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JJ Madcow

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Posts posted by JJ Madcow

  1. If renew inside 1 year after expire no written computer test needed.
    More then 1 year, Need written computer test.

    This is for renew my 5 years driving licens, That i was told in Chonburi not long ago.

    All so when Applied for a queue, There is a option to watch a movie and answer a few questions.
    It say on the site, That if one do that, One dont need to watch the nearly 1 hour move at 
    Transport Dept.

    Dont know if that correct, As my queue is 19 July.

    I did try early to renew, But this year, I was told NO to yellow book as proof of my adresses, So i needed to get a address certification from Immigration.
    So hope they are happy now ????


    • Thanks 1
  2. Coming to Thailand i belived in the "Fact" that i never was going to get my deposit back.

    But i learn like many other things, That was 100% wrong.
    And probably born on a bar stool some where, Like so many other things about Thailand or Thai people.

    The first 5 years here i move around a lot, Give days / week(s) notices, Move long before contract ends.
    And all ways got 100% deposit back.
    And every landlord say NO to get money from me to cover the powerbill coming some days after i move.
    But i did not take no for answer, And give money to cover that bill.

    In the +11 years here now, I never meet any foreigner that didnt get 100% back, Or most of it back.

    But all have hear / read about it.

    I lost most of my deposit back in Denmark every time i move.

    So i am very happy about how it is done here in Thailand from was i seeing my self.


    • Thanks 1
  3. On 1/28/2022 at 12:15 PM, RickG16 said:

    Don't know what you mean. I do this pretty regularly in 7/11 and they get it right. 

    Same for me.

    Done this for nearly 11 years now and never a problem, Never got wrong amount back when doing this.
    I do it all over, Not only 7/11.


  4. I know you say you cant change you adresse and mobile to Thai your self.
    Have you ask your bank ?

    I am from Denmark and a little over 10 years ago when i move here.
    I was not able to change it my self in the Bank system.
    But my Bank did it for me with no problems.

    Only a idea to try out if you have not ask them.

    I have since drop my Danish bank total, As Denmark being part of EU the Bank need a lot of paper work nearly every year.
    To prove that I was me, And got tired of that, So drop my Danish bank, And get my pension direct to my Thai Bank.


  5. Bang Saen, Burapha University Hospital have signup some time ago.

    We (Wife and I) was told that the appointment we got, Was going to be cancel. And it did.
    But wee need to keep a eye out on the internet for when the hospital write.
    People that have appointment X-XX date to come for Astra Jab.

    So on the day we see it online that we can come and get our first Astra jab.
    Of we go and 1.5-2 hours later it was done.

    We all so go the appointment for second jab.
    Was told that appointment date was correct for the second jab.
    But have to wait and see.

    I am not 60 years old, I am from Denmark (If that matter).

    So for me it was pretty easy to get my jab, So no complain from me.


    • Like 1
  6. 59 minutes ago, SpaceKadet said:

    I think Denmark has a tax agreement with Thailand too. That means you could pay as little as 10% or probably 0 if you apply that. This is not something that happens automatically, and you'd have to fight with your tax authorities.


    In Sweden you would pay 25% in tax on pension if living abroad, or try and fight to get the Thai taxation applied. This would mean sending all the pension to Thailand, and , of course tax authorities don't like it so one would have to fight them....

    You would think that Swedish pensioners would know that, but if they prefer to pay full tax in Sweden for nothing, I would say, let them!


    I have been an expat since 1983 and haven't paid any taxes since then.... now they make me pay <50SEK on my meager pension. But, 600SEK a year is not worth the battle with tax authorities.


    The worst part is, like you say, that you lose the medical benefits, despite paying the full tax. That's what the tax money is supposed to go to. Great governments we have in Scandinavia. Stealing from those who have the least....


    At this time I'm seriously considering getting an address in Sweden, lie to the Tax authorities, just to get the medical benefits, and being able to renew my Swedish driving license. Don't really care if they tax my pension to 30%.

    I have to pay 37%, IF Thailand take let say 5% i still need to pay 32% to Denmark, That the way it work.
    There is no way around, This i all ready being through with the Boss of Danish Tax office.
    To find out what was real, And what was what people think was real.
    As what i being told be others Danish people in Thailand, was all wrong about how Double tax agreement works.

    It is not like many thinks it is, That if Thailand take some % in tax, I dont have to pay in Denmark.
    Or that one can choose to pay Tax in one country only.
    Sadly that not the way double tax agreement works.

    The double tax agreement between Denmark and Thailand is so both countrys can take tax.
    But again, The end of the day i can max pay 37%. (That might change over time if Tax go up / down in Denmark)

    No need to discuss it, As i know i am 100% correct, As i when through it again this year.
    To be sure nothing have change when a Danish friend was call into the Thai Tax office about Tax.

    I dont mind it, That the Tax we pay and it help people at home.
    So i am more then fine paying my Tax and helping out, It is not a problem at all.
    I know it was the way before i move, So i have no problem with it.


