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Everything posted by Partenavia

  1. Of course they will, they are part of the government.
  2. They do come up with some really crackpot ideas, most of the rubbish left behind is related to plastic litter and foam cartons.
  3. This guy lives in a parallel universe.
  4. These people really do have their heads buried in the sand!
  5. Clearly this article was not written by TAT !!!!!!!
  6. I do not see this project ever happening. Without commitments from shipping companies that they would use it, what's the point?
  7. The Met. department, must throw bones to come up with predictions like this. Evenoing temps have been cool for the last 3 weeks, humidity slowly disappearing also.
  8. I know who she is, but why on earth would you want someone like her running the country, she really hasn't got a clue. Until Thailand stops this stupid nonsense they'll never have a democracy, at least not in real terms.
  9. I just do not comprehend where the savings are. Not when you take into account 2 x Pilotage Fees, 2 x Tug/berthing costs. Unloading/loading costs. Transportation from port A to B.
  10. Thai authorities are so introspective, and have little understanding as to how the rest of the world works. Opening Bars to 0400 in the morning is only going to attract a miniscule number of tourists. However, trying to stay for the European winter presents all sorts of problems, which is just ridiculous beauocracy.
  11. That is simply an abuse of power, poor lady.
  12. What a totally stupid article. I don't understand why they need to publish this inane rubbish. As if MF had a choice!!
  13. Don't understand why an oil boom was not around the tanker and SBM as a matter of course whilst it was discharging. They are designed for that, would have prevented all this mess.
  14. There seems to be a fixation with Chinese tourists!!
  15. I thought this was going to be an interesting article. In actual fact it is nothing. No examples, nothing.
  16. MFP had always expected it to take another 4 years to be in a position to form a government, last May's election result was to a certain degree a suprise for them as well. If they spend the next four years progressing the way they have so far, in theroy should be a landslide for them. However, those in "Power" now will no doubt realise this, and spend the interim period trying to take them down.
  17. I admire him for insisting MFP stick to their principles, and not sway with the wind. Eventually the people of Thailand will vote clearly for change. Through social media many Thai's are far more aware of the way it all works in Thailand, and who is really in charge. I believe it will lead to change, not necessarily immediately, but in the not too distant future.
  18. There is no democracy in Thailand, if there were then on May 16th the two parties with the most votes would have been able to form a government. Instead we have the spectcle of changing the rules in order the elite and "someone" else continue to remain in charge of the country. Look at Cambodia and Mynmar. The Thai population are being ignored, their views are of little relevance. All the while struggling to make ends meet, because they are being subjugated relentlasly by a corrupt system. MF need to be patient, hopefully their time will come, but don't expect it anytime soon.
  19. Meanwhile in other parts of the world, cruise ships are being restricted, so as to reduce the impact on local populations.
  20. What a shambles, Thai demoracy at it's worst. Meanwhile the stock exchange is steadily dropping because of uncertainty, don't these numpties realise this? Meanwhile the current government goes on and on, doing nothing.
  21. The price of everything has gone up, how on earth people are expected to live on 300 baht per day beats me. It's been stuck at that for years.
  22. Covid is being used as an excuse for control.
  23. 15 years ago in Chiang Rai we used to get temperatures in the high 30's end March/April. However, we also used to get thunderstorms reguarly during this period. Which cleared the air of smoke, and cooled things off, particuarly at night. This year by comparison, we have had no significant rain since October. The smoke has been horendous for long periods of time, and the heat unbearable during the day. The garden is like a desert, instead of green and fresh.
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