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Luuk Chaai

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Everything posted by Luuk Chaai

  1. it's time to ride the wave ..relive some of that fun time and glory and make some bucks ! Trump , smarter than most knew to pick songs that would get people up and moving... got nothing to do with being a rump ranger .. people are sick and tired of all the beaurocratic garbage and want to get back to common sense normal life The Red wave would have been a ripple if he picked something from Bach and his oh so boring church music
  2. they even make a sound like "tooooooey" when doing it
  3. everyday .. because of age? geez,. you must be over 100 !
  4. Then there are the real men who don't give a rats ass about what anyone else thinks
  5. 3 Billy's, Dusty's and "Frank"
  6. Starting with my wife,, and most of the locals here in the village spit on the ground at any mention of the Shins can't say that I blame them
  7. Or. .... just go natural. Eat plenty of fatty red meat (BEEF) and lots of eggs. All bases covered !
  8. we made out own wine .. grandfather,father and the kids helped I carried on the traditionb until I was about 60 been drinking wine with meals since I'm 3 years old
  9. my favorite.. watch someone walk out of a 7-11 devour a bottle of sport or red bull standing next to a trash bin.. only to throw it to the curb
  10. same as when you go to a restaurant .. wait staff hands you a menu then hovers over you to take your order .. like you have already read and memorized it and decided ... I always tell them come back in 5 minutes ...after I have time to read and decide.
  11. if they are just reading glasses . these are great look at how flat they fold loads of strength options a pair will usually last me at least 2 years .. I keep 4 around ,, car/desk/kitchen /wallet shoulder bag bag https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/D-oAAOSw7F9myeAF/s-l500.webphttps://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/ZPoAAOSwrCdnaYwW/s-l500.webp
  12. as sure as the sun will rise .. truer words have never been spoken
  13. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQBXQfa868sKzw-iddw9ImPHrFOqSolLd12DQfmnUHmyc-nlP_kIL7i9RakllinL1QQcTo&usqp=CAU
  14. were arrested on suspicion of affray oh wow,, sounds real serious .... 'ello mate.. what were you pinched for...? Oh the Bobbies nabbed me on suspicion of affray ! WWW. worthless wimpy <deleted>
  15. up since 2am ( most days between 2-3) in bed approx 9:30 already did an hours worth of exercise push ups, pull ups, chin ups, squats. Let the dogs out to do their thing.. walked for 45 mins made myself a cappuccino and emptied the dishwasher / put everything away between 6-7 I'll be out watering the gardens and sweeping the driveway . by then the Boss should be awake and I'll brew her a coffee Probably hit the driving range about 9am .. go home and make breakfast .. so much to do.. so little time
  16. you missed your boat .. you should have worked for "Biden" we will have to "guess" this is what you mean by tattoos not this
  17. I don't see what everyones complaint is.. it's 5 minutes at the local amphur to get your KR2 maybe 20 mins at the bank to get your 2 month letter , and what 15-20 minutes to take 5 photo's around the house ( that includes changing clothes ) the usual time at immigration is 1/2 hour in front of the I/O ( I've never waited more than 45 minutes for my # to be called ) they came to the house 1x to take pictures .. that was a ten minute visit .. all pleasant. otherwise the I/O calls at 5pm and takes photo's over the Line app .. so easy peasy .. Hua Hin Imm is absolutely easy to deal with !
  18. All good stuff here .. not a fan of chemicals.. But... consider having the need for termite control / hosing installed under the foundation where you can have it injected and sprayed in at least 1x a year ... also placement and access for cooking gas tanks .. we have our tank outside the house and piped in with Stainless steel pipe. ..also the access to your septic as you will eventually need to have it pumped periodiacally .. any and all exposed wiring and piping will take a hell of a beating from the sun.. we have everything encased below grade.. and mapped out .. that includes water lines ... we get out water from our bored well .. run thru a series of filters and conditioners with two 1000 litre tanks ,one for out door use and the other for the filtered water for indoor use .. 1 deep well "torpedo style pump and 3 above ground Hitachi and Mitsubishi pumps .. grading and any outdoor tile.. pitched "away from the house" . stairs.. try to avoid Thai stile steps where you have a 7-8" step with and incline so steep you need to be an experianced mountain climber to navigate ..all steps at our house are a full 12" deep with a 7" rise ... I could go on and on . but.. most important .... YOU.. have to be there on site to oversee what is being done unless you want to re-do things 2-3 times. you may have the best builder .. but the workers,,,,,, well lets just say they are usually local teams with limited " ----- " and don't be surprised to see that they can create 10 tons of garbage and construction debris daily and walk and climb over it all day long. then want to simply burn it away every couple of weeks .. "Safety and orderly is not in their plan. ............ other than that .. good luck .. I love owning our house our ... I am sure you will too !
  19. a link ? do your own research .. i'll give you a head start but you can start with she supported Harris ,,, Former Rep. Liz Cheney on Sunday urged House Speaker Mike Johnson to call the House back from its recess and introduce the bill that would send desperately needed aid to Ukraine Rep. Liz Cheney, daughter of Dick, is trying to prolong her father's endless war in Afghanistan. You would think that every Democrat would be united in opposing such a policy, right? Well, you would be wrong. CAIR Calls Liz Cheney an Unrepentant ‘Torture Advocate, Anti-Muslim Bigot and Warmonger’ I’m hardly a sucker for Liz Cheney. She and father Dick led the United States into a strategically disastrous war in the Middle East on the basis of lies and misrepresentations. It was one of the worst cons in American political history, and the results included the deaths of several thousand American soldiers and about 200,000 Iraqi civilians.
  20. ask Ashli Babbitt. oh wait you can't .. she was the woman police shot to death by the police .....
  21. oh it's all true a vile and war mongering lefty wait until President Trump pardons all the J/6 people inprison !
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