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Posts posted by MW72

  1. . Ho hum, how troll...

    It's always been amusing to me that when people can't refute an argument, they resort to labeling the person making the argument they can't refute as a troll.

    Just another form of intolerance and bigotry, isn't it?

    What's really amusing is that I asked you to explain why racism and bigotry were not bad. You managed to delete that part of my post when you replied. That gives me the impression that you cannot back up your argument and are just trolling because you don't really believe what you are saying. Either way you not an actractive human being.

    Sorry for being bigotted against a bigot.

  2. I can't believe you would need to ask why these things are wrong.

    Are you just trying to bait Bluespunk or do you sriously not understand the pain and suffering inflicted on countless millions throughout history? And all because of ignorance and fear and some natural human emotions (bigotry & racism) that we inherited from our prehistoric ancestors. Fear and emotions which through knowledge understanding most of us can overcome.

    We are all naturally prejudicist in different ways. Some of us learn to overcome our prejudices. Other let them rule their lives.

    I do understand said pain and suffering. But since Bluespunk has made it known that he considers himself to be a rationalist atheist, I can't seem to figure out why he thinks they're wrong.

    Why do you and Bluespunk believe that you're somehow superior to our prehistoric ancestors? After all, if it weren't for them, we wouldn't be here. Seems as if you're indulging in the 'bigotry' of 'chronologism'.

    Natural selection selects for traits which enhance chances of survival long enough to pass on one's genetic material - so, it seems to me that from the atheist rationalist point of view, 'bigotry' and 'racism' must provide some sort of evolutionary advantage.

    After all, with no God in the picture, there's no overarching moral order to tell us otherwise; only hard, cold, rationalistic, indeed scientific, views.

    And it also seems to me that those who preach the most about 'tolerance' and 'diversity' and 'racism' are the quickest to condemn entire categories of people based upon just one aspect of their characters.

    According to the 'you're missing 99.999%' of the person argument, Bluespunk and his ilk are judging people who hold 'racist' or 'intolerant' views based on just that aspect of their character - after all, that 'bigoted' 'racist' may just have the cure for cancer in his head!

    Just to answer a couple of points, I believe I am superior to our prehistoric ancestors because of thousands of years of evolution. That is just a fact. Nothing bigoted about that.

    As for the comment about no moral order without god

    Seriously? Are you even gonna try that one out? That is one of the oldest and most ridiculous argument ever.

    As god didn't deem fit to give his moral code to humans until he had his chat with Moses what do you think we did for our morals up until then? Do you think we lived without any or do you think we evolved a moral code without the need for god to babysit us?

    You are either a troll or just a space cadet. "'bigotry' of 'chronologism'." what a belter.

  3. Amazing in this century (after the last century and its multiple failed experiments in racial purity) we have people asking such stupid questions.

    >Bigotry and divisiveness and racism are ill advised at the least, and I would argue plain wrong, because they dont benefit anyone, especially the bigot, and society as a whole suffers.

    If they didn't benefit anyone, if they didn't provide some sort of advantage, they wouldn't exist - natural selection, don't you know?

    >If you judge someone just on their skin color you are missing 99.99% of that person - hey, they could have the cure for cancer in their head!

    I'll be sure to ask the next Nigerian drug dealer I see on Soi 3/1, and the next drunken caucasian American I see holding forth in a beer garden, and the next yaa-baaed Thai taxi driver I meet about that cure for cancer. Somehow, I don't think they'll have a coherent answer.

    If it's coherent answers you seek then please don't look in the mirror.

    You keep asking why racism and bigotry are bad. Please explain to us why they are not bad or even good.

    Don't come out with the old evolution crap. There are many instincts we have inherited from our ignorant, superstitious, cave dwelling ancestors that we are more than capable of ignoring.

  4. I've explained my position and reasoning to you.

    You just don't like it.

    I've asked you why bigotry and 'racism' and divisiveness are wrong.

