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Posts posted by Seastallion

  1. The second paragraph of your post and the list of of 16 reasons which you said count because people allegedly believe them (and which I edited out), are diametrically opposite to what you said in the first paragraph and therefore make no sense in the context of your post. Please feel free to bring them up for discussion one by one, in separate posts, in relation to the subject of this topic, ie an increase of antisemitic incidents in the UK, with citation of references to aggressors who said they believed the particular reason to be true. This would then be an on-topic discussion.

    Apologies. I wasn't aware of any rule requiring lists to have separate posts.

    The report only deals with allegations in general terms, probably because any abuser is hardly going to itemize multiple beliefs they may hold, to the individual being abused.

    I hope one day to see the establishment of FAAST (Foundation Against the Abuse of Skinny <deleted>). Being beaten as a youth for being a lanky streak of p**s has scarred me for life. 'anti-skinnyism' has no place in polite society.

    I saw your "list" as a sneaky provocation, a crafty way to publish here (for the 100th time) "reasons" that "other people / not me!" hate Jews. There are no "reasons" for irrational racism. Period ... end of story.

    Of course there are no reasons for irrational racism. But when there are rationales, it becomes rational.

    What's that word you always use? That's it...."Duh".

  2. Some background on the push and pull factors of Jews making aliyah to Israel:


    To put that in perspective, about 1 percent of French Jews and a whopping 6 percent of Ukrainian Jews immigrated to Israel this year — but only 0.06 percent of U.S. Jews made the move.

    This is no shock. Israel’s Jewish population has subsisted on aliyah since the country’s birth, but most of those immigrants have been motivated by what are called “push factors,” or conditions that drive them out of their home countries. And even though Israel’s economy and infrastructure have improved in recent decades, “pull factors,” or conditions in Israel that attract immigrants, still aren’t as strong.

    Sure in the wake of Paris and Copenhagen, some more will come from Europe now ... but it's doubtful the numbers will be anything very dramatic as in the past, that is, unless the situation becomes much worse.

    I realize many will discount this video as propaganda as it shows a visible Jew deliberately walking though a Paris area with visible Muslims, but even so, it does illustrate some of the issues that VISIBLE Jews do experience in Europe. This is much less of an issue for assimilated Jews. So visible Jews are likely to consider going to Israel more seriously:

    Similar Sweden. English subs in video, Start at minute 29:


    The Paris walkthrough was interesting... and I don't even think the "set-up" angle of it is even significant, the results were so paltry.

    Ten hours of walking for a minute of "evidence", and at least one of the half dozen or so "antisemite attacks!" was "Viva Palestine!". Why is "Viva Palestine" antisemitic? It's political, not racial, directed at a person perceived to be a supporter of Israel.

    Another "antisemite attack" in the video was, "You're a Jew, are you OK?" in a concerned voice. Seemed like the "antisemite" guy thought the walker must have been lost for walking through a ghetto and was offering assistance! Antisemitism indeed.

    The spitting "antisemite attack"....you'd have to ask the spitter why she/he spat. Maybe she/he had phlegm and bad manners.

    Other "attacks" could have been directed at ANY passerby....ghettos can be like that to ANY stranger.

    So, nine hours and 59 minutes of unremarkable footage, and one minute of mainly doubtful "evidence".

    As usual, the Zionists want everything to be antisemitic so that that can play victim to justify their "defending Israel", which is in reality trying to settle more Palestinian land and ethnically cleanse those pesky Arabs from the Jewish Promised Land.

  3. That surprises me, but even more surprising -- in a positive way for a change -- is that thieves haven't begun stealing the solar panels powering warning lights at many junctions on the island, some of them in very remote locations.

    Perhaps a bit too technologically complicated for your average thief, plus conceiving their worth.

  4. The people behind the terrorism were democratically elected. whistling.gif

    And you are sure those democratically elected are behind current unprovoked terrorism in Israel?

    When your opponent are much stronger you can only use guerrila warfare or terrorism.

