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Posts posted by donniereadit

  1. All Pattaya is a road of bars and your talking mostly to other foreigners acting like retards, or from other places like russia, england etc who are drunk. The Thai people you meet are all on the same game and will all say the same thing to you will pretty much the same questions. Ditto for Bangkok, you could be in any big city and it would not be much different.

    If your paying airfare, I would recommend the meditation retreat if at a temple or just a trip through the countryside or isaan where you can get some unique experiences to take back with you that are different then where you are coming from. Unless, you have not been laid in ages and just have to go all the way to Pattaya for it.

  2. I'm always doing laundry. Unlike a lot of foreigners I know, like my neighbor, I enjoy washing my own clothes by hand, so I always have clean clothes.

    Many foreigners get their laundry done at a service, either because they are used to getting things done for them, or never did learn to do their own laundry. At most once a week.

    Either way, I always tell them that's where the term smelly farang comes from. They are walking around in skank because they can't do their own laundry. Anyone who can't do their own laundry sucks.

  3. I have some sympathy for these type posts when they are by guys in their 20s or very early 30s. But someone in their 40s should be a little more worldly, I think. Sometimes, these things have the sound of a fourteen year old girl out on her first date. Sorry, like I say, I have sympathy for these type messages but not in this instance. Far too fishy.

    It does seem like an odd question for anyone over 30. However, in your 40's you either should be employed in the prime earning years saving for retirement or well enough off to not care about working anymore. Anything less and you are in risky territory financially. Sounds like he is ok, but just marginally, not enough to really kiss it off altogether or enough to be comfrotable demonstrating that money don't matter any longer.

    So that's a valid worry for the parents. Can he hang on and support a family with what he has? They may not be able to bail him out either when he's sitting there with 8 kids.

  4. Exactly. Hiso is a bizarre creation the simplest definition of which to me would be wannabe snob.

    Agree. Hiso to me is a term that makes me cringe. I too equate it to wannabe snob or Nouveau Riche.

    If you have real class, you dont actually care about class..for you have no need nor desire to prove anything. For people with real class (or real hiso- whatever that may actually be..for i believe the term hi-society is for those craving Liberace style‎ overt status. ..the type that require obvious brand names to show their worth for example!), this type of "scene" is showy, pretentious and downright grotesque.

    There is no such thing as not caring about class. High society class is learned not born. It comes from years of proper upbringing by a cultured family or tutors. It does not come naturally.

    It also does not require money. In fact, the richer a lot of people get the more self-centered and crass they become. They will never fit into high society no matter how much they have.

    It seems like the op is not just looking for someone who is wealthy. The question is asking about women who have some standards in behavior and culture that are not just the low life bar stuff he's probably having an issue with. I don't blame him.

  5. It's the same as meeting someone at their level anywhere. You have to goto hi-so functions, or live in a hi-so area and know people and not just walk in stag.

    A good start would be building a successful career or business, making contacts and attending hi-so functions with your contacts and moving into a hi-so living situation. If you don't have these you can't compete with the men who are there vying for the women in these places, just like men are anywhere.

    Find your ground.

  6. 2 to 3 months sounds like a holiday romance to me. i hope you have lived here awhile and are not just visiting.

    1 mil sinsot sounds crazy. even paying that in the usa for a fancy wedding and everything would be pushing it for most. it's mostly symbolic these days, so it's weird that an amount was discussed, unless on a casual note.

    i need to know someone years before marriage is discussed, even bringing up such serious questions so soon would red flag me, but i'm really careful. it's a sacred act.

    i have done the family meeting and it's definately better to do it on a casual note. it's hard enough to deal with the language barrier and cultural differences, i would just bring gifts, have a drink or buy the family dinner and keep things light. maybe limit the stay to several days also, and not linger around for weeks etc.

    the thai family will be watching your every move, and can sense emotional responses well. during the family meeting/visit it's also much better if she has known you a long time and knows how you respond under stress. so she can read you as you go along and temper the situation and keep things from getting out of control. otherwise it's likely someone will show irritation or some other problem.

  7. Often if you appear legit and respectable ladies will approach and ask if your local or have contacts in the area. If yes, they will not pursue.

