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Posts posted by donniereadit

  1. It's been so long since I've had a jury summons that I wonder if they've refined the system. My voting is based on my US address, but they have my address here and always mail my ballot to me here in Thailand. I wonder if they know now not to bother sending me a summons anymore since I have a foreign address also registered. Not heard anything like that, just wondering since it's been maybe 15 or 20 years since my last jury summons.

    Who's getting your mail in the US? They could be tearing up the summons without your knowledge.

  2. They have involved formulas that determine whether you owe or not, taking past history, inheritances many more things in the computer. They may even have access to passport records, not sure.

    There are also 'amnesty periods' where you can back file and pay what you owe penalty free.

    It's better to just file. Even though the chances of an audit are extremely low, garnishment and passport problems even lower, it's really the mental payoff that you know it's one less thing to worry about. The slight chance you may find that US bank account frozen while overseas of the US immigration saying something every time is just not worth it.

    That's what it sounds like you are dealing with here. It will only get worse as time goes on. File now and bite the bullet.

  3. As for me. I live in the beautiful north of Thailand, I have wonderful Thai friends, business partners, and social relationships. I eat fresh healthy food for a fraction of the cost of most ANY other place on this planet. Housing is stunningly cheap, and the list of daily life positives is literally too long to list here.

    What about the smog?

    I'm in CM, and it's a real choker.

    I am fortunate in that it does not bother me. I also get out into the mountains 25 km outside almost every day. This last week total gray in the city. I saw at least some blue sky every day in the mountains.

    Going 25 clicks into the mountains to see blue sky does not register as a positive in my book. Perhaps you need to move to a different country and commute back in every day.

  4. Jeez this thing blew up a bit.

    I'm meant OVER 26. 26 as a minimum age. He's 40+ and maybe closer to 50 but is active and is healthy.

    After being at Bumrungrad all day I think suggesting looking into some hospitals and meeting people there would be great. The problem is he probably has no plans to stay in Thailand and a professional woman like that would also be hesitant to depart.

    I have a few connections but I just finished university less than a year ago and all my friends are from the gym and not around the girls that would be good for this.

    When I met my girlfriend I was in America and didn't know what I was getting myself into but it turned out okay. Maybe that's really the best advice. Just go for it and see what happens but keep your wits up.

    Online might be a good start. I'm guessing it's pretty easy to figure out what someone is after and I suppose the girls must know English to do it. But obviously there's a certain type that use dating sites. No offense to anyone of course.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    is this guy open to advice or asking you, or are you getting involved with the type of women he chooses on your own?

    you mentioned his choices back home are with wrong types, says who? i can't imagine a guy of this age asking for adivice on where to meet good women.

    does pops need re-schooling?

  5. Not sure what rock you crawled out from under but...

    This is so commonly known these days that have done any reading on Thailand and relationships that I figure most people know the stories and risks involved.

    So complaining after the fact is soon becoming more like a whine. And nobody likes a man who whines.

    Doing a thing with good intentions and, probably, trust and then getting <deleted>, is no reason to whinge you think ? He has every reason to it IMO. In fact you are saying; naivety deserves no reciprocity !

    FIrst of all, I'm assuming is a MAN we are talking about.

    He needs to accept responsibility for this going in and possibility of things going south WAS there.

    If this is not the case, I have to question what's wrong with this guy emotionally or what personality problems he has.

  6. Mass mailing job applications/resumes doesn't work anywhere. The kicker is that the Hammer dude was offended that he didn't receive any polite declines from prospective employers. Is he serious? At my company, we get job applications all the time. All the time. Do we respond to every single one? Of course not. This is part of what makes his anti-Thai rant so lacking in credibility. But in all honesty, I hope a few like him listens and follows his lead.

    He sounds like an attention-seeking English teacher who failed.

    So what? No one will miss him when he's gone.

    I'm glad reading this thread wasted some of your time...

    When you die remember the precious time you wasted reading this.

