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Posts posted by MisterBeetle

  1. No matter who killed the solider in the end any violence from here on out in my opinion is RED. The government has bent over backwards to avoid conflict.

    If the red shirts keep trying to block roads and reek havoc on citizens, they have to know the potential for violence, and cannot act innocent.

    They could easily go home and start to prepare for elections in less than a year.

    If the government remains passive for too long, innocent citizens become at risk.

    Well said jingthing!


    People have to remember none of this would ever have happened if the red shirts started the blockades in the first place ( which is an illegal act in its own right).

    They have no right to take the law into their own hands!

    I have heard too many stories about terrorized drivers being stopped by red shirt thugs driving to work.

    When will this all end?

    It will have an end when people like you are writing posts like that. Nobody really wants to know what you've heard.

    Stop your posts and all will have an end.

    There's not much difference between foreigners who might think they know all about the problems here, but after all they know nothing at all.

    SisaketMike.. Obviously you must be trying to take the piss out of me right? "It will have an end when people like you are writing posts like that."

    No...this will end sometime soon and none of us will know how and when.

    Good night.

  2. No matter who killed the solider in the end any violence from here on out in my opinion is RED. The government has bent over backwards to avoid conflict.

    If the red shirts keep trying to block roads and reek havoc on citizens, they have to know the potential for violence, and cannot act innocent.

    They could easily go home and start to prepare for elections in less than a year.

    If the government remains passive for too long, innocent citizens become at risk.

    Well said jingthing!


    People have to remember none of this would ever have happened if the red shirts started the blockades in the first place ( which is an illegal act in its own right).

    They have no right to take the law into their own hands!

    I have heard too many stories about terrorized drivers being stopped by red shirt thugs driving to work.

    When will this all end?

  3. I wonder if it's time to re-evaluate the dangers of rubber bullets. If my count is right, 26 people have now died and over 800 have been injured by rubber bullets. Maybe live ammunition should be used instead...maybe it's less dangerous.


    Rubber Bullets are supposed to be aimed at the body ONLY however if aimed at the head it almost certain its a kill shot

    If they are aiming at peoples heads it will be another positive case for the reds to accuse the goverment of murder as it is well known rubber bullets to the head KILL

    You seem to think that is positive? I'm sure if someone threw a brick at someone elses head they could kill them too.. or an ashtray, beer bottle.. actually any solid object could be considered dangerous. But that is beside the point isn't it?

    Red shirts are peaceful protestors and would never harm another Thai right??...

    They would never deliberately block an officer of the law or a soldier from carrying out their duty right?

    They would never criticize the royal family or jeopardize the economy right?

    I'm sick of hearing all these red shirt sympathizes and their attempts to make every move by the government to try and restore law and order in the Capital, seem like some ruthless "Murder".

    That is why this is my second post on any red shirt related forum. I'm just tired of the whole thing and hope it comes to a peaceful resolution.


  4. I agree, there are good and bad taxi drivers. WHo knows what the ratio of good to bad is!!

    I have had many helpful drivers, assist with shopping bags, luggage. Even had one driver once help carry suitcase up flight of steps to our apartment!!

    My problem with taxi drivers is in their actual driving style as another poster commented!

    I have had so many taxi rides and literally been hanging on to anything fixed to the car as hard as I could! Closed my eyes as we entered intersections and nearly told the driver to stop! Thinking back, I actually should have a few times.

    Once caught a Taxi from Bangkrapi to Ekkamai and collided with a Motorbike coming over the bridge onto Soi Ekkamai. Motorbike rider limped to the curb in obvious pain. I jumped in another cab for the last bit of the journey.

    Big reason why now with a 3 month old baby, we only use taxi's in emergencies.

  5. The PM has a lot to answer for

    Sending the army into an area and closing all the beer bars

    seems all the party eyed lady fanciers, are having to spend their time on TV

    PM please reopen the bars so we can get back to serious postings

    ozzieman05 I love reading your posts! Hahaha... way to go man! :)

    Unlike many TV posters I am married to a Thai lady and have a beautiful Thai daughter (50/50 Aussie/Thai)

    I love Thailand and I do not support Yellow or Thai, hate all politicians because all the laws are biased again me as a westener, and many red shirts put my wife down because she is lucky enough to have a Farang husband

    I am like all you other Farang but a visitor in Thailand so have no right of say, but as I have a Thai daughter and support a Thai family, have the right to an opinion

    Would love to see how many other can say the same

    My posts try to see the funny side, these are sad times, but the country has to be allowed to grow through it growing pains, and it is a sad fact that when you have cancer you have to cut it off, or it will attack the whole body and eventually all will die

    I agree Thai killing Thai is bad, because they are brothers

    Now imagine having to cut of your leg because of cancer

    Are you not more attached to your leg that the man who lives next door

    some times hard decisions must be made, at least the red shirts have a choice and can go home

    with cancer there is no choice

    Well said!