    The bar stuff is a loss of face for many Thais, even if they are there of their own free will. When you learn more about Thai culture you will see what's going on under the surface.

  8. My advice would be make your own choices in life. Crash or burn man, but do it on your own terms. On thing Thailand seems to be full of is losers who make their living advising other people on how they should live and who they should do it with. Think about it.

    • Like 1
  9. You can still find nice quiet bungalows in Pai walking distance to town on that hill across the river. In the rice patties. Nice and quiet, not many people around, good view.

    Just hike around the countryside and go into town for food. No real reason to linger in town any longer then you have to.

    Do & see attractions are by definition crowded touristy places. Same with pools and lakes. Noisy kids and people all around them. Maybe risk going to the hot springs up there during the off season. Your better off just wandering around and learning to enjoy being there.

  10. Thanks for all your replies. To clarify the situation the property has apparently already been sold. My wife didnt know about this until yesterday, and the shortfall is 800,000thb. We have no intention in the near future of living or buying a business, property or any other assets in thailand so that part of the bankruptcy isnt a problem. My wife is a british citizen and has a good career here in the uk. My original post was to really ask whether she can move freely in and out of thailand. Sent from my GT-I9505 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I don't believe an arrest warrant is issued for foreclosure / loan type situations in most countries. Almost certainly you would have to be served first and a chance to show up in court. I'm not 100% though since from the USA not familiar with Thai judicial system.

    She has a UK passport that was issued long after the problems began. They go by passport number, not by name going through immigration. Even a wanted fugutive would pass by.

    If you want to be anal and super safe just make sure any forms she fills out that nothing has her old address, maiden name, address of kids, husbands name or anything like that on it. Sometimes an error is made on the DOB and it will be off by a day.

    800k is enough to hide and be comfortable with the decision. Getting involved with a lawyer is an idiotic move if you don't have the money to settle the bill, or are not willing to pay at least half of it. It would make things more complicated and worrisome then they already are, especially in this country with uneducated people, bribes etc. I would just ignore the whole issue.

  11. Don't respond to the ex-husband, and don't reveal any info, addresses, email etc to him or anyone that calls. People try this to get proof for the court that you know about the problem.

    You can deal with it directly with the court if they ever find you. Keep all assets in your name and out of Thailand.

    • Like 1
  12. The search has probably more to do with the posters own stuff, then the missing. The poster even admit they talked on a forum only and have never even met and is basically going off a forum exchange letters and what someone had said behind a computer screen.

    I suspect hte poster is someone who wants to disappear on his own, but can't. Or is somehow projecting his fear and anxiety onto a penpal he has never even met.

  13. If they wanted to contact you they would.

    So, the search is being made on the unlikely event that:

    1. They are in a coma and can't lift a finger to call or are on one of those ventilation machines and may need emotional support or help with hospital bills

    2. Something unsavory has happened and you want to get even with the culprits

    3. They have been stranded on a remote desert island and may be in need of rescue (like 'Gilligan's Island')

    4. They are being held hostage by pirates and you want to help with the ransom

    5. They went rock climbing alone and their arm got caught in a craggy peak, and they have a week or so before they have to cut off their arm.

    6. ?

  14. Lifestyle levels exist in every country. You just need to move and increase lifestyle if your getting irritated like this. You are too far down the trough so to speak.

    Same thing would happen in Thailand if I were to move into some of those tin housing shacks on the city perimeter.

  15. Who are they missing from? No family. Most people don't keep in touch with friends after moving aroad.

    Ok, some people may prefer for many different reasons to cut with their past.. That’s understandable… But, since this person has no a family caring or looking for him, we think it is not wrong to know at least if to cut with past was his voluntary choice ..

    If it is voluntary, then “ciao ciao” and good luck , otherwise we think it is important to have an answer...he may be in a urgency of help, be in some hospital, or victim of a crime…for which it would be even more important to make clear what happened and responsabilities

    You still have not answered my question: Who are you to the missing party?

    When I go abroad I don't call all my friends and inform them that I am not longer interested in being in contact. I'm a "man" and it's understood that I don't have to explain every little thing I do or why I do it. Apparently they have informed you where they moved to, when they arrived but left out the why.

    So there is something you are not telling us?

    "ciao ciao"

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