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Posts posted by yeoldesage

  1. Remember Gai when she worked in The Pub a few years back, great lass, and although I haven't seen her for some time (not a Tuskers regular - sorry Milton) she still remembers my name on the odd occassion we do meet. She was certainly a big miss for The Pub regulars. Can't make it tonight, hope she has the great birthday she deserves.



  2. The Jabberwock has delivered a large selection of sausages to Dacheso. They are fully stocked with all varieties.

    Most varieties are now packed in 3 to a packet, most packs are under 100 Baht. Bit smaller and cheaper, so easier to buy to try.

    Selection packs with two of each variety, (except the American sausage and links,) will be delivered later today.

    The American Spicy Sage Links and Breakfast Sausage patties are also available at Dacheso. The sausage patties are 100Grams each and packed 3 to a packet.

    If anybody has any genuine feedback or criticism, please let me know on the forum or by PM. I rely on feedback to improve my products.

    Thank you.

    Hi Chef, don't want to put any sort of dampener on proceedings but couldn't see any expiry date or such labeling, on the pack that I bought. Isn't this a requirement by the FDA with such products in Thailand, or is this only for imported foods?



  3. i am sure in this 3 months, the OP has figured out what to do of the computer.. :D

    This member registered yesterday and has posted 4 replies all proclaiming "I have a friend who fixes computers." All of his posts were in response old threads that relate(d) to people requiring help with computer issues. This (im)poster's motives are blatantly transparent I think.

    Wrong quote methinks - Tigerbeer has been around a bit longer than you suggest.

    However, back on topic - I'm popping into town tomorrow and would willing prop up the OP's bar and talk computer speak for a couple of hours in exchange for a frequently topped up glass of beer - I don't pretend to be an expert but will talk for beer : :o lol:

    Pedr (Millwall Fan) has been in UK for a vacation, not sure if he is back, methinks Friday or Saturday.


  4. Just recieved a reminder from Grahame down at The Pub about the 5th annual Yorkshire Pudding Eating Contest. I'm passing it on for others who may be interested. It was won last year with a whopping 21, great fun (for those watching!) It's on Wednesday 8pm after the weekly draw. Any pudding champs out there?



  5. Have anyone ever been in this place, which is located on the the right hand side, when you are coming from the moat and going to the night bazaar via Loy Kroh. I don't recall it's name anymore although I walked by many times. It's something with beergarden and steakhouse? It's a very large place.

    Yeah, I know the place you mean, big open air garden restaurant. I can't recall it's name either :o but I have been there once or twice. I've never eaten steak there but I do recall seeing steaks on the menu. They particularly stuck in my memory as one of them was priced around 1700 Bt (N.Z. Imported I believe).

    The Palm Gardens?

  6. There is a guy in Pattaya who sends British treats all over the country. I really like his breakfast sausages and black pudding. He is very famous. Does anyone know who I am talking about? :o

    Yorkie's Sausages in Pattaya would fit the description UG, it is they in fact who supply Rimping, The Pub and others. Famous?? Well.... :D



  7. Anyone know a supermarket where I can buy a good quality black pudding

    Black pudding ("Also known as blood pudding. Traditional European dish made with sheep or pig blood and suet, together with oatmeal, liver and herbs, stuffed into membrane casings shaped like a horseshoe. Although it is already cooked, it is usually sliced and fried. In Germany and France it is made without cereal. A 100-g portion is an exceptionally rich source of iron; a rich source of protein; a good source of niacin and copper; a source of vitamin B1; contains 22 g of fat, of which 40% is saturated; supplies 300 kcal (1260  kJ" - A Dictionary of Food and Nutrition) is on sale at Rimpings, as to the quality...guess that depends upon what you're using as your yardstick.



  8. My mate recommended John's place which I've gone to for the last few weekends, however last night was put off by cockroaches climbing all over the bar!

    Where do most people on here go for the Premier league?

