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Posts posted by MisterBeetle

  1. To the reds - if it has not escaped your attention - you have won! - there are to be elections in November - but if the protest and violence continues then you are putting those at risk because you cannot hold fair elections in the immediate aftermath of something like these protests - the country needs time to settle down and reflect on the political choices in an atmosphere of calm....... oh wait or is fair and free elections really their aim? Maybe anarchy and a "triumphant return" by a "hero Thaksin" is what you really seek.

    So you are thinking about the future of the thai people and that is an excuse for putting children into a dangerous situation......Thaksins tactics sound a little like Saddam's to me!

    The thing that saddens me is that the end result of any election will be a "strong" leader and not a "fair" one - well remember this Abhisit's tactics have been aimed at risking lfe as little as possible - a "strong" PM would have marched in at the end of the first weekend and known that as far as the world and most people in the country are concerned a few hundred deaths would have been "yesterdays news" by now. Is that the kind of leadership Thai's really want?

    Well said! :)

  2. Good! You can't negotiate with anarchist criminals who have been shown remarkable tolerance thus far. Their criminal mob have held the Country to ransom for long enough and their concern for human life is hypocritically one sided stemming only from the desire of their leaders to get an amnesty so they can go off and spend Thaksin's millions.

    Agreed! Crazy amounts of money!!

    With the news now that Nattawut is supposedly one of the masterminds of all the violence...I wouldn't agree to any form of "Ceasefire" they come up with.

    Give them an inch, they take a mile?

    Who knows what they have planned next!

  3. The reporter I seen on CNN yesterday that got wounded was wearing black T shirt and pants had black hair with large black sunglasses not the best attire to make you stand out from the terrorist garb.

    So true! You dress like a red shirt guard and wonder why the army shot you?

    I do hope he has a speedy recovery and has a good think about next time maybe wearing something that distinguishes a bit better. Another reporter Dan Rivers, at least he stands out, flack jacket, helmet, etc.

    I agree with another posters comment, many reporters putting themselves in a dangerous situation all in the quest of getting a good photo or story. They are fully aware they are doing that, if they are not then they are in the wrong profession.

  4. Be a bit firkin daft NOT to talk to the reds, considering many/most people think that they would win an election right now.

    May be your maid thinks so, but certainly not the majority of Thais

    Are you suggesting his maid's opinion isn't important? What's the minimum income of a Thai citizen before he gets a right to vote? You have a very PAD-like attitude.

    Haha...just what does money have do to with it anyway?

    If his maid was Burmese, then she can't vote anyway.

    Off topic. Interesting you use the name Che Guevara... chosen nicely. Did you know that Che was a mass murderer and a wanted Terrorist?

    That he jailed gays just for being gay?

    Che was also a serious Communist who had no intention of allowing free speach, free elections or much else.

    Quote from Che Guevara: “I have no house, wife, children, parents, or brothers; my friends are friends as long as they think like me, politically."

    Interesting hey?

    You should think better before you choose a poster hero.


  5. Dr PM Abhisit

    The people of Thailand for the past two months have suffered under an intolerable situation. When the ruling was issued by the courts regarding the seizure of part of former PM Thaksin's frozen fortune people expected his followers to protest. Within weeks they managed to mobilize their foot soldiers and we watched as they handed out cash and sent them off to Bangkok. They arrived and at once set about their plan to wreak havoc on the streets of Bangkok. We suffered through their traffic jams as they organized mobile rallies to disrupt the lives of the people here. With their arrival came the grenade attacks that occurred during the nights targeting businesses, politicians, and government buildings. Yet they were allowed to continue their protests. Seeking to do greater damage they occupied Rajasaprong intersection forcing the closing of many malls and businesses and putting tens of thousands of Thais out of work. The Red shirts continued to seek confrontation, they found it in Pathum Thani and the police meekly backed off. On April 10 the Red protesters turned the city streets into a battlefield, but that would not be the end of the killing. In other grenade attacks and clashes innocent bystanders and police have been killed or injured. Still the protests raged on. Despite a date for a new election the protests in recent days have only increased.

