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Everything posted by liddelljohn

  1. OK so Nord is working fine on my samsung A34 5g phone but not on my Lenovo Laptop ,, yet windscribe is working perfectly on the laptop ,,,, so some thing in NORD no loger like my laptop ,, Nord have had me re install, change settings TCP etc but its still rubbish .. ????
  2. Im sorry but thats all Greek to me
  3. Did that and no difference , Nord tech support have asked me to delete the entire programme and re install a new copy ,, I did that and it has made no difference no Iplayer , and Nord connection is slow as well ,, but Windscribe is working fine ,, I have now asked them to cancel and refund my subscription ?? lets see what they do???
  4. Yes did that no change at all
  5. I have notified Nord VPN as thats my main VPN of the issue and they are looking into it ,, I have also noticed recently that Nord is Glacially slow most of the time , I was suprised how good Windscribe is working , no connection issues for BBC i player and very fast connections...I will probably drop the Nord subscription when it expires next May and will use Windscribe more My laptop is old and its only Windows 10 , Im going to replace it next year its a Lenovo I7 processor with 12MB of Ram but it is 12 years old now .. cant be updated to Window 11 I tried
  6. Ah its just come on with Windscribe , so I can watch now , but Nord and surfshark is still not connecting at all , maybe something with my laptop ??? Even when working NORD which is my normal VPN I have 2 years subscription is very very slow these days ...not only in Thailand ????
  7. I also tried windscribe and tunnel bear and BBC still not available ...
  8. I want to watch MOTD as i was ill yesterday and could not watch live in the bars ,, I have tried 3 different browsers , FF, Edge,Chrome ,, all i get when looking at BBC on UK servers on both my VPNs is that they can see I am not in UK
  9. Normally when in Thailand I watch BBC Iplayer using either Nord or Surfshark VPN's but now totally unable to get Iplayer to work , it seems BBC can now block even the best VPNs ,,,I have tried several work arounds , different browsers, clearing cache etc ,, and other suggestions ,, so any one on here have any idea how i can get it to work ,, My netflix and other sites all working fine only BBC is problem , I want to look at MOTD as i was sick and missed the live matches in my local bar
  10. Not coming in on Tourist visa is unlikely to change for me ,, so I will just bring UK license and international license now ,I like travelling in my Motorhome and motorcycles in Europe and seeing my grand kids in UK ,, I dont intend to spend more than 5 months in Thailand a year any more after 31 years in Thailand ,, By the way several agents have said they can solve the problem for 4000 baht for each license so total of 8000 ,but its not really worth it to me ...
  11. Went to renew my held for 20 years , 5 year Thai licenses today but was refused and told I need an agent to sort it out as i no longer have a O Visa ,now only stay on tourist visa for 60 days and then travel out to cambo or uk ,,, for several months .. I still have wife , house bikes and cars here but at most only spend 5 months in Thailand now ,, prefer Europe in Summer time Any Ideas who to speak with in pattaya
  12. I bought some from Honey Apple in soi welcome and from Friendship
  13. MAGA = Moronic Americans Global <deleted>
  14. I can no longer drink any beer due to Phosphates and a hop intolerance , and wine is also out but UK doctors say dry /medium cider is OK ,, Yes I can get cider in some bars but I want a load of it for my house,, Tried Tesco Lotus and Big C but they dont seem to have any so where can i buy a box or 2 in Pattaya area ???? Thatchers gold ,, or something better if possible not the super sweet Koppaberg fizzy crap ,otherwise im stuck with Scotch ice and water for a long cold drink
  15. Why is NK and Moscow media showing NK troops being deployed in Russia then ,, The Western media are only taking the feeds from the NK and Moscow media ........
  16. When I first came to Thailand in 1993 it was very good value , The £ was worth only about 42 baht if I remember correctly but it bought £5 worth of good s and services so Value was excellent . But Today with £ about 44baht It can buy on average about £1 worth of goods and services when averaged out. When In UK or EU I spend about £2500 a month 100k baht and in Thailand its about the same ,, But what I get for that money is no different ... Thailand is no longer cheap many things here cost more than UK and yes some things are cheaper thats why I say the value in Thailand is on par with UK and EU.. So no Thailand is no longer a cheap destination for holidays or expats ,,
  17. The Bus was 54 years old and converted from ISUZU Diesel to Mercedes engine with CNG so old , bodged and probably poorly maintained .... many other buses on Thailand roads are museum pieces with CNG all mobile bombs
  18. NOW NOW you are correct , but even with bongs i dont like grass , tried many types and brands ,, still prefer hash in bongs , water pipes or joints use to even build motorised bongs when I was young using vacuum cleaners or 3m long carpet tubes ... But these day one small joint is all I need to be mellow .... also im 66 my lungs are still fine , xrays show them at 100% and im fit as I have only been a moderate smoker for 50 years , no cigarettes etc no chain smoking .Im lucky i guess ,, especially with all the toxic dangerous jobs I have done .
  19. i hate weed /grass its smoke is too harsh,,,,, i can only smoke hash mixed with Golden Virginia in a single skinner
  20. figures released last month from the finance ministry show over 2600 factories employing more than 300 staff closed down in Thailand last year,,,, many relocating to Vietnam .
  21. Yes its been confirmed that they were a large group of Arabs ,Saudis, kuwaitis, Emiratis
  22. Who cares where they were born they are scum and deserve the Thai death penalty
  23. I hope they all enjoy a very very long holiday in the worst Thai prisons ,, and if they do get back to UK they will be broken people ...
  24. Helmet also useful and more durable than paper bag if she is a bit Fugly
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