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Posts posted by donniereadit

  1. Well, anytime you have military on the street it's not 100% safe. If you see cops behind barricades that's not safe either. Same goes for tear gas and water cannons. Not really safe.

    It's probably safe if you avoid those particular areas where such things are happening. The main danger would be getting sidetracked for one reason or another, maybe because of traffic problems or whatever and getting caught up in things or wanting to take pictures and observe out of curiosity. It's also not a good idea to walk around witheither red or yellow clothing or bandanas on during the protest days.

  2. The fear factor is not there for me. I would simply fly out and likely relocate to Cambodia or Vietnam.

    I also don't have confidence in any groups ability to organize or think well enough to pull anything off.

    A disorganized military response in Bangkok would be at the top of my worries, them are not much educated either.

    • Like 1
  3. I eventually attacked a dog back and ever since then any dog ANYWHERE has not bothered me again aggressively. Sure, I get a bark once in awhile but no approaching.

    They can sense whether you are willing to retaliate.

    In my case and I suspect a few others, the hesitation shown and why these dogs are so bothersome, is due to the fact that somebody is always there watching. A Thai is always there on a motorbike or porch watching how you interact with the dog, or just watching you period.

    You become this evil farang who is mean to the dog or violent, and dares to become angry which is taboo. So many people slither away and act all docile which makes the dog all the more confident and they can sense it.

    • Like 1
  4. Lived here several years but still can't get out of my mind how down and out pitiful these guys seem. They don't seem like men to me, more just an immaturity, maybe it's because they are drunk during the interviews? Or normal behavior in UK? Other ideas?

    Yes, but on the other hand they look so much younger than the Brits in Bangkok and Chiang Mai. It must be the sea air.

    If those old prunes looked happy you need to watch the video again.

  5. Bangkok should be great for meeting friends, who have lots of other friends, who go out all the time. In fact I think it's one of the top cities in the worl for it.

    Not sure how old you are but serious friendships can be difficult if you don't fit into some of the crowds over here. The Thai cultural barrier will be there with Thais, and with foreigners you either get a younger crowd passing thorough on holiday or older retirees over 50, or just sketchy type people you can toast with but never really trust.

  6. Not miss:

    1. firework yearround.

    After awhile celebrations don't feel as special as they were before when you get so many holidays. I find myself often wishing everyone would just shut up and enjoy quiet more now like it was a holiday.

    Same with a lot of stuff here that seems overblown and loses the 'special-ness' of it for long term expats. Smiles everywhere, easy girls, tolerant attitudes all examples. Can starts to feel un-genuine after awhile also when you get it every time.

    • Like 1
  7. I'll be in the Big C beer court. It's 105 for a jug of Chang draught with free perving of the beer girls. Next will be a slap up meal of chicken on rice with the spicy sauce for 35 baht from one of the food concessions before rounding off the evening with a 9 baht ice cream cone from Diary Queen downstairs.

    How late is that beer court open?

  8. how are you going to make money when you have to employ two thai people?

    you love to cook, but if you do you are breaking the law.

    It's not even paying them that's the real danger.

    By bringing in locals that you don't really know that are poor to begin with and don't earn much compared to you, you are opening a whole can of worms with possible blackmail scenarios, payoffs, legal issues etc. You could find real honest gems but they will likely be held on tight by other employers and therefore demand higher pay.

    • Like 1
  9. I would not miss the immature drunks. Not drinking, bars, or getting wasted. Has nothing to do with age.

    Something about Thailand makes people not afraid to act idiotic and stupid. Could be rose colored glasses, getting laid, or just the type who gravitates here. I'm not sure exactly what is is. But you get a lot of grown men acting kind of immature and childish in bars and other such locations here, that would have a more macho and tough vibe in the US.

  10. I understand, I'm not going to be upset if no one sends money to his family, but I just think the criticism could be less hurtful and more helpful. I am not in Thailand, I don't know how to help him, but I figure a few of you have some ideas for jobs or even leads.

    Here's a thought.....Why not grow up, ditch the I wanna be a super star gig and take care of business on his own! I mean he was adult enough to have children, why not be adult enough to take care of them?

    There is a solution to the problem, send the family back to Isaan and let her family help watch over them. Contact the Embassy and get an emergency flight back to the States, find a job and when he's back on his feet send for the family!

    What are you waiting for? it to get worse?

    But it's not the easy way out, better to let the public feel his pain so he can sit at home and play on the computer all day!

    Some people like to complain, and others like reading about it on forums. If you don't like it GO HOME.

  11. I lasted as far as "Today's thanksgiving, and urrr I don't have anything to be thankful for..."

    Someone posted previously that this guy was, when things were going well for him, 'god fearing' (I don't really understand how fear, in any context, is meant to be an admirable quality, but that's for another discussion) and now that finances have taken a turn for the worse, has 'nothing to be thankful for' and has become this sad and angry unfortunate.

    I don't think people actually change too much when life gets difficult. I think that's when their true character comes to the surface.