    We have seen many crimes committed, we have seen violence, terrorism, kidnapping, murder, intimidation, and so much more. But there has been no justice. Millions of people live in this city and strive everyday to live productive lives within the law only to watch these people flaunt their contempt for that law. We have waited for a peaceful resolution, we have backed negotiations as a way to end these protests. New elections have been proposed to placate terrorists and even that is not enough for them. The people given the task of enforcing the law have repeatedly shirked that responsibility. Decent people have been harassed, attacked and had their rights violated by the Red protesters. No one protects them. It is my fear that even more innocent bystanders will be harmed by these protests before they are over.

    We have trusted you as Prime Minister to handle this crisis. The choices you make are very important and the lives of more people hang in the balance. The roadmap to reconciliation is a positive step, but without the full cooperation of the Red protesters it is not enough. We have put our confidence in you, now is the time to show that confidence is deserved. The people of Thailand deserve a return to order and peace. Give us hope that you do indeed have a plan that will achieve this goal shortly. If however you do not, and if this crisis is beyond your ability to solve then I ask you to consider all the alternatives. If the decisions that must be made are to heavy for you we will understand if you must remove yourself and pass the job of Prime Minister to someone else within your party. It is the job of the Prime Minister to steer the nation in a direction that benefits all it's people. For the past 2 months it has been adrift at it is time to get back on course.

    Lazarus, I don't think that it is fair to say that the "people of Thailand' are suffering...it's totally quiet and peaceful in the provinces and apart from a the relatively few who live or work in the better off parts of Bangkok, no one is even being inconvenienced to any great extent....I will accept that the rich folk who want to shop in those fancy shops around Rajprasong have been inconvenienced and may even have had to shop somewhere else, or delay their purchases...indeed what is so effective about the protest is its targeting, it has left 95% of the population totally untouched, but has hurt the privileged classes....

    LOL ... more red posturing ....

    The tax base is being affected. That affects money for ALL Thai people in the form of government services.

    Tourism is being affected and that affects people all over Thailand, from the business people to the tax base to the employees that send money home from Phuket to other parts of the country. It affects Chiang Mai. It affects Pattaya. It affects Koh Chang. It affects Phuket. It affects Had Yai. It affects EVERY region of Thailand.

    1000's of people in BKK have been unemployed by this. They come from all over Thailand. it affects ALL of Thailand. People will REMEMBER the reds and their violence for years! This will affect ALL of Thailand and not just until they go home but for YEARS!

    Well said!

    The chain reaction of this whole event will be felt for quite a while yet.

    My country's embassy like many is recommending against all non-essential travels to Thailand.

    Surely the drop in tourism numbers is effecting more than just locally effected businesses.

  6. Amazing how people read so much out of an seemingly innocent post.

    I have to admit the title was misleading , but in a good way!

    To the O.P- you have a beautiful family and best of luck to you.

    To the skeptics out there.... u have too much time on your hands and also too many grudges.

    Nice picture, believe it or not there are happy stories in the world.

  7. Its not surprising that Abhisit names Khattiya as the leader behind the attacks. He is probably the leader of the so-called Men in Black.

    Khattiya has publicly threatened with violence already months ago. I remember a topic on TV with a link to his website. Looked quite grim.

    I think that he is mad, not quite right in the head.

    How can Thailand explain to the rest of the world that a Maj Gen in the Thai army can run riot like this?

    In other countries he would be immediately arrested and court-martialed for sedition, disobeying direct orders (if he was ever given any to stop this craziness) and treason.

    The fact that the red shirt leaders have the nerve to call the government murderers, when their own group are the instigators.

    They are all f*cked in the head and they are costing my wife's business money!

    True, it most "normal" countries, Khattiya would have been court-martialed. How they could let him get away with being who he is for so long, I just don't understand.

    Once again, Amazing Thailand has left us all in disbelief. :)

  8. Agree with this.

    I think that Abhisit has shown great qualities so far in the face of tremendous pressure. Ok, these qualities are maybe as a talker rather than a doer, hence some of the more right-wing protagonists on this board get a bit shirty, but not even his opponents should begrudge him some credit. However, he hinged his career on this roadmap and where are we now, x number of days on. It is literally going nowhere fast - lots of tacit agreements but some very real doubts too and rightly so - it is a woolly piece of political rhetoric at the very best.

    Here today, I do not see anything statesmanlike in these comments on his TV show - it s the kind of thing that his minions normally say, but he stays above - naming names, loose terrorism charges, dragging in Thaksin again, sort of almost pleading to come on board within the 15 days. Might he be starting to feel that the roadmap might actually be going nowhere? It was his call and if it derails, he is bang on the ropes. His enemies on both sides and even within his party might well spot some chinks in his armour here. This is far from over.

