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Everything posted by Batty

  1. Hoping to buy the Pixel 7 Pro. None of the big brand stores sell it, as far as I can muster - only small dealers. Lazada has half a dozen or so stores selling them, none of which are rated by Lazada. The price swing is huge also: the exact same phone is selling from 15K to 40K and I cant grasp why that is. Im assuming the cheaper handsets might be refurbished or something (although they dont say that) I dont know if thats me being a little paranoid or not. I noticed one seller promoting the phone for 38K, saying "Guaranteed genuine product NO FAKE INTERNALS" (or words to that affect). Sorta put me off now, it makes me wonder if other dealers are selling the same phone with BS internals in some way? It is a briliant phone, but I am guessing it is not the type of phone you should buy here? Best to avoid? I also fancied a Motorola but its the same issue. Only small dealers stock them and you just have no idea what you are actually buying. I have been a Samsung punter since the first Note. I just fancied a change, thats all, and I am quite heavily in the Google ecosystem. Could anyone suggest a trusted dealer in Bangkok who might sell the 7 Pro? Someone with a good reputation who isnt likely to stitch me up? I live in Isarn, but could always order remotley and have it posted, I guess.
  2. I honestly never have any luck with computers here in thailand. I brought a new SSD for my wife's 7 year old HP laptop. She does not use it very often, not worth buying a new one but it has been very slow. I took the laptop to a computer shop and ask them to clone everything from the HDD to the SSD Including the (original) OS, and fit the new SSD. The shop just called my wife. They said that they have been copying everything over for two full days now, and they are not even halfway through the copy. He said it might take another three or four days to complete the clone, and that it might be better to stop the clone and install a new OS. I don't know very much about computers, but I'm pretty sure it should only take a few hours maximum to clone everything over? There isn't very much data to copy no videos just a few photos and the OS. Does that sound right to you chaps? Should it really take almost one whole week to clone an operating system and maybe a hundred photos over to an ssd?
  3. Not really. Unless you are reading books that take 90 seconds to read.
  4. Its a Dell something or other. Its old - maybe 6 years - I'm not even going to bother getting it repaired. The Lenovo though, I really like it.
  5. If my vehicle dealership was located 400 miles away and quoted 3 months, I would take my car to local Somchai ????
  6. Amazing reply - appreciate it, thanks.
  7. I did. They said 3 months. You make a fair point - but I didn't use it too much during those two years. I used my desktop at home and the laptop when out and about, maybe twice a week. Holidays. That kind of thing.
  8. You obviously have never contacted Lenovo for a problem like that. I did, and they said 3 months average wait time. I assumed Somchai would be 2 months and 29 days quicker.
  9. I should warn you that I know naff-all about computers. I worry this might be a dumber than dumb question, as a result. So I purchased a really nice Lenovo 520 Yoda laptop 3 years ago. One month after the warranty expired, the laptop suddenly froze. I tried rebooting, but every 5 or 10 minutes the same thing would happen and it woild suddenly freeze. I took it to a local somchai style repair shop. The guy said it would take 4 hours to repair. Two weeks later, he called me and said "cannot". I inquired as to what, exactly, the problem might be, but all he could offer me was a goofy gormless smile with the accompanying "cannot". I took the laptop home and when I turned it on, I see that Inow have a black screen of doom. Nothing happened when I tried to power the laptop on, no power light, just a black screen with no flashing cursor. So, when I took it to the shop, you could at least power the laptop on and see the operating system. When I got it home it seems to be infinitely worse. The laptop sat in my drawer for a year. Now, my spare laptop is on its last legs and I would like to get the Lenovo repaired. My wife has just been to Bangkok to visit her sister for a few days (we live in Ubon), and took the laptop to MBK. She found a shop owned by what she described as a "nice Indian guy he looks like he might be quite clever with computers". After a quick inspection, Gupta said the motherboard was probably fried, he said he could repair it in 3 to 4 hours. Four days later and after a barrage of unanswered text messages saying "hello can you please update me" he finally called and said "cannot". My wife tried to find out what, exactly, the problem is with the laptop, but in a similar vein to Somchai in Ubon, he just kept repeating the words "cannot". I am not making this up, by the way. Two