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Posts posted by wicketkeeper

  1. This is my last post.

    Because I have come to realise that for many people this forum is no more than a form of therapy; an outlet for aggression and hatred, a place

    to display prejudice, bigotry and ignorance. It is not my favourite reading material and I find it profoundly depressing.

    Whatever my private opinion of other people, their behaviour, their culture and religion, I always remember that I am a guest in this country

    and I feel privileged and grateful for the opportunity to live here. I salute those who post in a spirit of helpfulness and good cheer.

    How do I unsubscribe? Answers on a postcard please.

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  2. I'm not sure if this topic is closed or not. If not, thanks to all respondents. I bought a good tyre pressure gauge and discovered that many service station air lines are often wildly inaccurate, by as much as 15 - 30%. Admittedly I only tried the nearest half dozen places near Nong Hoi but not one of these is accurate. This is potentially dangerous, as many pointed out. I can only confirm that it pays to make sure you have the correct pressure in your tyres.

    If the topic is closed (how do I know if or when it is closed) the above might be worth saying again.

  3. It's a nightmare.

    The connector doesn't connect, the hose is too stiff, too large or too awkward, and most of the time the pressure gauge is non-existent.

    If you use the type that rings when done, usually it doesn't.

    So far I have suffered pulled muscles, a ricked back, skinned knuckles and the pitying glances of fellow motorists.

    Sometimes I plead antiquity or I feign farang ignorance and incompetence until a kind Thai springs to my aid.

    Often I have left with tyres flatter than when I went in.

    I promise to patronise any petrol station in Chiang Mai with a properly functioning, accurate, easy to use tyre gauge.

    Please let me know if there is a decent air line in town, or around.

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