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Luuk Chaai

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Everything posted by Luuk Chaai

  1. don't forget way weight overloaded. cargo stacked too high throwing off the center of gravity, weaving in and out of traffic.. ( after all you've got to be first ) yaba fueled, smoking, texting, wrong amulet
  2. which leads to another problem .... How long after death does the body release urine? Your muscles loosen immediately after death, releasing any strain on your bowel and bladder. As a result, most people poop and pee at death.
  3. just bring in a dozen or so migrant workers with sledge hammers, some rope and a bucket ... they could probably knock off a floor a day
  4. look for this one too !!
  5. Starmer Urges Zelensky to Reconcile with Trump, as in.. take one for the team .. or all of Europe is screwed ... 4D Chess !
  6. Ukraine still 'ready' to sign US minerals deal, Zelensky tells BBC because the comedian went to the Euro leaders after President Trump told him, he does not have the cards ! ....bla bla bla,,,and he realizes he is basically "F'd" they can't fund him or protect him ,, and they already said they would have to get approval ( backing from the US ) crawl you maggot .....!
  7. 'My uncle was a weird guy....' I'm your wicked Uncle Ernie, I'm glad you won't see or hear me, As I fiddle about, fiddle about, Fiddle about,
  8. You can do a simple test ,, next time you go to a mall .. go take a whizz.... very discreetly .... observe how the "locals" will place 1/2 their body inside the urinal .. so they don't pee on their feet as oppossed to an "insecure" ( not unsecure) jealous farang that will have no problem "reaching " the target.... https://images.mydoorsign.com/img/lg/S/gentlemen-wall-sign-se-6869_showcase-redrev.png
  9. Had a "plumber " over about a week ago to replace a pump .. coughing his 2 brain cells out .. got me .. two days later plenty of upper respitory phlem ..sinus pressure and hacking it's viral. so antibiotics will do nothing.. went to the beach jumped in the ocean and let the salt water clean out the beak ! sat in the sun for 2 days and let it run it's course. 5 days of misery .. all better
  10. Chinese Tourists Ditch Thailand! - Kidnap scandal sparks mass flight cancellations. Finally some Good News !
  11. more like another jealous insecure bugger. probably got a look at the gents member size and said, wow got me 3:1 and how does he do it so long ?
  12. https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/A3IAAOSw0edkh25b/s-l1200.jpgWay ahead of the times
  13. .. and as someone else pointed out. you have to fill out a form every year to show them you are still alive I just have my SS deposited @ my US Chase Bank acct, and when I need $$$ I send to my K bank acct thru Wise.. fast ,, usually seconds.. and cheap enough !
  14. the entire village calls our house Baan Falang .. all the Shoppe / Lazada / Thailand Post / food delivery people now it as Baan Falang ( it sticks out like a sore thumb ) when we ride thru Hua Hin. and we see an overweight pot bellied guy riding a bicycle shirtless,, ( non Asian ) I point it out to the wife,, and say look, there's "Frankie" When my wife's family wants us to meet them at certain restaurants or "drinking venues" I refuse and tell them "Too many Falang ! It's a word .. don't mean jack sh*t . unless you're part snowflake
  15. I had a Thai "plumber" a the house last week to replace a pump sat there for 45 minutes watching him cut and chisel away at the old fitting so he could reuse them.. I waited until he was all done with that then pulled out the bag with all the new fittings needed ( I'm always prepared ) not a shot in hell I would re-use any of those
  16. What a shallow statement .... #1 who cares what she or anyone else displays .... has "0" as in Zero" effect on your life ! I'd be more upset about men wearing socks with sandels
  17. hey another person used the confused emoji . what is so confusing ??? or has the person been living in a hole all their life ? https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.909304489.5170/raf,750x1000,075,t,heather_light_grey.jpg https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRvQBwTtSecEaP2ZT8c18Hnnp14u9tNDo9j4Q&s
  18. why do people use the confused emogi ??? ( 2 of you ) what do you get when you cross a horse and a man .... that thing in the picture
  19. Sinn Féin Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Sinn_Féin Sinn Féin is an Irish republican and democratic socialist political party Birds of a feather ? Chuck Schumer I look forward to Sinn Féin's Michelle O'Neill making history as the first nationalist First Minister.
  20. a few days ago ? I often joke with my friends when they ask how I am .. usual reply is well I woke up this morning and didn't pee blood .. so off to a good start ... Seriously .... ehhhh I'd be in the office/clinic/hospital ....asap ...getting a bladder scope, also known as a cystoscope, a thin, lighted tube that allows a doctor to view the inside of the bladder and urethra.
  21. The inner monologue: What do you typically discuss with yourself? Do you also argue? Translation ..... https://cdn.someecards.com/someecards/filestorage/i-talk-to-myself-because-im-the-only-person-still-willing-to-listen-to-me-thb.png
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