  7. Your probably going to get similar negatives with a cultural twist in any big city in Asia...

    Cities are basically limited land areas where people are packed in coming for jobs and the lifestyle is not that great and cost of living increases. Living like a rat basically in a small space.

    No surprises there.

    If you can be anywhere, and your not there for degenerate reasons like prostitutes, then the best decision is to go somewhere else where the cost of living is less expensive and you can live well and still get the city stuff which is not all that different from any other city, if that's what floats your boat.

    Cities like Shanghai and Beijing are however quite expensive, probably on par with or more then Bangkok. Hong Kong is very expensive to live there. Saigon or Hanoi may be better bets cost-wise for you, finding a job would be easier in China though where they are used to international business.

    I will admit however that there was something specifically about Bangkok that I disliked more then other large cities I have lived in (not sure why). Just a month or two and was itching to get out.

    I did not meet anyone who had a regular "career" job there, other then bars, teaching english the usual riff-raff stuff. There was a guy running a meditation center in Chiang Mai, that's about it. Thailand is not really like the West or China even from what I saw, where you can go in and interview as a foreigner and be given the benefit of the doubt with skills over nationality.

    Prostitution and the lifestyle is not really glamourous as some make it out to be. There are a lot of negatives, like drugs, emotional problems, disease, need I go on? Thailand is basically sacrificing much of the good of their culture for quick cash. The Thais know this and you will find the negativity from that fruit seller, passive-aggression, visa regulations and stuff like this will just increase over time.

  8. Funny how people rave about the "great pizza" every chance they get. I think a lot of the posts are restaurants plugging their joints, or it's some thin French cracker thing.

    Not the western pizza you may be talking about in the US from domino's.

    Fact is, they can't cook western food here. Don't even get me started on the great "western breakfasts" with a couple pieces of cold hot dog as a "sausage".

    I call them pizza crackers. Basically a crisp cracker with a spattering of cheese, some olives. In all honesty never tried pizza hut though, could be interesting, but way over priced.

    I'll warn you about the couple mexican places by the moat as well. I gave up and just got used to local Thai stuff.

    • Like 1
  9. The girl I was with was afraid to come to the USA with me, because one of her friends cautioned that she might be "sold" by me and never seen again. I guess that happens, but.....sheesh, these girls went to college and they still worry about that?

    not to mention, I would have to go with her to get the Visa and show my face to the US Embassy!

    These fears are real and justified, and reveals her perception of you not ignorance.

    How would having a good education protect her from being sold into slavery to a brothel overseas?

    And if she did disappear after leaving Thailand, you think anyone here worried about her could get action from the State Dept?

    What they are looking for is people who can support themselves.

    They keep getting people who are dependent on a man for income, plane tickets etc. When they get abroad he skips or stops paying and she has no way to support herself. So the threat of prostitution is very real.

  10. I know that Thai females will not eyeball you unless they really like you (non-prostitute type).

    With other dudes it's is a sort of extroverted type-a thing you find in the western business world that's not really appropriate for asia.

    All those things you learned to do in a job interview in the west, you have to re-learn here.

    After living here awhile I now find the brash eye contact/staring embarrassing coming from other westerners where I never was in the West. For example, in a public venue like when I enter a restaurant.

    There is also the thing with the French who overtly stare at your food when it's served. Sometimes the whole table next to you turning around and staring for quite awhile and "raping your food" as I call it.

  11. Dont waste your time

    Agreed !!

    It's worth doing just for the novelty of it. There is a nice hotel that faces the river. Turn right after going across the bridge and down a couple blocks, it borders the river. 500 baht a night last time I was there. You can hear the water at night.

    The locals in Tachilek, esp the young women, are much friendlier/but more shy then on the Thai side. If your thinking of doing more then talking, don't bother because it's not in the same league as Thailand and you can get into trouble with it. So either stay in your comfort zone, or better yet kick your arse back to the UK or wherever you came from.

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