    I dont have any source to prove you wrong.

    Actually, as usual, UG, to use his description of wrong information, "is telling lies".

    Hamas, the elected government, is a separate body to the military wing, Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigade. So separate, in fact, that the UK does NOT consider Hamas as a terrorist organisation, but does consider the military wing a terrorist organisation. If any terrorism occurs, it's by IaDaQB, not the elected government.

    Keep that in mind.

  5. I did not "admit" to anything.

    When I make my mind up on someone's opinions it is usually after having prolonged exposure to what he expresses on relevant topics. Usually try not to jump to conclusions, unless its too obvious to interpret otherwise. What I meant was simply, that relying on such comparisons is often indicative of antisemitic bias. It may not always be the case, it may be less pronounced or less obvious, but its there. If someone wishes to simply criticize Israel, there is no specific need to allude to the Nazis - many more fitting examples for comparison. The extra bonus of resorting to the Nazi comparison is aimed at robbing Jews of their right to say anything when antisemitism raises its head.


    'Israel and the Diaspora Jewish establishment automatically tag any criticism as anti-Semitic. It’s an old trick – the burden of guilt is shifted from those who perpetrated the Gaza horrors to those who are tainted with so-called anti-Semitism. It’s not us, it’s you, anti-Semitic world. No matter what Israel does, the whole world is against it.

    This is nonsense, of course.'

    Taking phony offence at even a teensy-weensy bit of 'antisemitism' is the height of hypocrisy, coming from those busily whitewashing the brutal murder, torture and land theft of innocent and helpless civilians. That the whole propaganda PR apparatus would elevate this 'crime' above the treatment of 'non-human' Palestinians speaks volumes about some Jewish values. Non-Jews showing just a 'hint' of anti-Jewish feeling, are the lowest of the low, yet the Israeli State quite happily elevates Jewish citizens above all others.

    “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel. http://www.timesofisrael.com/5-of-ovadia-yosefs-most-controversial-quotations/

    Other Rabbis and political leaders have made similar racist and supremacist statements.

    Are Nazi comparisons unfair?

    The Nazis called themselves 'The Master Race'. How is this different to Jews calling themselves 'The Chosen Ones'?

    If you want to do something about how Jews in general are perceived, make a start by putting your own 'anti-Goy' house in order. wai2.gif

    The first link is an opinion piece by Gideon Levy of Haaretz (not sure what was the point of linking it through the truetorahjews.org website, does not add much credibility), a well known holder of radical position on things Israeli. Not the most balanced perspective there.

    I don't know that people are taking "phony offence" - that's your opinion, and some of the incidents detailed are hardly "teensy-weensy bits of antisemitism" (obviously, still didn't bother having a look at the report itself). It is not clear if you mean that the people the report mentioned as being targeted by antisemitic incidents or posters on this forum - but either way, the criticism is a deflection. There is no indication of the political activity and position of the people mentioned in the report as for posters in this forum, their positions are hardly uniform. The notion that denouncing one wrong comes at the expense of another is an imaginary construct, and this fake balance, or comparison does not really exist.

    The second link is aptly titled "5 of Ovadia Yosef's most controversial quotations" - by itself a little hint that this is not necessarily a general position, unless one truly believes that all Israelis and Jews follow these views (which even then, does not make this a reality). Do many UK Jews adhere to these notions?

    The difference between "master race" and "chosen people" is that for starters, one would have to be a religious Jew of a certain creed in order to take "chosen people" seriously. Another difference would be that it does not necessarily denote control over the rest of humanity, in many interpretations it is depicted as more of a burden - albeit one to be appreciated.

    Are there many "anti-Goy" (if such a concept even exists) related incidents in the UK?

    It's anti-Goy every time the label of "antisemite" or the allegation of "antisemitic" is abused and falsely applied. This happens on this forum a lot, so I have no doubt it happens everywhere else.