    You have failed to address any of those points.

    You just keep saying they're wrong. You don't answer why they're wrong.

    I can't believe you would need to ask why these things are wrong.

    Are you just trying to bait Bluespunk or do you sriously not understand the pain and suffering inflicted on countless millions throughout history? And all because of ignorance and fear and some natural human emotions (bigotry & racism) that we inherited from our prehistoric ancestors. Fear and emotions which through knowledge understanding most of us can overcome.

    We are all naturally prejudicist in different ways. Some of us learn to overcome our prejudices. Other let them rule their lives.

  5. when I read all this TVF members anti-Suthep ranting - I respect him even more. a person who is hated by so man of bitter farang sugar daddies should be really great...

    Yeah you re right to respect him: it is not like he is accused of palm oil market manipulation, land stealing and fraudulent selling in the south, that even his associated think and told many time he is a corrupted politician and of course that nobody knows what happened with all the "donations" made by his supporters....

    "palm oil market manipulation" is not proven, and about distribution of land in Phuket province - nobody is perfect, but at least he is an independent politician and not a Western marionette. He is fighting for his country - not for white misters in pith helmets.

    that's why he is so hated by people like you.

    Forget about all of those things he has been accused of. I dislike him because here is a guy who is the deputy of the Democrat party and leader of the People's Democratic Reform Committee and his idea of democracy is to do away with the elected regime and install a non elected peoples council.

    There can be no denying these facts and that makes him a tosser in my book.

  6. The moral of the story is..... take every newly announced policy with a pinch of salt. Wait a week or two (sometimes a day or two) before the picture clears up a bit and we have a better grasp of what is going on in the minds of those in charge.

    Remember all those new casinos they were talking about? We are going to have them... No we are not... Yes we are... No we are not. Oh look , the polls say the people are against them. Roll out the PM to say there will be no casinos. What a man of the people. And they hated the last mob for being populist?

    Remember the sub saga? And now the booze blunder. What next???

  7. Flip flops most of the time. A pair of North Face or Adidas trainers the rest of the time. The mesh type that allow plenty of ventilation. No problems with sweaty feet. If I am going in the river I wear a pair of Merrel sandles as the flip flops fall off to easily.

  8. This story reminded me of one of the first stories I remember reading on TVF. It was a story about a couple of sewer workers who were asphyxiated in the sewer they were working in. To test the atmosphere before they started work they held a candle to the open manhole. The candle didn't go out so the assumption was made that everything was safe. One guy went down the ladder and immediately collapsed. His mate trying to be a hero went down to rescue him and died as well. A third guy started to go down the ladder when the fourth and only guy with any sense suggested to the third guy that that might not be such a good idea and heroically saved his life. 2 guys dead for the sake of the cost of a gas monitor.

  9. You guys have all missed the sadest point of this story.

    The guy who attempted to rescue his mate was the one who died.

    He's a hero. In spite of his having no knowledge of or training in the danger he faced.

    It doesn't even need much training. While doing electrical work one should always have an accompanying safety person. That person should carry a big wooden stick. If you get a shock and can't let go the safety person hits you with the non conducting wooden stick. He's still a hero and survives.

  10. I have been buying mainly gold and silver but a little bit of platinum and palladium in dribs and drabs for the last 12 months or so. I chose to do so as I was fortunate enough to have a bit of money saved up. Most of it went on the mortgage but I decided to spend a little on some metal rather than leave a chunk in the bank earning no interest. I decided to do it as a long term thing for a bit of fun.

    I don't ever expect to make my fortune from investing in precious metals. I don't have enough invested or the market know how for that. I am already a couple of grand down as the prices keep dropping but I'm not about to hang myself. A bit like going to a casino, I only bet what I could afford, or even like living in Thailand, I invested what I was willing to walk away from. Maybe one day the world's markets will got crazy and I will be sitting on a gold mine so to speak or, more than likely in 20 or 30 years time I'll be an old man and my metal will be worth pretty much the same adjusted for inflation as when I bought it.

