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Posts posted by DaveinAsia

  1. The invited parties are what's interesting to me: representatives from the Airports of Thailand Public Company Limited, the Immigration Bureau and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. These three groups need more profit, especially AoT and Immigration wink.png . Anyone who really thinks this is only going to cost 6 baht is very naive. It will be enforced upon tourists without travel insurance. To be paid at the Immigration counter at entry. More like several 1000's of baht

  2. This would make a fantastic story line for a tv soap opera.

    Absolutely fantastic, you could not make this up unbelievable.

    Wonder if she would sell me the book/film/tv rights?

    Brilliant...absolutely brilliant idea...lol

    And....I bet you, if you did watch the Thai TV soap operas all the time I am 99 % certain you would or will see this scandal included in the Thai Soap operas in some form or variation and televised in the not so distance future.....

    I mean this stuff is so perfect for Thai soap opera TV....lol...and.... Yukkity yuk, yuk

    Combined with the worst ever acting in the world.....Brilliant x 2


    Brilliant? Hmmm.....maybe I need another coffee

  3. Of course they are! Most are half drunk, stoned or both all day. It really does make TH seem like paradise. Done the research myself some years back. Once one hits the sober trail it all starts to look a bit different though coffee1.gif

    Well you obviously never took living here seriously. Staying drunk and stoned all day in any country will pretty much yield the same results, no?

    You've drawn your conclusion too easily Tom! I didn't say I was drunk and stoned all day! I lived somewhere surrounded by stoners and drunks and saw them everyday and listened to them talk about their paradise. The guys who sobered up after several years all got up and left. I've been in TH since 98 so I guess I take it pretty seriously myself. Doesn't mean I am deliriously happy though. TH has it's fair share of madness and idiots. More and more it seems these days wink.png

  4. Been going on for years. Wonder why the crackdown now?

    Many wrongs have been going on for years and even decades that past elected governments did not fix.

    But this government has started fixing issues since two years ago.

    Fixing issues that are more in their and other hiso's interests you mean?

    No it's very much in the interests of condo owning farangs not to have their homes used as a cheap rate hotel.

    I never found the apartments/houses that I rented on AirBnB to be cheap! More like mid - higher range prices. Most loud tourists don't use the AirBnB service. They prefer package deals and staying down where all the action is. Most AirBnB guests are decent people(mostly middle class couples with kids) in my experience and they all say hello to me and ask me for some advice. I can't complain about them and I love using the service myself too. To see it closed down in Phuket just proves that TH doesn't tolerate any foreign competition but rather than saying this they dress it up a bit differently to save face

  5. I wonder if this law will be selectively enforced

    No need to wonder. I give you a 100% guarantee that this law will only be enforced upon Thais with no connections/farang.

    It's an assassination attempt on AirBnB in Phuket. They were taking away too much money from the Thai hotel owners

  6. Been going on for years. Wonder why the crackdown now?

    Many wrongs have been going on for years and even decades that past elected governments did not fix.

    But this government has started fixing issues since two years ago.

    Fixing issues that are more in their and other hiso's interests you mean?

  7. In a free market/democratic society it should be up to people themselves to decide who stays in their house and for how long and what they charge their guests. I guess some rich Thais who own hotels are hurting because of AirBnB so they make up a law to protect them. Of course it's annoying for long term renters/owners but that is not a reason to not allow it. Go and live in the countryside if you don't like strangers in 'your' pool. wink.png

    In a truly democratic country, it is up to the people, but rules and regulations exist to protect neighboring peaceso that no one who rents out a room or house suddenly operate their property as a hotel business.

    Fair enough, good point. This issue is much more complicated than we think. The court is now in recess but will return tomorrow with a verdict smile.png

  8. In a free market/democratic society it should be up to people themselves to decide who stays in their house and for how long and what they charge their guests. I guess some rich Thais who own hotels are hurting because of AirBnB so they make up a law to protect them. Of course it's annoying for long term renters/owners but that is not a reason to not allow it. Go and live in the countryside if you don't like strangers in 'your' pool. wink.png

  9. Sorry but i disagree with previous posters.

    Being a teacher these days would challenge anyone to keep their cool;

    Many children goad teachers just to see how far they can go.

    Only point i agree on, is he should not have hit her head.

    When i was a kid ( many many ) years ago, speak or step out of line and wallop you got it.

    End of story, you learned to behave, never went home and told parents, or you got more for disrespecting your teacher.

    People shouldn't be hitting each other, on any part of the body, for any reason. One of the reasons this country is so bloody violent is because hitting is still seen as a way to settle matters. After many many years of research(started even before you were born) people have finally discovered that violence doesn't solve anything.