    As we have established, there are odds (on) that some, if not many, of the incidents referred to in the OP's report are simply using anti-Zionist or anti-Israel comments to appear to be antisemitic.

  6. And when did the country of Israel come into existence? Where are the countries Ceylon or Siam? When did the republics of Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, and Croatia come into existence? South Africa?

    This "no such country as Palestine" is a silly argument that has absolutely no point to it.


    Again, the logic that is valid against Israel is not valid against Palestine...

    You want me to count how many times your side of the argument used the:"Israel has no right to exist as a country because its a make believe country, by make believe God?"

    So we are saying, lets talk on the same level, lets bring this matter for a discussion, lets see if Palestine is a legitimate country as well.

    To the argument:

    Most countries in the world has some defining characteristics, which differentiate it and its ethnic group from others. It can be a common history, common culture, common ethnicity, or any combination of them. Many started as a kingdom before transforming into a modern country.

    This is what we know from archaeological point of view, not the bible: Israel and Judea were 2 related kingdoms in the Levant. Israel apparently rose to power around 900 BC, and Judah separated from Israel and became independent kingdom around 800 BC.

    lets see the others:

    Siam is the ancient name of Thailand, which was used by foreigners. The Thais always called themselves Thai. The name Siam is mentioned first time in the 12'th century. So Siam is Thailand.

    Ceylon is the name the British gave to Sri-Lanka of today, from the Portuguese name Ceilão. The locals called it Lanka or Sinhala.

    So Ceylon is Sri-Lanka.

    The Serbs are one of the Slavic nations. They arrived into the Balkans around 5-7 AD, and mixed with local population (Illyrians, Thracians, Dacians, Romans, Celts). The started to establish several city states in the area, and in 1217 the Serbian Kingdom obtained recognition by Rome and Constantinople in 1217.

    Montenegrin statehood dates back to the medieval independent states of Duklja and Zeta, and subsequently Montenegro, which was the only nation in the Balkans which defied the Ottoman conquest in the Balkans, part of it remaining free and independent during the whole period. Duklja gained its independence from the Byzantine Roman Empire in 1042.

    Bosnian established the first independent banate in the region, known as the Banate of Bosnia, in the early 12th century upon the arrival and convergence of peoples that would eventually come to call themselvesDobri Bošnjani ("Good Bosnians"). Later the Ottomans brought Islam to the Bosnian and changed their cultural and social outlook.

    The Croats arrived in the area of present-day Croatia during the early part of the 7th century AD. They organised the state into two duchies by the 9th century.The Croats are South Slavic people.

    NOW , please tell me the history of Palestinian people and the Palestinian kingdom, and their origin, ethnicity, and first mentioned instance!

    Thanks for the history lesson. Much of it simple general knowledge and thus why I was able to suggest them off the cuff. The new revelations were interesting, thanks. Unfortunately, pretty pointless, though, because of your first paragraph; I, (and indeed others) am not arguing from the standpoint of "Israel has no right blah blah blah....".

    So, before I go on, I'll ask you one question: Do you deny the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination on their own sovereign land?

    Even if you never said that "Israel has no right to exist..." your side of the argument often does, and its just a matter of searching for those comments, but i dont want to waste our time on pettiness.

    You asked me a question: "when did Israel came into existence?", and tried to make similar references to other countries; i answered your questions, and i think it is clear that Israel indeed has a history, unique culture and religion in the area.

    So, before i answer your next question, i ask the same courtesy from you, please answer my question i asked first:

    "Tell me what is the history of Palestinian people, the Palestinian kingdom, their origin, ethnicity, and first mentioned instance?"

    I will give you just a pretext for my answer to your question, so you know im serious enough: i do believe that the Palestinians should have the right to live in dignity and prosperity... but my question first!

    "First mentioned existance" is wordplay and carries no import. Kingdom is irrelevant....you're setting a standard that is often helpful, but not a necessity. Ethnicity...well they're Semites, aren't they (incidentally much more genetically semitic than most Israelis)?

