty happy Aussie in Phuket!


  9. All females desire to be fairer. Even the white ones yes there are many white females that tan themselves but think about this. They are deathly pale. Some white ppl are just deathly pale so they do tan not that they actually want to be black skinned or really tanned or anything it's just that they are so pale on the extreme scale that even if they did tan they wouldn't be dark skinned like a mexican/thai female. Most females of every race desire to be fairer not darker. African females use bleaching for example. Some white females tan cos most of them are so pale anyhow. The ones like say the spanish ones that aren't that dark don't tan.

    In Australia, England America etc, all the fair girls want a tan and to be darker. Here their desire to be fairer, but is much worse. It is almost an obsession.

    Apparently if a product does not have "white" on it, it does not sell, and that is not just for toothpaste etc, but EVERY cosmetic!

    My wife's cousin died at 22yo from some "get whiter" injections, and yet my wife still buys these BS products to make her whiter.

    At best the products simply don't work, at worse, they can kill you. One thing keeping me from having a kid with her, is that she will pass on this "whiter is better" syndrome. Apparently it stems from farmers are dark coz in the sun, and richer (merchants etc) are whiter coz out of the sun. A class/status system I guess. I see girls all rugged up (and must be boiling), just so they don't get sun on them.

    In Aus, girls all want to be darker, in Thailand they all want to be whiter, it is very ironic. How about

    the concept of "God doesn't make mistakes" and just love how you were made? It is racist and stupid, but doubt it will change anytime soon, all the models and superstars on TV are all very fair and it is simply considered more beautiful here.


  10. Within a month, within 45 days......come on get a grip.

    Just do the job right and do it to completion, that's all they're asked to do.

    If the do that, they'll be heroes.

    Hi All,

    Now I have a Taxi Mafia story. This morning my wife got me to fit a child seat in my Ford Exporer. We live in a resort in Bang Tao. Later our guests and my wife drove away to look around Phuket.

    About 30 min later, reception called and said there was someone to see me at reception. I said "I will be right over". When I got there, just outside the front door was FIVE thugs!? I asked who spoke English and one came forward and started screaming at me in Thai and a bit of English. It took a while, but finally worked out that they thought we were "stealing their business by my wife taking our gusts out for a trip". I explained that for eight years our guests have always used taxis (from out the front) but these were our friends and could not use a taxi as they did not speak good enough English, and they don't have child seats that my guests insisted upon, and could not use a taxi anyway. Apparently this was no good, and the guy tried to drag me outside the reception doorway, one of his pals screamed "<deleted>%$k You" and another gave me the middle finger!? I calmly wiped his hand away from the front of my shirt and he screamed "don't touch me", which is what I should have been screaming. There was no way I was going out on to the street. One actually said "be careful you have family" which was not even a veiled threat! Again, I started explaining that they did not have a child seat and said "you guys must be the taxi mafia I have heard about", then before I could continue he screamed "NO", and I realized there was no reasoning with these guys, and walked away

    back to my apartment. I then went out the side gate, got in the wife's little Honda, and went shopping. They were still at the front door of reception as I drove away.

    I rang a Thai friend and she gave me the number of the tourist police, I called and they were less than useless, and seemed to wonder why I called! ? They suggested making a complaint at my local police station. That is my next move, we will go to Cherng Talay Police Station and make a formal complaint in writing today.

    However since then, while waiting for the wife to return so we can go to the Police, I keep getting warnings that they control Phuket and they own the Poilce and that my person and cars are in grave danger.

    I even have a pal tat said he is too scared of them to even let them see him leaving from his place down the road

    with a friend in the car to play golf!?

    This has got completely out of hand and is ruining Phuket. If the political will was there, this could be fixed very quickly and easily. First, if the new guy above can not fix it, you send in 1,000 Army troops. The King/Govt could send them in with orders to treat any taxi mafia very "harshly". They got rid of Al Capone etc, it just takes the political will, and guys with guns and power of arrest to clean it up.

    I will be sending my story/complaint to every Govt department, newspaper, and news outlet I can think of. If we all write

    to the Govt saying we will not be back due to the taxi mafia, maybe we will get the political will to solve this once and for all.

    Please support me in this with any other stories you have or any ideas how we can rid Phuket of this vermin.



  11. My girlfriend told me the same thing, but I found it hard to believe, she assured me, even if I arrived after the accident, I could easily "become involved" and even be accused of causing it.

    I remained very dubious, until one day driving my new Ford Escape past the Temple on the big bend in Karon,

    as I went around the bend, a scooter darted out from my right. I had to steer a tad more left and thought I may have touched another vehicle parked on the bend out in the traffic (double parked sort of). I stopped, and suddenly there were

    about six Thais screaming at me, there was no damage to my car, so how could I have damaged theirs?. I was in a hurry so offered 2,000bht just to get out of there. More screaming so raised it to 5,000bht, and someone said no 10,000bht, which was totally insane. I said no, and told one of them that was in my face to Fu7%k off. They pointed to a bit of white paint on their black truck, and as I wiped it with my fingers, to see if it would come off, a punch was thrown, and at 53yo, I was suddenly in a small brawl! One kid with sort of orange hair joined in and a threw a punch, and I think he was just passing by!?

    I ended up on my knees fending off a few of them.

    Finally the police came and we all had to go to the Karon Police station. The cop was very cold and suspicious and was listening to "both sides", and not very friendly or helpful. Later, he pulled me aside and was suddenly very nice and said he had seen the camera footage (apparently there is a camera on that bend, thank goodness) but would not show me the tape, as it was suddenly not working properly!? In a separate room, he admitted that everything I had told him was true, and the others had lied totally. He said I could charge a few of them with assault, and maybe send some to jail. He then said "but do you want enemies outside the jail?" He told me some were local mafia, and let me come to the conclusion that is was bettter to "let it go". Finally it cost me 2,000bht (and I still don't know why).

    My girlfriend and some of my long time friends in Phuket, said they would not have stopped and (maybe) driven to a police station. My biggest mistake was stopping, the second one was not staying silent and immediately calling my girlfriend to sort it out. I still find it hard to believe that a Good Samaritan can turn quickly into the victim, but my girlfriend was right. Don't stop at an accident coz you are seen as a "rich farang", and can suddenly be the victim, especially if you run into the wrong Thais.

    The saddest part of it all, is that it has tainted my view that this is the "land of smiles filled with happy people that all get along". I was naive, I now look at a 25yo Thai guy far differently than I used to. I now realize a lot of us are probably hated (we come here and have sex with their women etc) and there may be some very violent resentment just under the surface. Sad but true ; (

    Good luck to us all...


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