  6. Yeah, I guess so. I already have 17" right now. It looks great but if possible I'll do 18".

    Btw, the new City SE version comes with 17" from store. The two lesser models comes with 16".

    I had an old model city and had rubbing issues (on full lock) with 16". You have to put them on and make sure u can turn lock to lock and they don't rub anywhere. 17" might be doable, though my guess is 18" will rub and give a more harsh ride.

    Well if 17" is stock you might manage 18" I use 17" on my civic and its much more harsh than standard (looks cool though!). My wife's niece got 17" on hers and its lowered - the suspension is adjustable, if you didn't know already:) You can lower it and keep the stock springs. Happy bouncing! haha

    Even if you could fit 18" , the ride would be so un-forgiving on Bangkoks roads.

    I was in a taxi last week that had some cool looking wheels on a trip from Ekkamai to Ladprao and the ride was so rough!!

    I'd rather have a bit more comfort if I was you.

  7. Hello MisterBeetle,

    Thanks for the post. I understand about the air-conditioning and student behavior.

    The classes I have starting on 19 April are in non air-conditioned rooms and are M.4 and M.6 students. I will see what happens. Probably the same as your last school.

    You should be able to get a job like you want being you have TEFL, degree and experience. Should I hear about an opening then I will let you know.

    Now, I am trying to establish a database of the universities that I listed in my previous post so that I can try to get the weekend and weeknight work.

    Take care and Happy Songkhran!



    Thanks, I have emailed several schools and will wait for a reply. This is the right time now, at the start of the Songkhran to be looking.

    In regards to teaching in government school, I know they are not all the same. I actually enjoyed the time there overall. It really comes down to how good a teacher you are as to how the kids will behave.

    There was a female American girl who started same time as me and she had so many troubles with her classes- mainly with controlling the pubescent boys in her Mathayom 4-6 classes.

    I have seen quite a few part time jobs going around, so you should be able to secure something there.

    Best of luck to you and also- Happy Songkhran!!

  8. I am also seeking a fare school or company to teach at.

    I have a couple of years teaching experience in Thailand.

    Last year I taught English to Mathayom level students in a school on the outskirts Bangkok.

    The hours were (I thought) a little to high. 25 teaching hours and I received a salary of 34,000 baht un-taxed. I didn't pay tax.

    We had to be at school at 7.30 each day and generally finished most school days around 4pm.

    I was the only teacher to attend the morning gate duties, one day a week (7.15 am start). However that duty was deemed unnecessary by the head teacher around half way through the school term.

    The school had few air-conditioned rooms, however I never taught in any. I actually taught in several rooms with no fans!! This made for many sweaty days at school and I actually think I had heat stroke a couple of times.

    The school itself was ok, but many facilities either not working or too hard to find someone to operate. No Video/ bad sound equipment. I also had to buy some materials myself.

    I do have a TESOL certificate and a Bachelor Degree, but that has never seemed to have made much difference. The school I last taught at had 2 other native- speaking teachers and neither had degrees. I believe I was being paid only 2,000 baht more.

    I myself have decided to seek a school with air-conditioning and will only teach Elementary Level students. (Age 6-12 yrs) Mainly because the stress of teaching Secondary students in the Thai Government schools is just not worth it. I don't want to go home to my wife and 2 month old baby with a head ache every day!!

    Good luck to you Sutyot. I'm sure once you find a good school and settle in, you will be fine.

  9. I use Adobe Lightroom 2.1 for all my quick editing and image corrections. Latest version has dust spot removal, selective toning and heaps of features I've never used or needed.

    For most stuff this software is ideal and great for locating images through Metadata. You can also convert RAW files to JPEG< TIFF etc.

    Also has neat slideshow software built in.

    You can always do extra editing through Adobe Photoshop LE.

  10. I see there is a corporate day feature with the link that Hak posted, I had mentioned in another thread the possibility of a Thai Visa track day and maybe they are the ones to organize such an event and since then there have been a few people posting their involvement in motorsports so I think it might be a nice social family day to be had for those who both want to drive and maybe just those who'd like to have a meet up, be as involved as one wants....

    Sounds good... will bring the 8 wheeler for the little one :)

  11. Warp, check out www.euroclubrace.com there's older Bimmers and all other euro stuff. Most speak english.


    Yeah it's that Thai thing that makes understanding the rules a problem.... Anyway I wouldn't want to get stuck in the same class with a full on prepared Evo or Cefiro in an 8 valve, slightly beefed basic 1.8 VW.. Grouping would be ok but not the same class.

    Maybe you can find a vw club event?? There must be a few other vw owners who would join you.