separate incompetent idiots. Two separate "cannots". No further diagnosis, explanation, information was given. Just a simple "cannot". You would think after having the laptop for 4 days stripping it apart and checking the component parts, they would be able to arrive at a conclusion as to what the problem is? Is that a reasonable assumption? Knowing very little about computers, I cannot say with complete confidence, but I was under the impression that "cannot" is not a technical diagnosis that you would reasonably expect? I would have expected something like "the motherboard is broken and we cannot find a new replacement" or something along those lines. That's a fair expectation, isn't it? I am determined to get this sodding laptop repaired. Could somebody please explain to me like I am a 5-year-old, what exactly there is that can go wrong with a computer? Surely there are only a few things that can actually go wrong in a devastating way? I would think it is either the motherboard, the memory, or the drive? Maybe the power supply? My point is, is it reasonable to expect a computer engineer to look at a broken laptop and report back with specific list of things that is wrong with it? I really loved that laptop. It was the nicest laptop I ever owned. I can't remember exactly how much I paid for it but I think it was about 28,000 THB, so you would expect more than 2 years use out of it but more to the point, I just really like the laptop, and I would just really love to use it again. Business hasn't been great for a year or two and I would prefer to get this laptop fixed for let's say under 8000, than spend 25 to 30,000 on a similar quality replacement. My gut tells me that my inability to get this repaired owes to incompetence on the engineers part, and not the fact that it is broken beyond all repair? Or is the hole "cannot" thing something that just happens occasionally with computer repair? I am perplexed. I cannot imagine any other scenario where it plays out like this. Imagine, for example, going to the doctors for a full checkup and the doctor saying to you "I'm sorry mate but you are really really sick and you're going to die in 2 months", upon asking the doctor what exactly is wrong with me, he just stares at me blankly and says "cannot". "What is it doctor my heart? My liver? Do I have cancer? Why am I about to shuffle off this mortal coil?" "No idea..... Just, you know, cannot." Or having a mechanic look at your two-year-old car that is immobile, who tells you with a goofy expression that your car will never work again. On asking him what exactly is wrong with the car he just looks at you and says "cannot". Again, am I being unreasonable in those comparisons? Surely a computer engineer would be able to look at a laptop and say to you with confidence that it is either this this or this?
  10. Hello chaps I would like to get a water filter system installed at home, but I see there are a whole bunch of different options available, and my mind is a little blown by it all to be honest. I havent been in the best of health for a month or two and I am just absolutley knackered half the time - I havent got it in me to sit online reasearching this. Could anyone just give me a heads up on what type of system to buy? Very loosly speaking I am after those cylinders that are fixed under the sink, attached to a small pump and connected to the kitchen tap. I cant go crazy on price - just a budget option around 5,000 THB. Im not expecting anyone to give me an actual specific model (unless you want to) but rather just a heads up on what it is I need to be looking for. What 'type' of system to purchase? Really appreciate it Batty
  11. Hi there. I have never paid any attention to it through previous years because having 400k banked has never been an issue. After a tough year and starting a new career, I am struggling a little, and don't have all of it banked. A good chunk of it, but not all of it. My extension permits stay in the kingdom up untill May 9th. Am I right in thinking I need to have 400k banked four months prior, in my case - January 9th? If that's the case, I am buggered, I think. It might be another month or so untill I have squirreled away the whole 400k. Could anyone explain the latest date I can have 400k banked, considering my extension is valid untill May 9th? I'm pretty sure I am correct and it is indeed four months, right? If I am correct in thinking that, I suppose there are no options and I will 'loose' the right to extend? What are the consequences of that? Going on a tourist visa or something? Go easy on me, please! I appreciate as expats we should all ensure we have the means to stay and for 19 years it's never been a problem. COVID wiped out my online business of 12 years, however, and I have had to start a new business/career. It's going well so far but I am rebuilding, and it's taking a little longer than I expected to get back on my feet. Truth is I am panicking about this, a little!
  12. Batty