    Have you heard the rhetoric from redshirt stages? Even last night the speakers were belligerent and caustic. They have made it clear, despite what they say in media interviews, that they have no interest in reconciliation. The redshirts are stalling and delaying.

    People are dying. Businesses are failing. Innocent citizens are being harmed daily by their takeover of the Bangkok city center. The redshirts insist on trying to bargain, but they are in no position to do so as they are illegally occupying central Bangkok. Indeed, they are reinforcing their position by bringing in more demonstrators.

    None of the above in any way demonstrates an interest in reconciliation.

    Perhaps Abhisit is responding to these actions from the redshirts.

    I agree with your comments.

    It seems regardless of what the redshirt leaders say in the press regarding working towards reconciliation etc, they still sprout the most ridiculous rubbish at their listeners.

    It would seem that they really don't want to end their fight yet.

    I was caught up it the most frustrating traffic coming back into Bangkok on Friday night from Khon Kaen and could not believe how many redshirts were making their way to Bangkok.

    Why would they need to boost their rally if the plan was to finish it all this week? Reconciliation? What a load of BS.

    The red shirt leaders know they have only 6 days left to spread their lies before they supposedly give them selves up to the Authorities on the 15th May.

  9. All I know id I miss out by 4 days!!

    Have to travel to Cambodia to do 60 day Visa tomorrow!! As I have to be back on Monday to start new job.

    Go figure! Oh well. Only 1,000 Baht Better luck next time hey.

    By the way , has anyone here used the 3 day bus trip to Cambodian border to do Visa?

    Just wondering what there is to do there for 3 days. ie coffee shops, supermarkets, should I take food, are there rip off merchants blah blah...

  10. This has been such a God dam_n waste of time... now why in the world couldn't Abhisit have said "six months" six weeks ago??!!! What has changed that he can cut the deal now, but could not cut the deal before??????

    I am stunned by the IDIOCY of this entire episode.

    er... it was the reds who refused further negotiations....

    true, but try telling that to the redshirts!

  11. I get the funny feeling, Abhisit cut the deal with the reds BEFORE he went on air... maybe they will accept it.... and then Abhisit will look like a hero. But in my eyes he is an incompetent leader who doesn't have a clue how to handle a crisis. I'm stunned by the incredible waste of time this whole thing is.... I mean we, the people have suffered.... people have died, just to have the Prime Minister cut a deal from 9 months to 6 months that he could have done at the start of all this?! What the hel_l is going on??????

    Calm down man! "...we, the people have suffered..." ???

    Who the bkk people who have had to change there daily routine to get around the Redshirt villages?

    Another dramatic pointless post that does nothing but go around in circles.

  12. This has been such a God dam_n waste of time... now why in the world couldn't Abhisit have said "six months" six weeks ago??!!! What has changed that he can cut the deal now, but could not cut the deal before??????

    I am stunned by the IDIOCY of this entire episode.

    6 weeks ago, i don't think anyone realized how blown out the whole red shirt "sit in" would be.

    At least now we can see some sort of compromise, unfortunately of course, we still have to hear back from the red thugs.

    Idiocy yes, I seem to recall a thrashy american movie with that title.

  13. THE NATION: PM: I have heard you fully. I just can't accept the 15-day House dissolution demand.

    Is this guy serious? The red shirts have been offering 90 days (3 months) for over 2 weeks now. But Abhisit is still twisting it down to 15 days?

    Abhisit is obviously a little more serious about solving problems than you snoopy.

    Geez give a dog a bone and he tries and takes your hand!

    Why can't you just sit down, be quiet and wait till the Elections?

  14. The reds are able to block everything including a train with armed soldiers.But the government is not able to block the food supply to the protesters?

    They could have done this 6 weeks ago and all the reds would have been back on their rice paddy long time already by now without using 1 bullit.

    Like to see you try and run the country then!

    Abhisit has I believe been under a lot of pressure by his advisors as well, he is not the only one running the country you have to realize.

    They have had to tread so carefully up till now.

  15. hmm, wonder how he comes back. Served on a silver tray with a red tomato in his mouth?

    Black and white stripes .. complete with handcuffs and legcuffs?

