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Posts posted by yeoldesage

  1. Can't seem to find any reference to TV in the The Nation online and visa versa. What happened, has there been a fallout or I'm I missing something? The Nation used to carry a selection of posts from various forums plus adverts and the "Nation" is no longer sitting atop of the TV Forum logo. I trust the Nation hasn't sought the wrath of the Gods and being struck from above by the "finger of the Almighty". :o


  2. I have lived and driven here for many many years, and I think the Thai vehicle drivers do just fine with their driving. And I have never noticed anybody slowing for pigeons or speeding up for farangs. My first sense is that you over-reacted to the extreme, but maybe you are a person who magicaly attracts crazy drivers :)

    My thoughts entirely..thanks. :boring:


  3. Any limit on the number of dvd's you can bring back from Burma?

    Theoretically- if they are copies you can't bring in any, so the amount is up to you.

    I'm off to Mae Sai next week, after a long absence, just wondering how was the quality of the DVDs these days, heard that it was a bit hitty-missy! Long way and a long time to take em back though :lol: Particularly interested in the clasical and operas. The last lot I got from the NB were 3rd rate at best and that was last year! Any recommendations anyone?

  4. Finished 3 of Michael Palin's so far, seen them before apart from Himalaya, but still wonderful, what a great character he is.

    Now I've started getting quality documentaries, TV dramas etc, I really have no use for UBC....everything seems so sub standard.

    I've seen everything on there a dozen times and the movies are absolute crap. It would be history right now except the wife likes BBC news and at present Premier League coverage is very good......with English commentary.......but oh, those Thai pundits. :)

    I love his stuff too... so unpretentious and gifted - what a lucky fella! not so sure about your sweeping statements about UBC - I love the history channel and discovery - there is still some good stuff on there and eventually you will run out of docs... alas...

    Ahem!! Not if I've got anything to do with it!! :D

    Just received your list TB, thanks.

    I see what you mean, quite a comprehensive collection. Don't think uptheos will have much to worry about! :D

  5. Hi, may just be able to help you out there Drew. I have been downloading movies, TV shows etc for a couple of years, now starting to index them albeit a tad late! All are excellent quality and many are 2009/2010.

    If you're interested, pm me and I'll send you the index as it stands at the moment. If you can't see what your looking for, let me know, maybe I haven't added it yet. Just the answer for those rainy nights!

    BTW I have both the Michael Palins you're looking for.



    Palin did two other great shows about Himalaya, and another about great railway journeys.

  6. Although not a regular contributor to the forum I did get a lot of fun, info, and yes sometimes irritated via the posts therein. But lately it seems to be bereft of stimulating and, provocative comments, (the life blood of any forum worth it's salt). Although not my favourite poster I was happy to see Blinky Bill offering his two penny worth recently, long over due I may add. What about the rest of the agents provocateurs that used to ply their trade so aggressively, have they all become Moderators (God Bless 'em) and thereby skilled at preempting 'naughty stuff' before it gets out of hand. The cynics, still onboard, may well and maybe correctly 'advise' me to do my bit towards stimulation but as we all know some have it and some not. I'm one of the not lot! Anyway just food for thought.




  7. Rather nice river it may be, but get down wind of it some evenings and I think you will be describing it in somewhat different terms e.g. noxious, putrescent, stinking and offensive! Choose the night of your riverside meal with care! :)



  8. Friends have recommended this place to stay in Phrao..


    Though not much of a living room in the bungalows, it seems.. :)


    Doi Farang Bungalows is not bad at all, I have stayed there on occasion. The setting at the foot of the mountain is very beautiful, and there is a swimming pool as well. Some of the bungalows are made from refurbished rice storage buildings.

    It should also be noted that as far as I know, it is the only farang-oriented accommodation available in Phrao. (At least last year).

    The web site does not have prices. Any idea ? looks like a nice weekend get away destination

    Requested their rates today they replied "Sorry but we are not open for this moment because of many maintenance works."

    But no indication of their room rates past or to be!



  9. "Reds plan to paralyse BKK, topple govt : sources"

    Maybe I'm heading toward senility, but I have read the quoted article from 'The Nation' several times and could not see the above statement anywhere. Or reference to it! Please be so kind to direct me to what is obviously an oversight on my part and put my feeble mind to rest. I don't want to venture into sensitive areas such as 'sabre rattling’,’ scare mongering’ and 'good copy’, there are far more competent persons at this than I will ever (or want to) be!


  10. Ken Leeper all the way. I talked to him a couple of weeks ago and he needs business. It would be a terrible shame if he had to close his practice because of a lack of clientele.