    Usually, this happens earlier in life, which gives a person a chance to alter their view of the world.

    Sometimes people's world view is already set firmly, and they find it difficult to make any changes.

    There are many things that can be done to adjust the way in which we interact with the world, to try to improve our situation in life. How we see our situation and how we got there in the first place, sometimes helps us to get up out of a rut we're in and get things back on track.

    Making a youtube video that begins with the sentiment "I have nothing to be thankful for" probably won't help. In fact, it definitely won't help.


  12. Like others, I've never had any issues with the taxis in BKK. I use them pretty much every day and the meter is never an issue.

    I wonder why some people seem to have quite a hard time with them and others don't.

    The minimum fare of 35 baht has been the same since I got here - probably longer, I don't know - but it does seem awfully cheap.

    I think it should be raised to 50 baht.

    The driver's gotta eat, <deleted>

    You have been extremely lucky. Luckier then (tens)thousands of thais that have files complaints and luckier then many other non thais.

    Please tell us which "good luck amulet" you wear.

    Crappy clothes probably.

    • Like 1
  13. Why is the emphasis on him being fat. I have an over weight friend who is active and productive in life.

    You are correct that many overweight (not yet obese) and obese people live good lives. Yes people can be fat and healthy. However, once you get to the point of morbid obesity and super morbid obesity the harsh reality is that your very life is seriously at VERY HIGH risk. Also of course already existing (and related) serious diseases like diabetes. Because of that, I think the focus makes sense.

    So can I interpret his situation to be solely based on the fact that he is morbidly obese?

    You can interpret his situation however you like. From my POV, he has presented multiple serious problems, some very direct threats to his life. Depends on how your brain filters priorities. In my world STAYING ALIVE is gonna be tops. There is little doubt that his actual real life problems including most likely mental depression have contributed to more severe obesity but of the course severe obesity fuels mental health / physical health / social / employment / financial problems as well, kind of a vicious cycle. I have never suggested that addressing the severe obesity magically solves all problems. In a case like this ... where do you start ...

    With his visa expiring shortly, no food and no way to work without the visa or with extension money, his immediate need is money, period. Otherwise, he could be jailed and not be able to pay the huge exit fine on departure.

    Surgery or some "Science Diet" can wait until hjs food and shelter needs are pat away and he knows he won't be rotting away in the Immigration Detention Center.

    Surgery is a long term goal that he will have to save for and harder decisions are on the horizon like, what's more important, family or increased life span.

    An additional issue is that the surgery would likely only be affordable if it was done in Thailand. Getting it taken care of free through a Government program in the USA would be a difficult fight that would take a long time, if ever. Can he get on his Thai wife's medical, or does he have insurance now? If he could get the surgery done here before the visa expires that would be a good way to go.

    When your broke like this every step forward takes you back two. The hole actually becomes bigger as you try to dig your way out.

  14. Does anyone have any experience with just getting out and not paying? What was the response, were police involved?

    Have been tempted do do just that several times when either the meter was not running or I caught someone taking a long route on my GPS. Things somehow work out, but sometimes it's just easier to not get upset about it, get out and flag another taxi. Saves face better also.

    One time I ordered to stop when the meter was not turned on after I got in and we started and he did not do so. I opend the door while he was driving and he quickly pulled over. Lucky he did not have an automatic door lock from the front. So keep your hand on the door handle in the open position until he switches on the meter, or ask them to switch it on before you get in LOL.

  15. I'm not in a position to judge anybody's worth as a human being, but if he's actually super morbidly obese as it seems he is, my hope that he can find a way to get medical assistance for that remains (and that would almost definitely need to be surgery).

    What does "super morbidly obese" mean?

    Is there a weight to height formula for that, or is it a term that should only be determined by a medical practictioner.

    Yes I posted it before. There is a BMI level, over that and you have that medical classification. I think unless this man is very tall he is easily into SUPER morbid obesity. The standard medical treatment is surgery but some patients are just too unhealthy otherwise to do the surgery.

    Basically the levels are

    Underweight (maybe there are other underweight levels as well, but off topic here)

    "Normal Weight"



    Morbidly Obese

    Super Morbidly Obese

    Some people think you have to be a subject of a t.v. documentary and weigh 700 pounds to be SUPER morbidly obese. Not so.

    Of course short of surgery eating a healthier diet and moving (within reason, such super obese people simply CANNOT do strenuous exercise) with a view towards some weight loss is definitely good, though that will almost never be a long term solution for people THAT fat.

    What are your reasons for finding him at SUPER MORBIDLY OBESE level?

    380 lbs is just about twice my body weight and I'm pretty thin. He appears pretty mobile and the weight does not appears to prevent functioning, but obviously it is a hinderance.

    I would put him at between OBESE and MORBIDLY OBESE, not SUPER DUPER MORBIDLY OBESE!

    Looking a the X-Mas video it appears that he has supportive family in Canada that can afford to send a small package at $80 postage and give gold watches. Even I go out of my way to send flat rate boxes. Perhaps they can help with an airline ticket.

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