    :) if I had a car here I would join you...shame I can't bring my '91 Golf Gti to Thailand!!! :D

    I've been to Birra Circuit a few times in the past with some thai vw friends.

    All aircooled but.

    Here's A LINK to some photos from a few years back at a VW club race at BIRRA Circuit. (Old modified and stock beetles type 3's)

    Would love to go back one day! Having a little bubba has confined our travels to air-conditioned shopping malls and cool afternoon walks in the park lol

    Thanks for that, I have campaigned many a VW known as Golfs here but Rabbits back in the States. I looked up VW water cooled clubs here and only one to be found and their website is simply one page with a pic of several of them but no contact info. I'd like to get something going if it doesn't exist already and it seems it doesn't. Maybe over the next few months I will be able to finally get something up and running that's why I'm looking now. Like you I have had 2 little bubba's keeping me from doing anything as well but I still brought them to Bira once when they were about 2 and 3, gotta start them young :D ..

    You should recognize these I should think then? The older carburated Rabbit is how they used to be set up and handle lifting the inside rear tire especially if you heal and toe, my evolution of the GTI in the other 2 pictures is how I made my car handle nearly dead level and even engineered my own rear sway bar it was fully adjustable while on the ground and installed, no other such bar available in the world the two newer GTI pics were both record setting weekends with wins..

    The pic with the line of cars behind that corner is an awesome corner when done just right and my car loved it and took it about 160Km per hour comfortably (except for the bumps on that track, very bumpy), not bad for a mostly stock VW on street legal tires.. :D

    *edit* I don't know how that one picture got duplicated maybe a Mod can delete it as I can't figure out how to..

    Warpspeed, love the old Mk1's don't see many for sale here but!!

    I saw one for sale on Ladprao road, I think its still there. Silver 5 door, looked straight. Not sure on price.

    Interested in thisGolf Mk3 with Porsche Alloys.

    Would need a bit more poke in the engine bay, but that can be easily done ..add a 2 litre or even better a 3.2 VR6 from a Caravelle :D

  12. Me wrong, typo sorry here's the right one http://www.munmaaktrackday.com/Trackindex.php i hope that works for you.

    Really, don't worry about the equipment, its all just fun but safe because we mix old and new cars, we don't race (ok only a bit) and there's lots of people who just want to drive track but not go all out.

    I do use both side of my feet :) and have been through the driving schools in europe.

    I drive a 6 speed manual Pcar in full race and also use my tiptronic P every now and then on track.

    Let me know if you're dropping by on saturday, more then welcome to come and have a look.



    This is great to see that there is an activity racing community here!

    I have to admit I have never done a track day ( only weekend club meets on legal roads- we drive at speed limit most the time). back home I own a Mk2 Golf Gti, with minor tuning and modifications.

    This weekend is not possible as I have plans with my family for a trip south of Hua Hin, but will keep in mind for the future. 2500 Baht for a day is very good value.

    All the best, would love to see some pics posted up after Saturday.

  13. Wish I could get out as easy with my divorce.

    My Wife (soon to be ex) thinks because she was living in Aus with me for so long and we were married under Aus law is trying to get pretty much half of everything I own!

    Paperwork is up around the 30,000 baht mark already and thats not including all my time and effort traveling 3 hours to my nearest capital city to lodge forms.

    Luckily I dont own a house, my car is worth f^&k all and I hid all my savings in a box. :)

    Oh by the way- she cheated me of nearly every cent I was earning at the time, hence why I hid my savings!! I learnt my lesson big time! Better of not getting married.

    Now I have a baby to a new girl, happy, we never fight, she earns and spends her own money and life goes on.

    Best of luck.

  14. if your company is paying vat, payed 7% vat on car, fuel, service and insurance can be deducted.

    insurance for company car is much more expensive and roadtax is double

    most people own car privately, and deduct costs from personal income tax. most companies with a profit rent/lease cars due to direct deduct of costs.

    Wow, so it actually ends up costing more !

    I might look into the renting/leasing option.

    Thanks for all the answers everyone :) At least now I know.

  15. Have a question. Thought I would ask here first incase anyone has had experience.

    In many overseas countries you can purchase a vehicle through your business and get discounts and/or claim in your company tax return.

    Is there such a thing here in Thailand?

    I asked a car dealer and they didnt really understand my question: poor English and my poor thai lol.

    We would be looking at buying two of the same cars as company cars/used for business use.

  16. Yeah it's that Thai thing that makes understanding the rules a problem.... Anyway I wouldn't want to get stuck in the same class with a full on prepared Evo or Cefiro in an 8 valve, slightly beefed basic 1.8 VW.. Grouping would be ok but not the same class.

    Maybe you can find a vw club event?? There must be a few other vw owners who would join you.