    Its fair to say your statements are nonsense. If and when Thaksin comes back, there will be so many red shirts at the airport to welcome him that there won't be anyone with a handcuff anywhere near Suvarnabhumi. That's just realistic thinking.


    I would think that there would be quite a few people waiting for Thaksin "if" he ever come back to Thailand. Including some pretty heavily armed people ready to take him into custody.

    I really don't think the government would be so stupid to let him just waltz in and drive off with him chums for a little welcome home party.

    That's realistic.

    Given everything that has happened up to date I really don't think the red shirts would be so stupid??

  16. i think its not about political goals anymore its about not loosing face witch has nothing to do with politics.

    Very true!

    I bet Dr Weng is close to loosing face over the whole Hospital stunt.

    It seems that there is some very different opinions on what they (the redshirt leaders) are now going to do, in terms of leadership.

    Maybe those rumors about Thaksin and his family wearing black.... looks like the reds have lost their Political Leader.

    I know the Red Shirt movement is greater than Thaksin, but he did seem to represent some sort of stability in their ideas.

  17. If it is not blocked by mistake (which would be embarrassing IMHO) it is just RIDICULOUS!!

    Let's block GOOGLE since you can use it to find :) BAD THINGS :D

    I have also had trouble accessing sites using True ADSL.

    Including Myspace, Windowslive and sometimes random sites like my Blogpage.

    My sister in-law works for true and I asked to find out what it was and she had no idea, reckons it has nothing to do with banned sites or blocking as far as she knows.

  18. It's not my fight but i am just wondering how you felt when the yellow team occupied the International Airport?
    why not have a poll in bangkok and see how many of the 10 mil. people like that "protest site" to be removed.

    i wonder !

    well it was just as disturbing as the first 8 days of the reds but now we enter week seven with bamboo sticks , petrol doused roadblocks and , and ,and

    Agreed.. I was personally effected by the yellow shirt's shutting down the airport last year.. but I understood why they had done it and really wasn't too upset. It actually gave me an excuse to stay here longer before going home :) Ok maybe not everyone was happy about it , but the result was a positive change in the government.

    After nearly 8 weeks of Red shirts, I'm about ready to...... Grrrrrrrrgh.

  19. If anyone here is of "neutral shirt" but HATES CORRUPTION then I would suggest you :

    Look very closely at all spending in the next budget. Look out for projects that will go to tenders, the big ones.

    Monitor who wins the subsequent tenders in late 2010 and early 2011 and their potential relationships with the present ruling government coalition MP's.

    Will you find a pattern.......... ?? Well, investigate it and see what you find.

    I'm sure there will be a pattern. Is there anyone here who thinks the current government is completely clean? I doubt it. Is there anyone who thinks that if the reds get in power the pattern will cease to exist? Any takers?

    Well the pattern needs looking into.

    Corruption must be wiped out. All eyes of the world must watch the Thai budget and see who wins the subsequent work. Stamp out corruption.

    So it appears there could be massive corruption in the coming Thai budget. Everyone needs to keep a watch on it.

    Do you really think "Everyone need to keep a watch on it?"

    I'd much rather be watching my kids grow up than really get so obsessed with Thai Politics.

    Ok there might be corruption in the current government, but changing the government it is not going to stamp out corruption.

    I'll leave the watching bit to you levelhead, you seem to be the man for the job.

  20. This could very well prove to be an electoral disaster for the reds. The pictures of sick children lying on the floor are horrid and are going to be splashed everywhere

    I wonder if they will also state the fact that they didn't even have to be moved. Looks like someone tried to pull a pro-government PR stunt and pulled it off quite well.

    It was probably the fake reds who forcibly broke in to begin with too! :)

    Nobody is denying that the red shirts entered the hospital. But they didn't harm any patients. If they wanted to harm patients, they could harm them at the new location too, so the move was pointless and effectively a PR stunt. I'm sorry.

    What kind of "harm" are you referring to? Emotional stress could be considered as harm by alot of people!!

    Don't forget there are patients staying here with many serious health conditions. Having 200 odd red shirt Thugs running around searching for a non-existent enemy?

    Don't you think they have enough stress involved with recovering in Hospital?

    There were quite a few reasons that the patients were moved if you investigate a bit deeper. One BIG reason being the fact that the hospital has been bombarded with noise for quite some time.

    If I was a patient staying at the Hospital , I don't think I would want to be staying right next to a redshirt Hill billy camp either.

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