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Posts posted by Siam_superfly

  1. Good Post (for a change).

    For a change.................FOR A CHANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! most my posts are good, some brilliant. After I write a masterpiece I sit back and read, wondering when this litery genius will be discovered. When will I rank among the greats? Shakespeare,H.G.Wells,Tolkein, Ibsen,Tolstoy and Enid Blyton. When will my charactors become household names, like Beowulf,Gandolf, Phileas Fogg, Bilbo Baggins,or Thomas the Tank Engine? Maybe I am sounding a wee bit Mertonish, but that is better than writing like Siam Superfly :D

    U rang :o ....

    The Fly awaits the World Cup.......

  2. I hope they beat Japan. In fact I would like to see them go all the way in their group. I've got to support Australia. After all they are part of Great Britain. :D

    Hi Lampard.....havent heard from u in awhile...thought that u where dead......and looking at ur pic ( maybe u are) :o ....

    bring on the World Cup..... :D

  3. I believe the original pub was " Make like a Tree, and Leave "

    Fly presumably posted that before he read the bit under Udon's avatar that read " Super Moderators "


    You may be right. I guess not up to me to put words in Tsetse's mouth. Withdrawn.

    And if you please Croc.......will you please stop insulting Tsetse Flies.

    Tsetse flys are nasty little insects that stick their proboscis' in ar$es inflicting nagana in livestock, a fatal disease of horses and cattle, and sleeping sickness in humans.

    I could have been a little hard on them.


    The Fly awaits the World Cup.....

    Old Croc, u need to get out more... ....and by that pic Lampard..so do u :o

    Can this thread be closed now..... :D ...as The Fly is waiting, ever growing stronger, in a constant state of Flyness", like a gathering storm on ur TV horizon...ready for the coming World Cup......

    Beware the Socceroo's........

    Bring on the Rising Sun....

  4. The Sizzler at " Central Pal-larm-saam" ( how ever u spell it).....I know its Sizzler, but really the burgers at that one rock....but I havent been to many of the above mentioned, I sometimes drop into O'brians" near NaNa on my way back from RCA or Ratchadaa, always a nice chess burger, over crowded at 0200, and anything tastes ok after a night on JD..... :o so I maybe mistaken......

  5. You're only as good as your last Ashes.......

    Fair enough. I'm looking forward to the next one. Only 11 months to go. :o

    Has Superfly made a prediction yet ?

    U rang...

    You're only as good as your last Ashes.......

    Fair enough. I'm looking forward to the next one. Only 11 months to go. :D

    Has Superfly made a prediction yet ?

    Who? Oh, don't know if he will (will be allowed) back.

    The Fly awaits the World Cup......

  6. Same reason why England get nowhere with tennis because there's no good coaches...no money.

    Or it could be that in Australia, there is clear blue sky and sunshine most of the year, which means that alot more time for the kids on the tennis court..... :o

    A youth scout from a English prem side said that Australian lads are alot more advanced in soccer skills compaired to English lads of the same age ( 12 - 14 ), coz they are able to go out and kick the ball all year round...but its when they hit their mid teens, that they drift of to other sports or the coaching just isnt there, very few in the past how continued on with the sport to to high level.......that may start to change now....

  7. If I HATE anyone its the the Ozzies who think they are going to turn us over next year-pure fantasy)  Lets just get behind England now shall we?



    The Fly will laugh while watching the choas (esp Lampard and u), that will follow if u lose to Paraguay and Sweden......oh and if N.I can do it ,yeh yeh it was the coach (of course), then why cant these sides esp Sweden beat u.......and beat u well....remember what happen to France last World Cup.......

    ...."pure fantasy".....just be around next year ThaiP......

    The Fly awaits the World Cup....... :o

  8. The Fly is holding the Flag...bring on the Japanese.....

    Croatia/Brasil are who you should be worrying about!!! :D


    Brasil :D ......but we shall make the final 16....and hopefully play England...

    Looking at the draw I think the only way England can play your lot is in the semis or the final,lets be honest the Aussies have got a half decent team but they won't be joining England in the semis.

    Enjoy your 3 games then put the flag away.

    Pie Boy..u crazy cat....

    Australia will cut a path of destruction through that World Cup group.....we will finish 2nd in our group behind Brasil...and we if there is a God....we will play England....."what a game".....

    U assume automatic entry into the semi's for England.. :o .....ur group may be a easy...but anything can happen

  9. As for Tyson...he has had around 40+ Pro fights.....Hatton has had 1 American fight, and before that Zu was his biggest fight.....

    My point here Superfly is that you keep on rattling on about Hatton being a non puncher yet he keeps on beating guys inside the distance. I pointed out some of the mediocre men who took Tyson the distance and asked 'does that make Tyson a non puncher in your eyes?'


    Hatton stopped Tszyu i.e he hit Tszyu hard enough that Tszyu could not complete the fight.

    I think you need to know the difference between a puncher and a non puncher.

    Are 'American' fights any tougher than fights elsewhere?

