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Everything posted by max72

  1. For the first 1 year extension , a 2 months statement which shows i have had the 800K for 2+ months is enough ? Money arrived to Thailand in early October via oversee transfer In Cha Am they also want to see the bank letter and the statement on the same day which is quite annoying since the Immigration office is several km away from the town and the bank. They make you run and every time you have to go back because something is missing, you gotta pay the bank letter and stamped statement again What about the T30 document ? is that ok if it s dated 1 month ago ?
  2. Nope, i couldn't find a specific answer about that. Maybe there is not a minimum stay inside Thailand, providing you don't overstay, you don't burn your single entry (if you don't have the multientry type) or you fail to do the 90 days report or to get the re-entry permit when you leave and you renew the visa on time. In most countries when you get a permanent resident, you are required to stay min 6 months a year or something like that, but this 1 year extension is not a real residence, just a long term permit, I am not really sure. In my case i plan to stay about 6 months in Thailand, 6 outside but I like this visa coz i wouldn't need to do a new visa every time.
  3. does plain vanilla deposit include a fixed deposit like for example 1 year fixed deposit at 3% (better than nothing) ? Maybe inmigration prefers you have the money in something fixed and not where it can fluctuate. I was planning to make a fixed deposit of exact 800K and keep the surplus cash in a normal saving account.
  4. Thanks for that. i have also a doubt about single/multientry 1 year visa. If after my 1 year visa extension is issued, i leave Thailand and come back ONCE, do i need the multientry or just single entry ? I am not sure if the single entry applies to my previous entry before the 1 year extension was issued or i can leave and come back once after it.
  5. I have a couple of questions since rules have changed so many times. The first time i extend a 0 90 days visa to a 1 year extension based on 50yo+ 800K, do they ask me also for any medical certificate or insurance and a rent contract ? I heard they no longer ask for insurance inside Thailand, but what about a month by month contract ?= because i read somewhere they ask a 6 months+ lease. Second question: about the 3 months reports. Once i get the 1 year visa , if i go out few months , i get the re-entry permit in the airport (right ?) but what about the 3 months report if i am outside the country when it's due ? for example if i have to report on 30 June but i go out from 1 june to 30 august, what about that deadline ? I have to report when i come back and skip the online report when i am outside ?
  6. I am sorry if this question has already been answered , for sure it has but searching into thousands of messages it's not easy ,so forgive me if i ask again: For 1 year retirement visas based on 800K in the bank account and 50yo age, is there a minimum stay in Thailand for the visa not to be cancelled or a number of permits of exits a year ? For example when i renew the 1 year visa , do they check if i stayed minimum ....say..... 180 days out of 365 or exited no more than 2/3 times etc..something like that ? No problem with the 800K, i just want to know if i go to visit my family or travel around, i want to make sure my visa is not cancelled without the need to make the whole process again. Thank you in advance
  7. anybody know if in cha am new immigration office they ask it when applying for a 30 days tourist visa extension ? In 25 years in Thailand i have never been asked for it, but i heard things have changed now but information is very contradictory, i suppose it depends on the office or even on the single employee ?
  8. Hallo sorry i can't open a new topic, but besides the accidents, these days, the stifling heat is a matter of concern. Today 15 april Thailand hit 45 degrees Celsius 115 Fahr. for the first time in history in the Tak agrometerological station : 45.4 C previous record was 44.6C at Mae Hong Song in april 2016. It's a screenshot from TMD Thai Meteorological station. link: http://www.aws-observation.tmd.go.th/rprt/weatherMinute If you think it deserves a new thread, move it. I think first 45 in Thai history is a news.
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