    :) if I had a car here I would join you...shame I can't bring my '91 Golf Gti to Thailand!!! :D

    I've been to Birra Circuit a few times in the past with some thai vw friends.

    All aircooled but.

    Here's A LINK to some photos from a few years back at a VW club race at BIRRA Circuit. (Old modified and stock beetles type 3's)

    Would love to go back one day! Having a little bubba has confined our travels to air-conditioned shopping malls and cool afternoon walks in the park lol

  17. Having been to other International Auto shows, this one was just plain bad - bad as in not good. Honda Jazz, Toyota Camry, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...... it wasn't a car show so much as a multi-brand dealership meeting....

    Agree, people are traveling from other countries, like Malaysia, buying plane tickets, and hotel rooms

    to see the carshow, the biggest show in Asia.

    Wasting space to display common cheap cars like honda jazz and Toyota Yaris is an insult.

    A glass of water is more interesting than a Honda Civic.

    I was speechless when I saw all the regular cars displayed,

    the same cars parked in the parkinglot outside, or any Tesco parkinglot.

    Agree with you there! Actually if anyone has been for a night out in Ekkamai /Thonglor, you might see a higher number of supercars and hot girls. I normally see at least one or two Lambo's, ferrari's, Porcshe 911's, Bentley's, Mercs- Beemers...

    ...mind you motorshow is a little bit cheaper than a night out in Ekkamai or Thonglor :)

  18. Here are some girls I find pretty.

    Yes that was the Ferarri.

    And I agree, about the cars, I wonder why they display cars like Honda CRV and

    Toyota Camry

    i find them pretty too, but they arent modelling the cars,so not valid imo :)

    they probably display the crv, camry to induce orders at the show

    I would have to agree with you there! Did you see how much space was wasted for sales tables? Toyota/Honda especially.

    Have to remember though, the average thai can only afford a car under 1,000,000 Baht. If they are lucky!! And even then, they will bargaining to get a low up-front payment and 60 month payment plan.

  19. post-103105-1269753203_thumb.jpgSome cars are very rare and and you seldom see them in Thailand.

    Why are everybody overexcited about the average looking girls??

    Many are borderline ugly and you have millions of them in Thailand.

    You can see them every day outside your house.

    I took some pictures of the schmoes that crowded and drooled over the


    Sorry if I accidentally display any Thaivisa member.

    (the pic is a crowd in front of some mediocre girls)

    Some cars like a beautiful Ferrari was almost all alone, nobody looking

    at the car....so sad.


    Sorry, but I have to disagree. :)

    My sister in-law is a model and has worked at the car show in the past..she is by no way "mediocre" or borderline ugly as you refer to the .

    All these girls are doing this for a job..they are not selling their body for sex (mind you, whatever they do outside the motorshow is up to them).

    Yes you can see girls all over Thailand, lucky country to live in.

    The sad reality is that the Bangkok motorshow has a reputation for displaying mediocre cars. IMO most of the girls are better looking than the cars.. i.e Sangyong, Hyundai.

    Don't get me wrong, there are some very nice cars there, some great new European models and some classic American Muscle cars included.

    ps The ferrari you were talking about...

    Was it this one? :DP1070751.jpg

  20. I too love my LX3. My first one was stolen last September, after having had a look atthe newer alternatives (Canon G11 and S90) I decided to buy a LX-3 again.

    The lens is great, and the body just feels right.

    Last December I bought a new one for 15000 Baht in Fortune IT center, new.

    I can vouch for the LX-3's quality. When it came to choosing a compact I went straight to the Lumix. Smaller body, nice wide lens, wide aperture for low light.

    I just took shots at the Motor show yesterday with the Lumix- no flash, indoors, shots are rather impressive.

    Can see here...Bangkok Motor Show 2010 Photos

  21. A few pics from yesterday.....nice photos MisterBeetle.

    Thanks Pooklook!

    Yours shots are better but! What sort of camera are you shooting with?

    I might go back again during the week, was a bit hard to see everything with a baby in a stroller! Missed the motorbikes and the accessories, not to mention the night entertainment.

    I shoot with the Canon 5D Mark II here in Thailand. I am going out to shoot some Red Protest pics today.

    I think I will hit the show again tomorrow. Today is a good day for those in the know to lay low so no show

    for me....let all the nice people with cell phone cameras get some shots....and tommorw it'll be

    time to work again....You know we are lucky to be in the Land of Smiles...I know many of my friends in

    the states who would give their right arm to be at the show.... :)

    Nice camera Pooklook, I shot with the older EOS 5D a few times in my last job, I'm still a Nikon lover, but I respect the Canon. Full frame is awesome.

    Good luck with the red shirt rally, would be an awesome photo op. I saw a truck packed full of RS's when we were leaving yesterday arvo and would have been a great photo.

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