    The pertinent factor is these people have lived on the land for countless generations, going back as far as the old Israel and Judea.

    It's fairly well established practice these days for colonial powers to recognise "customary usage". This, or a similar principle, is what gives the natives of the area a right to what they have always lived on.

  7. Another voice claiming Israel doesn't have a right to exist.

    If you're one of the millions of Israelis, can you see how they will have a big problem with that?

    Dudes ... step one for Arabs and the world is giving up on narrative that Israel shouldn't exist in the first place.

    It's WAY too late for such arguments.

    No (peaceful) progress can be made without that basic acceptance of Israel existing.

    Right there! That's what you and many others constantly do; you spin things to make it look like antisemitism or, as in this case, denial of Israel's right to exist.

    Nowhere did he imply that Israel has no right to exist. He said Palestine's right to exist is on a par with Israel's right. The ONLY way you can infer that he was saying Israel has no right to exist is if you take for granted that Palestine has no right to come into existence.

    Step 1 is for Zionists to admit Palestine has a right to exist.

    Step 2 is to stop the incessant spinning of all pro-Palestine or anti-Zionism into antisemitism and denial of Israel's right to exist.

    • Like 1
  8. Why would we suspend ourselves and why wouldn't he refer to the fact that the Palestinians were caught smuggling arms making materials: Liquid fiberglass, used for rocket and mortar launching tubes? The terrorists were caught red-handed and confessed. Of course he might bring it up.

    If you were in an IDF basement with a bunch of Israeli thugs, I'd suspect you'd confess to anything they asked, too.


    What UG and Morch are both ignoring is that the bet was offered because Morch does not think the event was significant, whereas I suggest it was very convenient for Netanyahu's upcoming speech.ph34r.png

    "Get out there men, find something that "proves" Hamas is out to get us"....next minute, boat repair kits are intercepted...."Rocket-making materials!!!!!!"

    They (the "best intelligence service in the world") couldn't find any explosive ingredients, just fibreglass.

    How to make a rocket from dried apricots, I wonder?

    Why is it that fibreglass resin can be intercepted, and assumed to be nefarious, while sole-purpose, decidedly nefarious stuff that makes rockets explode is not found?

    You are aware that you're making things up, right?

    As in, what you posted did not actually happen?


    If it is hard for you to accept that this did not make a lot of headlines in either Israeli or Palestinian media, can't help you - it's one of them facts. I have no idea why you suppose that other materials are not caught (may want to check Egyptian press for the latest), or that Hamas does not succeed in smuggling in materials (they are conducting rocket test launches quite regularly).

    It seems that so far the one blowing things out of proportion is you.

    Come on....fibreglass resin makes a story and explosive ingredients don't?

    I suggest that should anything definitely explosive or rocket related would make a headline.

    My scenario is quite feasible.

  9. "Originally agreed upon Palestinian territory" ???


    You really need to be much more specific about what you mean.

    Anyway, this thread is about Gaza.

    If you mean the West Bank, how does that stop Hamas from doing what they do?

    Keeping in mind, you do realize the goal of Hamas is no Israel at all.

    Which of course they can't achieve with what they've got ... but their intentions are relevant.

    You keep on perpetuating the lie. That is either mischievous or ignorant. Hamas accepts Israel, if it keeps to the pre-1967 borders (with appropriate land swaps).

    And yet you are unable to find any credible recent link to support this.

    Or will this be another instance of explaining about Hamas moderates?

    The best Hamas "accepted" was a truce (which does not actually carry the same meaning as in English), on condition of full Israeli retreat to the 1967 lines, applying the Right of Return and the whole thing conditional on approval by referendum. All that, by the way - and still not an official recognition of Israel, or a proper peace deal. This notion was raised a while back, at a point in time when Hamas was desperate to gain international acceptance. Not on the cards these days anyway.

    That is still very different from "Hamas's goal is no Israel at all". It's a lie.