    Phoned the Shewe Wana Wellness Center a couple of days ago, was told Ken was in USA and would be back in his seat on May 16.

    Ken is now back in his seat and catching up with his pressing engagements :) Had my first appointment with him last Tuesday and was very impressed with the result. A big thanks to all who recommended him.

    PS. He told me he was hoping to make the TV party, hope he's not too late to submit his name. A valuable asset to the Chiang Mai community. :D



  11. My maxnet connection in Sansai has been very poor for the past week. It connects, then disconnects every minute. My office is located down the street and uses a KSC connection - no problem at all.

    I'm wondering if others are having difficulties with their Maxnet connection this week or if it's the cable/modem in my house. Anyone who lives in Sansai (Mae Jo Road), your experience would be appreciated.


    Yep mine also living in the Nong Hoi area. Downloaded local speed test at 08:00 am just out of curiosity and it doesn't look good for MaxNet. Seems like I'm in the wrong area with the wrong ISP! Can't life be a real bitch sometimes :)



  12. No specific instructions from the BIB. You never know what the situation will be. Just like the new beer taxes were sprung on us today. It will all be very last minute.

    Beer taxes???? :D:D:):D

    Care to elaborate kind sir?

    I'm intrigued, too.

    From todays Nation:

    " Energy Minister Wannarat Charnnukul called for an urgent meeting with members of the National Energy Policy Committee on Wednesday afternoon, seeking their consensus to reduce the contribution to the Oil Fund to alleviate the public burden. The Cabinet also followed up by approving a Bt2 per litre increase in excise taxes on all fuel products. Without the cut in the contribution to the Oil Fund, the retail prices of all products would be Bt2 higher per litre.

    If the government increases excise tax on petrol and diesel by Bt2 per litre each, this might affect the domestic economy more than lower oil consumption. Oil is one of the highest expenses in business operations, and operators will have to shoulder the burden of increased oil prices as a result.

    The prices of cigarettes, liquor and beer will also rise with immediate effect from higher excise taxes to prop up the budget. Due to the higher excise tax, cigarette prices could rise by Bt3 per pack, while liquor and beer prices would be raised by Bt2-Bt3 per bottle.

    Excise tax increase for tobacco, liquor and beer would generate around Bt12 billion in additional income over the next 12 months. Moreover, the government will also be asking the state enterprises to accelerate the transfer of their contributions to the government coffers."

    More details here:


  13. Where is the usual verbose Kevin Hunt these days, seemingly not a day went by when he wasn't on his soapbox confabulating about one thing or another. Has someone done him harm?

    Not that I was ever a particular fan of his (the water charge did it for me) but he did bring a certain earthy quality to the forum. And the Red Lion v O'Malley's saga was a TV special. When is the movie coming out? :o

  14. Drop into Charnon's Bar in Pai (across the road from the petrol station) and speak to Charnon, he will give you some ideas. His friends had something similar a year or two back.

    Thanks yeoldesage...

    Are you able to supply any contact details at all?

    Or any ideas of how i might be able to obtain these??

    Thanks in advance...


    I have sent you a pm with the contact number.

    Any problems, let me know

    Good luck


  15. Hi all,

    a few months ago I asked my then girlfriend to marry me while in Pai. Now engaged, we are trying to organise our wedding. We have thought of many different ideas and havent anything really blow us away until we thought of getting married in Pai.

    As both of us are Australian, we have been thinking that this might be quite hard to organise, especially since Pai doesnt seem to have any facilities to do such a thing. We were thinking of booking out obe of the many river front accomodation complexes (not hotels, and not guest houses.. you know what i mean) and have a ceremony for during the day for us. Nothing formal, no offical processes as this would all be done back home via the registry office. That night, we were thinking we could ask some street vendors (pad thai vendor, roti vendor, etc) to provide food for our guests all night. We would pay them for their food and services in advance so guests can just approach them for food.

    What we are wondering is if this is a viable option and how would we go about organising this, considering that we wont be able to get back there fr some time...

    Any advice welcome!



    Best advice would be to post this in the Chiang Mai / North section on TV for better 'first hand' experience.

    Drop into Charnon's Bar in Pai (across the road from the petrol station) and speak to Charnon, he will give you some ideas. His friends had something similar a year or two back.

  16. I've had the 'dream 500' [actually a good Chineese knockoff] for more than a year now and bought it from a local CM vendor. I did have some issues at first, but got them ironed out and have had good satelite reception of the aguila satelite for more than a year now.

    The dream box can be set up in two different modes...

    1] with a smart card that the vendor programs and sells, guaranteed for a year. 4kbaht.

