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Posts posted by PAWNEESE

  1. Thai politics nothing to do with me but it is interesting to try and understand what is happening.

    "Me thinks" if in Britain a Prime Minister was convicted of corruption and a family member got elected and tried to pass a law to give him an amnesty ... I would be seriously enraged. It makes it worse when you consider he left and has never seemed contrite.

    I would be on the streets protesting.

    I would STILL be unhappy even if re elected as is the prediction but would bow to democracy.

    However I would also understand those who still carried on protesting as they want the new leader to go and be done with the family. The amnesty bill attempt will never be forgiven.

    • Like 1
  2. I dont see what this humble cook has to do with Nigerian scammers. The joke was in bad taste and racial stereotyping.

    Imagine what it was like.

    He could have no idea anyone knew his vessel had sunk let alone where. He would assumed there was little chance of survival.

    It would have been the same as being buried alive. Salt water sores, lack of sleep, the sheer horror of his situation. Pitch dark.

    I am freaked thinking about it.

    But he kept it together and survived.

    Ok ... not the crime of the century to make an infantile racial joke but I am glad some vented their disgust.

    But then again no one ever says in a discussion of any sort ... wow your right. I am wrong, So guess the poster of the sick joke and supporters wont agree.

    Now back to my beer, having got that off my chest.

  3. Many thanks for all the replies especially the last one.

    Just got in from posting proof of income to British Embassy. Nearly went to BKK in person being worried about post and admin delays but guess Visa vultures will be still there if postman lets me down. 20k dearest quote 12k the cheapest.

    The fog has lifted a lot re what a fund account is and where I went wrong. It ends in Feb and I will be careful to put it into an old fashioned withdraw cash anytime account, especially after a sleepless night annoyed with myself. 10 months of planning an easy visa renewal cruelly blown apart with no explaination.

    Thank you all again.

    Pawneese is my favourite racehorse in case anyone thinks my forum name odd. Showing my age as it won the Oaks in about 1975.

  4. Many thanks your kind reply.

    I regard my weekly/daily use account as a current account but you are right it may officially be a savings account ... I think 0.75 annual interest. I was a bit loose with that term.

    I had asked my bank for a better interest account and was pointed towards the one I have ... Reading the small print only now it is indeed a "Fund". 3.25 percent for 1 year.

    That is the problem ? Fund accounts not accepted ? I was to be honest guided by the bank and it did not register any possible problems. Perhaps the "boss" seeing a K bank pass book knew the problem immediately as he knew they "sell" term accounts alot to customers looking for a reasonable interest. I not whingeing just could not get head round what I did wrong.

    3 weeks left for me to pay a visa agent or get to BKK Embassy to get an income letter. Grrrrr moan moan whinge whinge (joke).

    Thanks again.


  5. I tried to renew my retirement visa at Jomtien immigration office today.

    My application was rejected due to my 1 million baht Thai account being a deposit account as opposed to a current account.

    I opened the account 10 months ago specifically to make renewal easy.

    I went away stunned. I consulted 3 visa agents who had no explaination either but could sort it for tens of thousands of baht. One said he only got 500 of that .. the rest going to "contacts". Enough said.

    I went back to the I migration office. The falang assistant said they dont accept that bank (Kasikorn). Perhaps I miss heard !!!!! He suggested I ask the "boss" ... the miserable one who give out waiting list numbers who looked at my passbook from 3 feet away and said they dont accept term deposits. Current accounts books are identical so he confused me as I had not explained the problem.

    Anyone able enlighten me ?

    My main motivation is to warn others who perhaps dont leave time for a plan B.

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