    • Like 1
  10. Why would we suspend ourselves and why wouldn't he refer to the fact that the Palestinians were caught smuggling arms making materials: Liquid fiberglass, used for rocket and mortar launching tubes? The terrorists were caught red-handed and confessed. Of course he might bring it up.

    If you were in an IDF basement with a bunch of Israeli thugs, I'd suspect you'd confess to anything they asked, too.


    What UG and Morch are both ignoring is that the bet was offered because Morch does not think the event was significant, whereas I suggest it was very convenient for Netanyahu's upcoming speech.ph34r.png

    "Get out there men, find something that "proves" Hamas is out to get us"....next minute, boat repair kits are intercepted...."Rocket-making materials!!!!!!"

    They (the "best intelligence service in the world") couldn't find any explosive ingredients, just fibreglass.

    How to make a rocket from dried apricots, I wonder?

    Why is it that fibreglass resin can be intercepted, and assumed to be nefarious, while sole-purpose, decidedly nefarious stuff that makes rockets explode is not found?

    • Like 1
  11. "Originally agreed upon Palestinian territory" ???


    You really need to be much more specific about what you mean.

    Anyway, this thread is about Gaza.

    If you mean the West Bank, how does that stop Hamas from doing what they do?

    Keeping in mind, you do realize the goal of Hamas is no Israel at all.

    Which of course they can't achieve with what they've got ... but their intentions are relevant.

    You keep on perpetuating the lie. That is either mischievous or ignorant. Hamas accepts Israel, if it keeps to the pre-1967 borders (with appropriate land swaps).

    • Like 2
  12. Three shooting incidents, three killed.

    First was at the freedom of speech event.

    Second at a synagogue.

    Third when the suspect was apprehended.

    " Hours later, a man was shot in the head and killed early Sunday near Copenhagen’s main synagogue in the city centre." (From post 51 of this thread)

    Near. not at. Could have been near a 7-11 too. Significant?

    The victim of the synagogue shooting was a young Jewish man guarding the building while a bar mitzvah ceremony was underway inside, according to the head of Denmark's Jewish community.

    Dan Rosenberg Asmussen told Danish television that 80 people were gathered in the synagogue.

    “I dare not think about what would have happened if (the killer) had access to the congregation,” Rosenberg Asmussen said. According to AFP, police were stationed outside the synagogue after community leaders contacted authorities following the earlier gun attack.



    OK...fair enough. I was only going by what the mods posted on this thread in two separate news reports which both said "near".

  13. " The fight could be extended to any "closely related successor entity" to the Islamic State"

    Good thinking.

    But keep it to genuinely "closely related" or we'll have another thing like the Patriot Act where things just went way overboard "in the name of security", or, for that matter, the Iraq invasion over aluminium tubes.

    • Like 1
  14. Edit. Can't tell how many shootings there are. At least two, ABC gave me the impression there might be another. ???

    Don't put any faith in that...

    Three shooting incidents, three killed.

    First was at the freedom of speech event.

    Second at a synagogue.

    Third when the suspect was apprehended.

    " Hours later, a man was shot in the head and killed early Sunday near Copenhagen’s main synagogue in the city centre." (From post 51 of this thread)

    Near. not at. Could have been near a 7-11 too. Significant?

  15. BBC - "He (the masked man) shouted something in Arabic."

    Breaking news. A shooting at a Synagogue in Copenhagen.

    From the posted news report straight after your post;

    " police reported another shooting near a synagogue in downtown Copenhagen after midnight Sunday. One person was shot in the head and two police officers were shot in the arms and legs, police said, adding it wasn't clear whether the two incidents were linked. "

    "Near" is quite a bit different from "at".

    Just the mention of "near a synagogue" is sensationalisticaly suggestive enough, without actually twisting it into "at".

    Having said that, I wouldn't be surprised if the events are connected and that the synagogue was connected. But lets keep it real....there's no need to senselessly send the anti-Muslim brigade into a frothing frenzy.

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