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Everything posted by Partenavia

  1. ASEAN needs to make a concerted effort to stop this nonsense year after year. Start enforcing some serious jail time for those responsible, and large fines for corporations. It's too late for this year. It's the only way, but we all what will happen.....nothing.
  2. This really is complete rubbish
  3. Nothing is ever done about it, year after year it's the same, with the same response, grand words and nothing else.
  4. It's about all he's good for.
  5. Considering we haven't had any rain since October, I would say the dry season is already here.
  6. They could start by making all the crossings actually visible, most are not, covered in black tyre marks. Nothing at the side to indicate them either. So make them more visible to start with.
  7. Having seen the video's posted yesterday, there needs to be a full and transparent enquiry, because having spent 25 years on tankers, it was clear that safety was an afterthought. The family's of those killed need an explanation.
  8. Lets hope that the Thai people, are sensible enough to get rid of these muppets at the poles, it's just obscene to even consider Prawit or the drug runner.
  9. How they can possibly make a statement like that, absolutely stupid.
  10. If you take Florida as an example, there are numerous smaller airfields serving various communities with rows of private jets and turbo props parked up. Hua Hin would be ideal in this regard, however, you do need the services available. I suspect there is another reason why more flights are not encouraged, and it's nothing to do with commercial reasons!!!
  11. You have to feel sorry for the Thai population, with idiots like this in charge. It would be really good for Anutin to be sacked by the PM. However, you have to remember who the PM is, so never going to happen. Do what you wish, no accountability.
  12. Without an independent investigation, I doubt whether we will ever find out what caused this vessel to sink, and it certainly wasn't as a result of moderate weather, although that was a contributing factor. Incompetence, and lack of responsibility will result in this story quietly dying a death, with no one being held responsible. Unfortunately Thai style.
  13. I don't think as many will come as they seem to think.
  14. So how does that stack up, with all the Thai planes still parked up at Swampy??
  15. If they can't even enforce the wearing of helmets on a day to day basis, what chance do they have of achieving anything else? This is the annual "Crackdown"
  16. Unfortunately, in Thailand incidents like this result in cover up, and you can be sure no one will be held responsible.
  17. It's a private company, they can make their own rules. I went into a shop recently, and was told it was the rule everyone had to wear a mask in their shop. About turn and went back out, took my custom elsewhere.
  18. What a pointless waste of time and money by the police. Meanwhile very few are wearing helmets, but nothing is done about that. Priorities really skewed.
  19. Having spent a significant amount of time at sea in command of Tankers, and also having sailed around the world in a small boat. I am absolutely appalled at the standard of reporting and news releases from the Thai Navy. Ships to not sink in the weather experienced by this vessel, unless there is something fundamentally wrong with the ship. It requires a catastrophic event for a vessel to sink. It's time accurate reporting and serious questions put to the authorities, as to a proper account as to what happened. Too many have died for it to be brushed under the carpet. I guess this being Thailand those cupalable will not be brought to justice.
  20. If you are fully vaccinated, with the most efficient vaccines, then Covid will not impact you, unless you have underlying conditions, move on with your life. I totally fail to understand this Thai obsession with wearing masks all the time.
  21. Chiang Rai has a similar problem, all the roads are being concreted, main roads approaching from the South are a nightmare, started in October, doubt whether they will finish before March. It's been the same every year for the past 5 in different areas. Absolutely no notice is taken regarding the plight of traders effected, or the time of year it's done.
  22. The weather reports here are as much use as a chocolate fireguard!!
  23. At some stage Thailand needs to learn to live with COVID in all it's forms. Europe and America have done so already. If you have a cold, then wear a mask, if you haven't got one why would you want to. I fail to comprehend why outside Thais are wondering around with masks on.
  24. What does it mean? I suppose doesn't really matter, it's only a sound bite. Just as a reminder the burning season will be upon us soon!
  25. It's a sad state of affairs that Thailand is run in this fashion, it's not democracy. Unless the people of Thailand are prepared to put their heads above the parapet nothings going to change.
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