    It is hard to judge when the market will bottom out and you should invest. Although I have lost a wee bit, every time I have gone to buy it has been cheaper every time.

    If you do decide to invest then keep it somewhere safe. Don't show it off. Don't tell anyone. There are videos on youtube off guys who told "friends" who then broke into their houses and ripped them off.

    Take it out every now and then and admire it but don't expect to get rich quick.

  11. The gold price is manipulated to camouflage the deteriorating monetary system. Realistically, gold should be somewhere at 5.000 US$ right now if it were to reflect what truly is going on with the world's economy. Given the relatively small investment you want to make (100k Baht?) there is no use to buy gold hoping to make a big profit on it. You should buy gold only if you can afford to have it lying around in a safe place (not in a bank!!!) for a couple of years to use it after the world economy, respectively the monetary system has collapsed and gold standard is applied again. I believe we will see things coming that will supersede our worst nightmares. In that case, you could use gold to barter for food, diesel, etc... or to get a boat ticket out of here if the s hits the fan... But I'm just a penguin, what do I know? smile.png


    But you should also buy Silver

    I have one problem with silver. I have bought a little bit over the last 6 months. I buy mine in the UK and I get charged VAT so I am immediately paying over the odds so the government can have a cut. There is also the sheer bulk of the stuff. If you were going to invest some serious money just to get a decent price near the market rate then you are gonna need some serious storage facility. Do you really trust the banks to look after it for you or trust a bit of paper if you don't buy the physical item?

    On the plus side if the currency markets ever collapse then silver has always been the poor man's currency. You can imagine trading a 1/10th ounce or 3 grams of silver for some goods at a market but gold is way too valuable for every day exchanges.

  12. Prediction is $850/oz by end of year and will likely fall a lot further in 2016, possibly to $400/oz. Gold is a safe haven in time of crisis so wait for the next global stock market crash, which is likely to happen in 2019, then buy.

    Surely waiting for the next crisis will be too late. If everyone rushes to gold as a safe haven then the price will soar with demand. The trick will be to buy just before the crash when the price is rock bottom and then to sell when the price soars.

    Anyone got a crystal ball so I can see when the next crash will be?

  13. Credible? I find it incredible you need to ask.

    If any of these alternative therapies work then scientists test them, prove them, make medicines out of them and make money out of them. They are then known as medicines. Until they have been tested and scientifically proven to work then who knows. The ones that have been scientifically tested and proven not to work are superstitious nonsense, old wives tales, mumbo jumbo etc.

  14. I see plenty of small geckos about the house but when I started hearing this loud noise at night I assumed it was a large frog or toad. The GF kept saying it was a toktaw. Didn't have a clue what she was on about until I saw one in daylight hours. Never heard the myth before but an amusing story all the same. I'll be sure not to try and pick one up unless I have previously administered a good dose of alcohol anesthetic.

  15. Blaming previous regimes. The man might make a decent politician after all. biggrin.png

    He is the man at the top so whilst he must shoulder some responsibility I think it would be fair to say that previous governments have not done enough either. In a country where people continue to live without mains water or electricity and education standards are so poor, it is quite shameful that money is squandered on vanity project by the current and especially, previous regimes.

    Shame on them all.1zgarz5.gif

  16. Brilliant. Buy com-block weapons to mix with NATO weapons you have and not only will you have ammunition confusion but also operation and maintenance confusion. This is why NATO and the Com-block have their own standardized weapons across all allied nations. What are you going to get? Crappy Kalashnikov (AK) rifles to mix with your NATO rifles?

    Why do you believe Kalashnikov (AK) rifles are so crappy?

