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Posts posted by ggt

  1. This is huge! The "people" have spoken...let the hate monger progressive liberals begin...they are not just sore losers...they are just plain losers...period...

    You watch the Clinton campaign...do some severe scrambling to try and change her narrative...Trump triumphs...Clinton loses in this vote...

  2. How would you like some bureaucrat...who could care less about your country...making decisions for the collective...telling your country's leadership how to conduct business?

    What did they gain? FREEDOM! Freedom from being told how many ME immigrants they must accept and support...how, when, and where they can conduct commerce...

    The world elite leadership is working the world over for a One World Government...so the elites can control the people...and keep their lofty status...

    The people have spoken...yes there will be turmoil in the markets for awhile...so be it...

  3. Let us not over react here...the chances of these illegal immigrants being shipped back to their home countries is extremely slim...

    Depends upon who wins the US Presidency...If Clinton wins...nothing at all will be done...nothing will change...more illegals pouring into the country and placed on assistance while the county is going broke and Clinton raising more taxes...

    If Trump wins...then he will build a fence...and send any new illegals found crossing the boarder back immediately...those illegals who have established a track record of good citizenship and working...will be given a penalty and a path to citizenship...IMHO

    This US Supreme Court ruling shows how biased and dysfunctional the Supreme Court has become...

    Obama tried to usurp Congress and acting as a dictator...determine the fate of illegals without changing the laws that presently address this situation...his actions were illegal and unconstitutional...

    The Supreme Court voted along party lines...rather than defend the law and Constitution...

    The average American citizen is fed up with leadership putting partisan politics above the laws, Constitution, and the good for American and American people...

    Trump may ride this ground-swell of patriotism into the White House...

  4. Welcome to ThaiVisa Forum...

    You are having your first lesson in why many people are reluctant to post here...the poster becomes the object of ridicule and gets bashed instead of posters either answering the question or just moving on if it does not interest them...

    Do not be discourage...just pay no attention to the nasty responses...realize they seldom if ever post and spend their time being critical of other posters...

    Enjoy your access to some world class poon-tang....don't worry about their lack of sophistication...or mental development...

    After all...is that so important to you?

    If so, maybe you could look for a Thai with a Phd...maybe she will have a broader world-view...

    Good Luck!

    Can I ask, do you actually live in Thailand?

    Of course you may ask...ask any inane, silly, foolish, stupid, fatuous, idiotic, ridiculous, ludicrous, absurd, senseless, asinine, frivolous, vapid question you wish...no problem.

  5. The world now has 7.4 billion people...increasing daily...whereas it may take thousands of years for a new island to be formed from volcanic activity...

    Men have been fighting over land and other world resources since the world began...it is only going to become worse...

    Chinese are the most forward thinking people on the earth...going from continent to continent...buying up valuable natural resources on the cheap using the massive amounts of US dollars they have accumulated selling counterfeit products to unsuspecting US citizens...on the cheap...

    The title to a piece of land in a 3rd world country...ultimately comes down to who controls the power...

    Heaven help us!

  6. The entire world is embroiled in turmoil due to economic slowdown, unemployment, religious terrorists, and a shortage of goods and services.

    I'm not seeing any shortages of anything, anywhere, and certainly not of goods and services.

    No problems with shortages of good and services here.... just a shortage of their money.... or at least their credit.... which doesn't allow them to get what they want/need.... face , ego.


    Thailand has one of the most robust economies...even as it appears to be declining...on the planet...the government encourages individual entrepreneurs...many of the world's governments have over-regulated businesses and are experiencing a dramatic decline...several countries are busted...can not pay their bills...just a matter of time before more countries experience a Venezuela-like anarchy...

  7. The entire world is embroiled in turmoil due to economic slowdown, unemployment, religious terrorists, and a shortage of goods and services.

    I'm not seeing any shortages of anything, anywhere, and certainly not of goods and services.

    Thailand...and Asia in general has not experienced a shortage as of yet...other parts of the world...those countries who have mismanaged their income and resources...many are on the brink of debt default...which brings about the shortage alluded to in the original post...Venezuela with it's empty store shelves, lack of jobs and lack of leadership...is the first to experience anarchy...will not be the last..

  8. The increase in violence is not unique to Thailand...check out the activity in South America, Africa, the Middle-East, Europe, and even the US...

    The entire world is embroiled in turmoil due to economic slowdown, unemployment, religious terrorists, and a shortage of goods and services.

    There are few places in the world...where violence has not increased dramatically over the last few years...

    Expect it to get worst...take a look at Venezuela for an example of what is to come...

  9. This is every "on-line" Thai woman's dream...lasso a foreign husband who will adore her so much that he gives her all his money...a house, car, motorcycle, takes in her parents and children and does not make a fuss when they ignore him around the dinner table by speaking only Thai and never looking his way...

    Ah, Yes...Ole Harold is living the dream...every Thai woman's dream...

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