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Posts posted by capco1

  1. Getting back to the op re modular homes, I have been working on a very special concept that could prove to be very lucrative and might consider seeking a partner in the very near future. If anybody here would like to explore some avenues please send me a PM. Please understand that I cannot disclose all the details for fear this concept might be duplicated before hand but we can discuss some ideas. I will be arriving in Thailand within the next month to begin work and meet with investors or potential partners.

  2. Can this be done while were still here in the States?

    Yes. Apply at the Thai embassy. Call them to ask what documents they need and to make an appointment.

    Once she has the Thai passport, she should always use her Thai passport to enter and leave Thailand, her US passport to enter and leave the USA (and other countries)



    Excellent, thanks for the help!

  3. Not really sure where to look but here's the deal, my wife (Thai) and myself have a daughter who was born in Thailand, she has a Thai birth certificate and also a birth abroad certificate from America. We now live in the States and she has an American passport as well as a social security number, we are planning on moving back to Thailand and don't know what her status is as far as citizenship? does she need to make a visa run every year with me or can she legally live in Thailand? will this be a problem when she starts school? any help would be greatly appreciated!

  4. I dont understand them either. You see some newbies post a question and geta thread full of smart ass comments, and they dont post again. Shame really.

    Well, what exactly do you expect? You come here and ask people already living here for business ideas and expect serious replies? If people had serious suggestions for an original business idea, do you seriously think they would volunteer it and - in the process - give it up for free to a competitor?

    There are several people on here who are already doing very well running decent businesses which they have conceived and worked hard to make a success. They didnt succeed by sharing the idea on an internet forum.

    So, all that's left are the cliche beer bar, internet cafe, motorbike ideas which every tom dick and harry without an imagination comes over here, desperately trying to make a tiny living to support their bar girl habit.

    Then that's what you need to reply with..........No need to be-little anybody!

  5. I am trying to pick one that doesnt just rely on western tourists. Maybe manufacture and/or export. Or internet cafes are used by thais and farangs. Apart from that, I dont have much of a clue what to do. If I dont buy one, I might have to go to cambo. I have owned and managed before and dont care if its something I dont " have a passion " for.

    Don't listen to all negative comments, it always make me laugh when a board member asks an honest question and all they get in response is members who seem either know everything or have a smart ass comment. If you really want to start a business in Thailand then give it a try! do a lot of homework and ask a lot of questions, research as much as you possibly can. I would suggest by starting while you are still at home, look around, find various businesses that seem to be doing well and make notes. After all your ideas are gathered sift through them and see which ones would be most viable in a Thai city or town. One thing I will suggest is that if you do go forward and start a business and that is to start one that you would also enjoy working in or managing, nothing worse than getting up each day having to face a job you hate (you do that now don't you?). There are a lot of factors that come into play when starting a new venture, first do the ground work! don't buy a failing bar or restaurant that another farang is wanting to dump. Last but not least make sure you have enough capital to operate for at least the first year without depending on revenue from your new venture, I would also suggest getting some strong legal and business pros in your corner...They're well worth the expense! Good luck to you and if you want it bad enough you'll find your own idea!

  6. I'm exploring some possibilities about leasing an area of land within the the city limits of Korat, I don't know if it's a better idea to purchase a parcel or is there such a thing as say a 30 year lease? sorry if this sounds foolish I just don't know what options I have.


  7. I also purchased the copy Rolex while in Bangkok a few years back, also from the vendor in Patpong. It was also the one made in Taiwan and it has out lasted all my other cheap watches! I brought this watch to my leweler and he was very impressed with the quality! said that someone went through a lot of work to make such an excellent spin off. Bottom line is I have a watch that gets the same response from people as the real deal and saved enough money that I could enjoy another two week trip back to Thailand! If anyone here is foolish, seems to me that the person spending a bank roll for a watch that's only purpose is to show off and get response is the one at fault. I don't really care about the watch....however when in Vegas it's kinda fun to bling bling without having to spend my bling bling. And...... I still know what time it is!

  8. Actually my younger sister inquired about a typing from home outfit here in the States and after doing a lot of research she actually found the company to be legit and people were doing this as a side income. The company hired typists to work within the insurance claims department, they would send her an audio tape of various telephone converstaions with claim clients and they want you to type them into a legal format of some kind. Catch was that you had better be a VERY good and I mean VERY good typist in order to make any money, they also required you to purchase a foot pedal for the sum of $250.00 I guess this item allows you to stop and start the audio tape when needed. She tried it and found that she was not as fast a typer as she thought! ....lol took her 8 hours to type one report and she made $12.00!

    P.S. .....FOR SALE....one gently used foot pedal......$50.00 or best offer! :o

  9. Another question regarding adoption....I hope somebody knows the answer because everywhere we call it's always the same response......I dunno! My Thai wife has a daughter from a previous relationship with a Thai man who has never been a part of the childs life and never once offered support. We are now living in the States and her daughter remains in Thailand with grandparents, I would like to legaly adopt her and make her a part of our family here in America but nobody seems to know how or if I can even do this. Any help would be greatfully appreciated!

  10. Hello boardies....Does anybody own a restaurant in Thailand where they have certian frozen foods shipped in from another country? I was wondering if there was a way this could be done? If so, is this done by the package overnight or do they have a container service available for volume orders? Thanks for the info!

  11. 50,000 Baht per month teaching in Korat??????......You've got to be kidding! I lived in Korat and trust me you will NOT find a teaching position that pays anything close to that figure....maybe 30,000 if you hit pay dirt! and that would be a stroke of luck. There are a few English schools in town and they always seem to be looking for new help....

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