    2] with ethernet connection to your broadband hub and no need for the smartcard

    I choose #1.

    cost of the dream [knockoff] was around 7k and no monthly costs.

    and you will need a large 6 or 7 ft dia that they will install

    4 yrs now and no UBC!!!= savings of 10's of thousands of baht

    pm me for name and location of vendor in CM if interested.

    I am told the dreambox can receive all UBC programmes, if this is so what's the legal standing with UBC?

  17. Found a great new place and lucky me its in the front of my village. Its called California Wraps. They label themselves a Mexican food place but they have everything. 45 for a breakfast sandwich which is either on a home made Biscuit or a cross between a Mexican bowleo and a French bagget. One egg with homemade sausage. I always add another egg for 10 baht more and can add cheese for another 10 baht for a total of 65 baht for a big sandwich with salsa. A breakfast burrito for 40 baht.

    Good prices, good food. Out next to the Rim Ping in Kad Farang Market place just before you get to Hang Dong.

    Her prices are cheap because she makes everything, the bread, the sausage, the tortillas.

    I also can recommend this place - good food - good price and very clean as well

    I'll second that, its great there! Try the breakfast sandwich without the biscuit.... I thought it was a lot nicer

    Can you guys give clear directions as to where this place is.


    10ish KM up the hang dong road, left hand side you will see a place called 'kad falang' a big place with many little shops like rimping supermarket, black canyon coffee etc. its next to the entrance to rimping on the right hand side.


    The owner is a nice Thai lady that has lived in California for a long time so her English is perfect. Getting advice if you were thinking about moving out that way or just getting your order correct.. these are the little things that make this place perfect. She is also thinking about putting in regular coffee with free refills.. ... now this is something that we Americans miss here in thailand ... the bottomless coffee cup!!! For the time being she has espresso and cappuccino at low prices.

    "...has lived in California for a long time so her English is perfect." :D Uhmm. Good example of an oxymoron? :D But I get your drift :o

    I hear The Pub's "Big Boy Breakfast" is well worth the trip out there.



  18. Thanks Chef, I guess my question should have been; is it legal to sell such products without the approved FDA labeling and prior to their product testing and certification process? Sorry for the confusion, just concerned about the safety of your customers and families as I am sure you are also.



    The law stipulates that goods can be sold in the local area without FDA Certification. If a business wishes to sell further afield, then "Or Yor" certification is required. We are applying primarily for the peace of mind of our customers. We would need to expand our facilities to ship to retail outlets further afield.

    Funnily enough, it is legal for us to sell our goods from Chiang Mai to Phuket, Pattaya or Bangkok etc, as long as we are shipping direct to the end user. If we sell to Foodland or other supermarkets in those places, they are not permitted to offer for sale to their customers.

    Hi Chef, many thanks for the info, I will pass it on to the concerned, wish you good luck with your future enterprises. :o

    As for the "chicken rice seller" comment, the less said about that the better. Tut, tut TG you're worthy of more cutting sarcasm than that. At least you were the last time we spoke, mellowing? :D



  19. The Jabberwock has delivered a large selection of sausages to Dacheso. They are fully stocked with all varieties.

    Most varieties are now packed in 3 to a packet, most packs are under 100 Baht. Bit smaller and cheaper, so easier to buy to try.

    Selection packs with two of each variety, (except the American sausage and links,) will be delivered later today.

    The American Spicy Sage Links and Breakfast Sausage patties are also available at Dacheso. The sausage patties are 100Grams each and packed 3 to a packet.

    If anybody has any genuine feedback or criticism, please let me know on the forum or by PM. I rely on feedback to improve my products.

    Thank you.

    Hi Chef, don't want to put any sort of dampener on proceedings but couldn't see any expiry date or such labeling, on the pack that I bought. Isn't this a requirement by the FDA with such products in Thailand, or is this only for imported foods?



    FDA Approval has been applied for and we are currently going through the process.

    There is no expiry date at present, because that will be suggested by the health department as part of their product testing and certification process. The sausages will last for at least six months to a year as long as they are kept frozen in their vacuum packs.

    If they are defrosted, they should be removed from the vac pack, kept refrigerated and cooked and eaten within three days.

    We currently swap out unsold stock and replace with new when it has been unsold for a month. The retreived stock is thein eaten by ourselves, cooked for charity or cooked with rice and vegetables etc. to make dog food.

    Thanks Chef, I guess my question should have been; is it legal to sell such products without the approved FDA labeling and prior to their product testing and certification process? Sorry for the confusion, just concerned about the safety of your customers and families as I am sure you are also.



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