    Petchabun Camping?

    Thanks mate. I have been looking on Google, but I'm struggling. If you Google camp sites in that area, everything that comes up is just some BS "glamping" resort that charges silly money. I just want to find a spot where there is space and facilities close by. It would be nice to have other campers in the area, but spaced out and not rammed together like tinned sardines. If you know a good spot it would be appreciated. Defo prefer PTB because it's a good 700 meters higher than KK, and I embrace the cold - PTB will be a good 4 or 5 degrees cooler than KK. I'm worried that we will get to PTB after a long drive and see nothing but cramped 'car park' style camping spots you know what I mean?
  13. I'm looking at buying a Samsung Note 10+ on Lazada for 11,000 baht. The seller has 40k followers and a 94% pozy review score, and this particular phone has sold 287 orders through the store. Reviews seem good. Seller says the phone is new and not refurbished. But there is no warranty. Am I right in being a bit hesitant to buy it? I mean surely if it's a new phone and not refurbished, there would be a warranty? Plus, I always thought warranty follows the actual handset, and not the seller? So the warranty should be built in to the handset, and activates when used? The note 10+ is discontinued by Samsung so can't buy direct from the Samsung store. Any risk involved, do you think?
  14. Batty

    Petchabun Camping?

    Just wondered if anyone has experience camping on Phu Ta Buerk mountain, in Petch? Me and a mate are heading there from Udon Thani, 3 nights camping with our own tents and gear. I have been there a couple times, but never camped. There is just one thing that bothers me a bit. Looking at photos of camp sites online, all the pitches seem to be a bit shabby? I cant see any camping areas in half decent surroundings - it all seems to be small camp areas, usualy within the grounds of a tiny 10 bungalow resort. Obviously resort owners are trying to squeeze every bit of revenue from the property footprints and have designated 1 or 2 rai of land for camping, but it doesnt look ideal to me. All the tents seem crammed together in perfectly neat rows, in order to rinse every last baht out it, and one or two 'resorts' even throw camping spots around the edge of car parks. You can lean out and touch the tent next to you. Truth be told i did think it was a bit shabby last time i went there. Lots of cheap bungalows and cabins with strange coloured roofs thrown up and making the place look a bit of an eyesore if you ask me. We are going there because its the highest spot within a few hours drive of Udon. Also we are are not expert campers (essentials only) and so its handy having a few amenaties around for snacks, showers, go for a stroll and stuff. In that sense it is perfect up there - but the camping areas do not seem that great. Or am I wrong? Are there non-private camping spots or local authority camping areas anywhere up there? Thanks in advance - and hey im not slating the place, i think i make a fair point. Its a beautiful area but that particular part of it has been mollested a bit by resort owners cashing in. I cant blame them - I would do the same if I owned land there - just stating a fact so please dont have a go at me, im not Thai bashing ???? Any other suggestions for 'high up' camping spots around Loei, Phitsanaluk, or Petch?
  15. Hello. I am due to report today (30th) for my 90 day, according to the stamp in my passport. I might not be able to make it - if I go tomoorow will that be a huge problem?
  16. Hi Sheryl. She didn't have a follow up test to be honest, no. Yes we went to the hospital yesterday to ask for a copy of the endoscopy. You would imagine you can just ask, and pay - an hour tops, wouldn't you? This might sound a bit ranty, but we were told we had to see a doctor first. I made the point that we already paid for the endoscopy and just want the results, but the nurse wouldn't have it. So, we sat waiting for 5 hours before being grilled by a doctor, who didn't want to give the results. He seemed to take offence at my wife heading for Bangkok. She dug her heels in and eventually got the results. It took another 3 hours making it 8 in total. She has cut out all lactose and various other bits, her diet is actually quite limited these days. Thanks so much for your help - not to sound flakey or anything but the help and support you provide to the people of this group is amazing, it really is. Completely selfless as well. Thanks.
  17. Yup. I asked for that, fair point.
  18. Thanks. Yes she had endoscopy.
  19. As if an Udon Thani doctor would be that proactive. He did prescribe antibiotics - I'll give him his dues there. He pretty much threw a bag of pills at her and dropped kicked her out of the office. Metaphoricaly speaking. Anything suggested outside of what he was taught 40 years ago? No chance. I spent weeks researching it. I'm not a strong believer in alternative medicine (I have no preference either way),but lots of people who have suffered H Pylori have had success with those additional treatments so I figured why not try it, after the antibiotics. So we did.
  20. Appreciate that, thanks. She has had an endoscopy plus antibiotics etc. I'm not going to go into it because I will sound like a Thai basher - but I have pretty good reasons not to trust many of the doctors up here.
  21. Sheryl, thanks so much! I should have said - no.idea why I missed this part out - she had an endoscopy and three or four months worth of pretty strong antibiotics also. So she has done everything she needed to do. She has eaten all the right food, taken all the supplements, I'm just a little worried it might be the start of something else. Or not. I figure why not see a good doctor because to be honest, I have very little faith in the doctors up here.
  22. How's everyone doing? Sheryll, if you are reading this, I wonder if you might be able to suggest something for me. Sorry, hope I'm not being too presumptuous. My wife has had an ongoing drama with her stomach for a year or two. Constant burping, occasional stomach aches, and has to be really careful what she eats. Local doctors diagnosed H Pylori - no idea how reliable of a test it was, but pretty much have to take thier word for it. We battled it for six months with all sorts of imported stuff - mastic gum, manuka honey, specialty probiotics, enzymes, turmeric...A few other bits I, can't remember now. It seemed to put a dent in it a little, but didnt eradicate it. If this is something she has to put up with for life, then so be it. If it gets no worse, fine. These things happen, dont they. But I'm worried it might be something else - or it might be precursory to something way scarier. So, I was hoping to find a great doc in BKK if possible. We live in between Udon and Khon Kean, and I'm sure KK has one or two good doctors, but we have to go BKK for a few days anyway, and figured we could see a good 'stomach' doctor down there. This is basically a really llong winded way of asking if you know anyone. Really appreciate it, if you can help. You are a gift to this forum, I hope you know that. Cheers Batty
  23. I'm gonna do that mate, thanks. I'll order a little, try it out, maybe send you a DM let you know how I faired ????
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