    There's, as always, the electric atmosphere of the most traditional English Pub in Chiang Mai 'The Pub' where the fanatical supporters of the NE England Clubs together with a sprinkling of 'others' (sorry Grahame) gather around the 'Big' - and I mean 'Big' screen to offer their professional analysis. All this and a Garden Bar-B-Q (all you can eat 150 Baht) prior to kick-off makes The Pub, the place for any Saturday night. And not a cockroach in sight!

    See ya down at The Pub


    Some unabashed self promotion.....................

    Electric atmosphere......................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ..............

    Don't see anything wrong with that..he just trying to make a honest living I guess. Maybe a little support for one the the 'small guys' wouldn't go amiss!


  9. Oooo can we have a best Sunday lunch in Chiang Mai poll, can we, can we...

    Please don't.

    Next thing you know they'll start a poll on Chiang Mai's best 7/11. :o

    The Pub on Huay Kaew Rd does the best Sunday lunches in town. :D

    Couldn't agree more about The Pub and their Sunday lunches, and a little off topic :D Grahame is certainly improving things all around, from the Friday quiz, the Wednesday music and what a great Paddys night last night. No longer Dinosaurs Den! More details at: thepubchiangmai.com Ups!!



  10. Yep, you got me there tb :o , just trying to drum-up some worthwhile competition to liven the procedings.

    An extra team or two (making 8/9 teams) would make it a cracking night!

  11. siam-i-am, how right you are, don't have to wait 'till Thanksgiving or Christmas to get a great roast, every Sunday at the Pub you have the choice of lamb, beef or pork, even a bit of all 3 if your appetite allows. Lately, roast turkey is often an addition on the menu. And ooohhh those roast potatoes and yorkshire puddings!! I was looking around the CM area for a BIG early breakfast last week and ended up at the Pub, unbelievable! Any time after 7am and all day, well worth the early rise. Gud on yer Grahame, you're a life saver. And now great, cheap bungalow accomodation... just doesn't get any better! Check it out at thepubchiangmai dot com.


  12. Pop into The Pub on Friday and join the rest of us friendy types in the weekly quiz, may help you see that there are some friendly farangs around. May not all be the sharpest tools in the box but at least know how to make you feel welcome. www.thepubchiangmai.com- See you there!

  13. Anyone direct me to reliable Dry Cleaners in the Nong Hoi/Chang Klang areas. I have a set of long drapes that are overdue for a scrub. DC s seem to be conspicuous by their absence in these areas. Failing that, anywhere in the cm locale would be appreciated. :o

    Many thanks.

  14. How does The Pub rate in all of this, I find it friendly, nice lasses behind the bar and good food. Mine hosts is a sociable guy who seems to have his punters best interests at heart. Car parking aplenty and then as a bonus there's Dot and Tom!! What more can be asked for.....the World Cup with English commentary? Yes, there's that also! That's another pint Grahame!!


  15. Having back problems and need to get it sorted. Been to the hospital and next step is MRI etc. Before I venture along that route a friend suggested a Chiropracter. Searched around (inc. TV) without sucess. Anyone any experience with these people or suitable alternatives, would appreciate your help. Local massage shops excluded.

    Many thanks

    Friend of mine went to see a chiropractor here in Chiang Mai. It was on the outside northern moat road, past Chang Puak, in a soi on the left that leads to a plaza type thing, right after the Easy Buy shop. That's about all I can tell you. She liked him, and he wasn't too expensive.

    Thanks for you help gents. Too True I found the guy you mentioned Khun Yongyut, at "Physical Therapy" and although he told me he wasn't a Chiropractor but was a qualified Physical Therapist (physiotherapist), he was extremely helpful and put me through a full diagnostic examination free of charge. Unfortunately he was unable to reach a firm diagnosis and advised me to see an Orthopaedic Specialist. I will call and see TLT's suggestion before I call it a day and submit to the inevitable.

    Many thanks.

  16. Having back problems and need to get it sorted. Been to the hospital and next step is MRI etc. Before I venture along that route a friend suggested a Chiropracter. Searched around (inc. TV) without sucess. Anyone any experience with these people or suitable alternatives, would appreciate your help. Local massage shops excluded.

    Many thanks

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