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Posts posted by ggt

  1. Demonstrations and riots are going to escalate in the years to come...no country will be totally exempt...people are fed up with ineffective leadership and squandering of resources...

    The elite barricade themselves in fortresses while employing private armies to keep the peasants away from their stolen wealth...

  2. Freaking world is one big soap opera...with many small-plots playing out around the world...

    There is a void of leadership...in every country...except N. Korea...gigglem.gif

    It appears we...as a collection of diverse people around the world...have decided not to get along and are headed full speed into the abyss...

    It will not be recorded who fired the first shot...history will remember that no one wanted to take the mantel of peacemaker...preferring war and destruction over peace and tranquillity...

  3. This debacle has all the ingredients of a major conflict...no one will give in...no one will accept the other's claim to the area...

    The US may be drawn into a conflict with China...half-way around the world...which could escalate into a full-blown world war...

    Not a pretty picture...the US will not be exempt from massive death and destruction...if this thing gets out of control...

    The Chinese and Russians are prepared to do damage...while Muslim terrorist would love to seize an opportunity like this to divide American into regions...quickly pitting people of color and religious differences against one another...much like they have done in the Middle East...

    The US could become hell-on-earth if cooler heads do not prevail...

  4. Clinton needed some positive news...positive press...and momentum...

    The elephant in the room is not Trump...but that old white man...who will just not go away...

    Even though she went into this election season with a coronation on the horizon...ole Bernie has not given-up or given-in...

    He has two things going for him...Clinton could be indicted for her criminal activity as Sec. of State...and the Dems Convention could turn into a free-for-all...pitting Clinton's welfare, wall-street, establishment minions against Bernie's young somewhat militant voters...begging for a change of the old guard...

    Great entertainment for those who find it interesting to watch the world of politics evolve...

  5. Some even suggest that the service is expensive – those really are Thai bashers who have lost the plot.

    Thai basher posts...seem to always be followed by a Troll Post like this one...

    Troll Posts like this always have a money motive...

    What is yours?

  6. My God Dazzz...how long have you been here? Thais seldom get anything right the first time...seldom redo the work if they have already been paid...and think nothing of selling everything a farang gives to them...

    Many farang gifts end up in the pawn shop...only to be reclaimed with the next sucker comes along to pay the pawn bill...

    This is Thailand...do not get upset over the small stuff...stick to the big picture...

    Your are happy here, right?

  7. You would think that after 8 years you would know some of the correct terminology and procedures, (fines/blocked/renew visa), yet you seem totally clueless.

    <deleted> give the guy a break ive been here 16 years admittedly for a great proportion of that time on WP so accountants did everything, i just signed photocopies of S***t

    NOW quite shamelessly i just get someone/ company to renew my visa or extension of stay each year i pay them i have really no idea what happens but i get my yearly visa along with multiple re entry permits and that's it.

    no fuss no paperwork needed ,,, and i suspect i am not alone

    You...my friend...have figured out how to make the system work for you...less hassles, less aggravation...keeping your sanity and blood pressure in tact...good job...

    • Like 1
  8. Just as the hiring grinds to a halt...so will the economy one day...the Fed is powerless to keep the ponzi scheme of pouring money into the market while dropping interest rates to near zero going...it has not jump started the economy...has lessened the value of the dollar and like a sinking ship...other countries are trying to get rid of their US bonds and dollars...

    I could see the US sinking into the abyss...following in the footsteps of Venezuela....people starving, digging thru garbage cans, high-jacking food trucks, and rioting in the streets...

    Add this to the tension among the races and all hell could break loose in the US one day...

  9. You are kidding me right? Have you any idea how many times you have been overcharged? Of course you don't...you are not supposed to notice...

    Start counting your change...pay attention to your restaurant bill...and yes, even the supermarket will rip you off...don't worry about your little mistake...

  10. The Monk was not in his right mind...Thai whiskey was acting out and doing the talking...hope the little girl was unharmed and undamaged emotionally...

    Glad he got his rear-end kicked...

    So we let him off with an apology !!!!!!!! Monks should not be drinking any sort of alcohol coffee1.gif

    Many Monks appear to not be in their right minds these days...the Monks should be policing their own ranks and getting rid of the corrupt false Monks...this Monk was under the influence of alcohol...made a big mistake...and got his ass kicked...literally...what more would you like...cut off his member?

  11. Justice is Blind...especially so when people who are being questioned about details of a case...refuse to talk, destroy vids and emails...and generally snub the Justice System without penalty...

    Justice has not been served in the US courts in many years...corruption is the rule...lying under oath is the norm...sad state of affairs...

    There is no incentive to be honest anymore...crime has proven to pay for most white collar criminals...especially politicians...

  12. More people trying to have a voice in Thai politics...soon to be spending time in "attitude adjustment"...some getting a "Lese Majesty" bogus charge so they can be put away quietly...

    How do you defeat a "Lese Majesty" charge...you can not...

    Had something similar going in American many years ago..."The Salem Witch Trials"...lives destroyed by gossip and innuendo...

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