    One of the reasons you still believe that it works is because you were hit as a kid. Deep down inside the scars are still there

  10. No one stops to help sad.png

    As usual. All Thais know that these little scumbags carry knives and self made guns so they are pretty reluctant to get involved.

    In a country without any law, middle and upper class scumbags know that they can do what they want because they will get away with it anyway. Only the poor get punished in TH.

    It all comes down to law and order. If cops actually did their job in surveying the streets and acting when things like this happened it would go down by 80% overnight. But as we all know the BiB do f-all besides enriching themselves and their kin

  11. Guys, really??

    Holding all Muslims accountable for one so-called 'Jihadi's' actions is like holding every German accountable for Hitlers madness.

    People who are still on their Muslim 'kristallnacht' really need a reality check. It's as if you are just sitting behind your computer all day and night waiting until someone reacts to this topic so that you can spin it or twist it again, just to suit your anti-Muslim crusade. It's so surreal that I'm stepping out of it(talking about disturbed) Please leave it up to the security services to hunt these guys down.....it's not as if you are getting paid for it, are you? clap2.gif

    DaveinAsia, this is a video you need to watch. It gives you a reply to "Holding all Muslims accountable"

    Brigitte Gabriel gives FANTASTIC answer to Muslim woman claiming all Muslims are portrayed badly
    Watch it.

    55555! Fantastic? Just as fantastic as quoting that other Muslim hater Hirsi Ali. I'm sure Sean Hannity liked that video about 1000 times.

    I love the wind up though! Please keep em' comin. I expect George 'boy' Bush next swearing under oath that Iraq has chemical weapons

  12. Guys, really??

    Holding all Muslims accountable for one so-called 'Jihadi's' actions is like holding every German accountable for Hitlers madness.

    People who are still on their Muslim 'kristallnacht' really need a reality check. It's as if you are just sitting behind your computer all day and night waiting until someone reacts to this topic so that you can spin it or twist it again, just to suit your anti-Muslim crusade. It's so surreal that I'm stepping out of it(talking about disturbed) Please leave it up to the security services to hunt these guys down.....it's not as if you are getting paid for it, are you? clap2.gif

  13. Turns out now that there is no evidence at all connecting Omar Mateen to ISIS. Maybe an apology is in place from certain people who argued with me that he was an ISIS terrorist thumbsup.gif

    Here's the press conference with CIA director John Brennan:


    The website with story and video:


    What ridiculous and distorted spin.

    From the beginning of this, there wasn't anyone asserting definitely that the Orlando atrocity was directly ordered by ISIS.

    Anyone with even a basic understanding of how such Jihadists organizations operate would already know that they intentionally try to INSPIRE terrorist actors in the west to do "do it yourself" terrorist actions.

    You push this lie that this is news.

    It WOULD be big news if they found direct orders in this case. Not the opposite as you assert.

    A local USA terrorist that was INSPIRED by Jihadist terrorist is still indeed a Jihadist terrorist.

    Weirdly, in the USA, the right wing wants to make this all about Jihadist terrorism, and the left wing wants to make this all about gun control.

    But in reality it's about multiple things:

    Jihadist terrorism

    Gun control

    Homophobia (in this case likely internalized homophobia being a factor)

    There is no need that it has to be only about ONE thing. Except for distorted spin purposes.

    It hurts doesn't it? After a full week of spinning and twisting every negative thing you could find on Muslims only to find out that the man in question had nothing to do with aforementioned terrorist organisation. 55555!

    I do appreciate your very hard attempt above to spin it the other way again....Jihadists, bla bla bla.

    You are way to deep into this topic to even give in a little bit.

    Even the CIA director doesn't change your mind....lol

  14. Turns out now that there is no evidence at all connecting Omar Mateen to ISIS. Maybe an apology is in place from certain people who argued with me that he was an ISIS terrorist thumbsup.gif

    Here's the press conference with CIA director John Brennan:


    The website with story and video:


  15. How did this happen...doesn't Britain have some of the worlds strictest gun control laws? Do you mean to tell me it actually is mentally ill people who kill people and not guns that kill people?


    It's funny that everything that questions something or somebody is considered trolling these days. Is this just a way to silence certain opinions perhaps?

    I'm sure this comment will also be considered trolling by a few who gave trolling their own definition.......

    Here's the real definition of trolling again for those who had forgotten: make a deliberately offensive or provocative online posting with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them.

    The post by OMG......... is what we call sarcasm in the English language and far from trolling dear members. Time for coffee

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