    If you really want a decent debate about boxing I'd reccomend you actually learn the basics first....... :o

    PRO fART....U FORGET TO MENTION THE 33+ Heavyweights that Tyson knocked out....and Tyson was younger than Hatton is now.....

    And yes.....fighting in America is where the money is....and thats where u will find the best fighters....no matter what u say Fart....

    U sum up the Zu fight as if Zu was smashed......800 PUNCHES...and still ZU WAS STANDING UP....so how hard does Hatton punch.......THINK ABOUT IT....!!!!

    and Hatton's last fight...took 9 rounds to stop the guy and Hatton got hurt to... Hatton isnt even fighting the top guys yet...hmmmmm..WHAT DOES THAT TELL U......he may struggle against the world class guys.....we shall see if he fights Mayweather just how good he is......

    Hatton was lucky that he fought a ring rusty Zu.....or he wouldnt have got a chance to take 11 rounds to slow up Zu with 800 punches...if u knew much about boxing, u would know that.....

    but I dont play that game of telling someone they know nothing, unlike u....but by ur posts, I dont need to say that.......

    Hatton is fast and he is fit...he is game and ready to take on the best...good luck to him.....thats doesnt make him a hard puncher.....he will have to do alot better to win in his future fights in America, if he wants to fight the top fighters....

    For ur viewing pleasure Pro Fart......

    The Fly :D

  10. So this brings me around to Tyson.

    A hard puncher according to you.

    He Hit Bonecrusher 900 times and never stopped him. Hit Tony Tucker 690 times. Never stopped him either.


    Was Tyson a big puncher or a Pitty Pat boy?

    Work it out........

    Start to understand boxing superfly..........

    There are some guys tougher than others out there.........

    You sure ain't one of them.........

    You've never been near a ring in your life, nor laced a glove on and I know that through your posts.

    U still are forgetting the other 33+ heavyweights that Tyson KO'D....but just like what u shout about Hatton, that doenst fit into ur arguement, so u just blank it out...

    Fart I have been in the ring, Im not going through the internet for my info ( unlike u).....

    now I will re-post my earlier for u, so that u can read it, and start to grasp what is going on in the big world of Boxing....

  11. Zu didn't whine or offer excuses after the Hatton fight.

    I thought Zu would hand Hatton his ass but RH proved he's got something.

    Anybody who beats Zu has to be good AND tough.

    I hope Hatton fights Mayweather and gives him a beating.

    Nothing to be gained by fighting Gatti except a payday.

    Superfly doesn't understand that a KO in 1 round can be a lucky shot but making a guy like Zu quit after 11 suggests a sustained hammering by Hatton.

    Superfly also doesn't understand that a win is a win is a win and that's all that matters.

    In any case RH is a welcome new face.

    Do u understand that Zu had not fought for 2 years before the Hatton fight....that makes a differnce in Boxing.....The Best man won on the night, I have ALWAYS said that....

    As for ur KO, IN 800 PUNCHES, ur man Hatton never KO'D Zu with a PUNCH.......read some other threads on this fight, and u will understand a wee bit more.....

    But he is ur great hope, and u lot can see him as the complete package, which he is not.....

    Ho yes, lets see a Mayweather fight ( Mayweather in 5 ).....it will be a good fight....and yes Hatton is breathing life into the junior welterweight divison, I like him, but he has yet to prove himself...in America...

  12. I recall you saying at the time that Hatton beat Tszyu that I knew nothing about boxing. I proved you wrong then.

    You are yet again displaying your ignorance of the sport if you think that a fighter who stopped your unbeatable Aussie (your words not mine) Tzsyu can't punch.

    Know what it is to be punched to a standstill, be it after 800 hits you take or just the one, before you comment on boxing again.

    Hatton would have had it different if he had fought a IN FORM Zu....but thats all been said....800 punches,11 rounds...is not the same as a ONE PUNCH knockout....which doesnt look like Hatton has come anywhere near throwing yet......or is he able to throw ( power), or right on the button....and child can knock u out if a punch lands in the right place...

    We shall see, when Hatton steps u in class in the near future....Good luck to Hatton, and u never did inform The Fly of the record of the fighter that Hatton beat in his last fight....had he fought any big names before he took on Hatton..?

  13. Yeah, don't forget, if you want to call someone a "liar" learn how to spell....  :D

    Ok...Lampard ur a LIAR""...... :D

    whats it like to be perfect Udon....

    If you are going to contnue to be as abusive as you are nasty and intemperate

    one can only say once a ###### always a ###### :D:D:D

    regards Roscoe :o


    U must be one of the posters who go crying to the Mods, when u get a "Fly Reply".....

    whatever.... :D

  14. I reckon that the Aussies will maintain their 100% World Cup losing record!!


    The Croatia draw is an interesting one. I reckon the Socceroos will lose a big % of their fanbase for that one.

    Dunno who I feel worse for Socceroos or the yanks..... :o





    Best of luck to the USA .......hope the US gives it to the Italians, and the US finish top in this group.....

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