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  1. I moved into a brand new apartment complex - I asked my landlord about removing the plastic he said well you wouldn't want to sleep on that! As previously suggested buy a mattress protector mind you, you can carefully cut along one end of the plastic covering & slide it off then replace it when you move they can be folded up reasonably small.
  2. I'm an 80 yr old British/Australian expat without health insurance and it really annoys me when posters comment on what others should do or haven't done with regard to health cover. Before turning 75 I decided to apply for ins. I live a healthy life style not smoked for 45yrs only drink on special occasions and i'm practically a vego also don't eat dairy products and up until 2 yrs ago walked about 30klms a week - despite this I have moderately high BP and have had a few ops. the medical for the ins. was all good with the BP exception. the response from the insurer was a list of exclusions which covered just about every health problem I was likely to face in the future plus they upped the projected premium by some 15000bt. even the broker said he woudn't accept it. I also fail to understand why all health cover offered is International I live in Thailand and that's the only country I require cover for! The positive is I've paid nothing to these money grabbers and I'm pretty sure I never will!!!
  3. Hi yes of course you can. A friend died about a year ago he had an expensive new Asus laptop which his daughter who lives in England wanted. Thailand post have a courier service in the main Chiang Mai PO they also have a packaging service you just fill in the required forms I think it cost around 3500Bt & she received it in 3 days! Passengers travel domestically/internationally everyday carrying their mobiles & laptops!!
  4. Information re: WRlife can be obtiained from the UK Govt. Companies register which shows they're a Limited Liability Partnership - I have followed this company on & off it was registered in 2015 when it had minimal assets of around 6000GBP. I've never found anyone who's had a successful claim or otherwise with this co. I did speak to AA Insurance and also a broker in CM about them earlier this year both said they were an option but had no further info about them. I believe they have an agent in Samui but not spoken to them. It all seems a little secretive.
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