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  7. On 8/6/2021 at 8:23 PM, SpaceKadet said:

    Interesting.. to be tax resident in Sweden, he is either:


    A. Staying less that 180 days per year in Thailand


    B. Lying to the Swedish tax authorities, telling them that he is staying more than 180 days a year in Sweden


    In case of B let him go back and get his jabs in Sweden.

    Dont know about Sweden.

    But i am from Denmark and Denmark know i live in Thailand, +10 years now. Everything by the book for me.
    And i pay 37% Tax of my Danish pension, That dont change simple by moving from Denmark.
    If i wanted to return to Denmark (holiday), I need to pay for any medical treatment as i not living in Denmark / EU any more.
    Even so i still pay Tax in Denmark.


  8. Here in the Bang Saen both Makro & Tesco is not running out.

    We normal go shopping around 10:30/11:00.
    As we being told by Makro that second time products come, Is around 10:00 (Not the morning product that come early)
    And they all was putting product where it need to go when we there. So might be the truth.

    Nothing we need is missing.


  9. Wife and I have appointment 8 July at Universitet hospital here in Bang Saen, But that was cancel.
    The Wednesday my wife see that the hospital have put out on the internet,

    That everyone that have there appointment cancel.
    Can come and get the Astra Vaccine, So we rush to the hospital.

    2 hours later we left the  hospital, I am in my early 50 (if that matter), And our queue number was 703 -704.
    And when we left, we can hear over the speaker that it was close for that day, And ask people to return next day.
    I did NOT see any other foreigner there in the 2 hours we was there.


  10. 1 hour ago, brianthainess said:

    I'm confused as to why they would phone the condo building/reception instead of phoning you direct. If they had phoned you direct you would have had their number which could have been traceable. Seems like a scam to me and in theory should be reported to the immigration police or dare I say tourist police, If you are that concerned then then I would phone or visit your I.O. and ask why/if they rang you, they did say they would inform their boss after all . The receptionist who took the call is a witness, or even involved in this.  Giving personal information over the phone to an unknown person is, sorry to say idiotic at best. If you report it, it will put your mind at rest and could save someone else from being scammed. I sincerely hope you didn't give them your D.O.B. and passport number. edit; Ask reception if they gave out your room number. Should you be worried? YES.

    Not hard to understand.

    They might have call the Office to check if the foreigner is living in the condo or not.
    Before covid 19 some time Immigration come to condo tower.
    And start with the Office before going to the foreigner room.

    So After talking to the office, And if the person say, Hey you want me to put in contact with the foreigner direct, That simple easy.
    And Thai do love easy ????

    People make a problem out of nothing (again)


    • Like 1
  11. 43 minutes ago, rbkk said:

    "went to Surin Immigration yesterday to do my 90 day report. It was closed." ........Or not yet open for business?


    Isn't Surin City Immigration an extra office that has opened already but is temporarily closed due to Covid-19 infection?

    My friend was told it be in total new Buildings. 

    And he be able to do 1 year extension and 90 days there.
    He talk to the guy that going to be Boss there (What the guy say), So i think he be told the truth.
    But this is after all Thailand, So people have to wait and see when it open.

    Only writing what he told me, But like i all ways say to people.
    All ways go and find out them self to be sure.


  12. 2 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    I think the were writing about the boarder crossing near Kap Choeng.

    I have read there is a office in the city of Surin now.

    Is not finish, And it be in Surin City.

    Someone i know when he did his 90 days last week, Was told, That his next 90 days, He have to use the New office in Surin City.
    So they must be very close to finish the moving there.


    • Sad 1
  13. Well, When i was living in Nonthaburi they wanted witness to be my neighbors.
    As we did not have any neighbor in the condo tower we live in.

    The 3 other apartment on my floor was empty.
    It was ok to use witness from the condo tower.
    Back then Nonthaburi did home visits every year, So i use the cleaning staff, The guards, People From the condo office.

    Here in Si Racha, Immigration wanted proof of witness living and be register in Chonburi area..

    And i do think it is fair, How can people not living near you say, That you live every day like husband & wife, If they dont see you every day/week.


    • Like 1
  14. Update #2

    Today  Immigration call me and ask if i was home for the home visit, And even so we was on the way out the door, I say yes.
    And about 30 minute later they come.

    Take a picture of me and 1 of the Immigration Officer outside house, Showing house number.
    And few picture more when we sit outside at the table and did the one A4 formular.

    They want my Thai wife ID Card and write down her detail on the formular all so.

    We both have to sign the formular.

    When all this was going on, The other officer take a few more pictures.
    All over in 20 minute or so.


    They told us, That from now on, Immigration (Si Racha) have to do this every year for all on 1 year Visa (Yes i know it is a Extension, But no need to start correcting a Immigration Officer), As they have to upload the formular and picture to a database.

    So have to wait to next year to see if that correct !!!!


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