    I am no weapons expert but I know enough to know that whilst AKs rarely jam and pack a punch, the biggest problem is actually hitting the target. On single shot you may have a chance but on automatic you will just be firing is a general direction. The reason the AK is so popular is because it is so cheap. The world has far more poor and disenfranchised people that it has rich people who can afford a good rifle.

    How many times have you fired an AK?

    No, it's not a sniper rifle. It's an assault rifle.

    There is a very good reason the AK is so popular - try reliability, ease of use, ease of maintenance, and proven capability over many years.

    Read the reports of the early M16's in Vietnam War and see how they performed in comparison.

    You want to compare a jeep with a sports car?

    What a strange post.

    Who said anything about an AK being a sniper rifle?

    I'd agree with your reasons for the AK's popularity as none of them include accuracy.

    As for comparing a sports car to a jeep? You are talking about comparing a modern AK with the M16 of 50 years ago.

    Very strange post.

  17. Thank the Lord us Brits never joined it. At the time we were told we were doomed if we didn't ,just like they keep telling us we are doomed if we leave the EU ,didn't believe them then ,don't believe them now

    Great Britain did more quantitative easing than USA and EU!!!! British pound went down from around 70 to 52 baht, which means: you get ~26% baht less.

    Euro went down from roughly 46 to 37: ~20% less.

    Between March 2009 and January 2010 the Bank bought £200bn of assets, equivalent to about 14% of GDP to help breathe life into the UK economy following the credit crunch. Then in October 2011, faced with growing warnings of a double-dip recession and a eurozone crisis, policymakers voted to resume QE and pump another £75bn into the financial system, increasing the QE budget to £275bn.

    But I agree: 1 currency for so many different countries has been a stupid idea

    I agree with the thrust of your argument but I'm not too sure on the Euro/THB & GBP/THB figures. From mid 2008 just before everything went tits up to now, the GBP is worth 20% less THB and the Euro is worth 30% less THB.

    The good thing about not being in the Euro was that we chose QE and the level of it. If we were in the Euro we would have to do what everyone else was doing whether it was what we wanted to or not.

  18. Brilliant. Buy com-block weapons to mix with NATO weapons you have and not only will you have ammunition confusion but also operation and maintenance confusion. This is why NATO and the Com-block have their own standardized weapons across all allied nations. What are you going to get? Crappy Kalashnikov (AK) rifles to mix with your NATO rifles?

    Why do you believe Kalashnikov (AK) rifles are so crappy?

    I am no weapons expert but I know enough to know that whilst AKs rarely jam and pack a punch, the biggest problem is actually hitting the target. On single shot you may have a chance but on automatic you will just be firing is a general direction. The reason the AK is so popular is because it is so cheap. The world has far more poor and disenfranchised people that it has rich people who can afford a good rifle.

  19. Barter...

    Russian Roubles no good any more??? gigglem.gif

    A good point which no one seems to be picking up on except that the deal would previously been done in USD and not Roubles. So perhaps the question should be are USD no good any more? As the USD is the international currency the Russian's would have bought the rubber and paid USD and the Thais would have bought the weapons and paid USD. What has happened lately is that some countries are now starting to deal with each other in their own currencies or doing direct trades of goods like this. The big question is, is this just a few isolated incidents or is it a trend that will continue?

    As far as the weapons are concerned then I agree with many that Thailand should have bigger priorities but it is the Generals who are in charge. I also find it strange that they would mix their NATO spec weapons with eastern bloc weapons. Maybe the Russian's are struggling a bit just now and are selling at a knock down price.

  20. Does Cambodia have lakorns? If so, it's just monkey see, monkey do, somnamnaa for the "actresses".

    <deleted>, you jerk! You think this woman deserved a beating? I swear, Thai Visa is a F-n meeting ground for the worst scum that comes to Thailand. Almost everyone who posts on Thai Visa forums are mean, worthless losers who never amounted to anything in their own country, but find it acceptable to armchair critique everyone else. You never had a life, so there's not much chance you'll find one here or anywhere.

    The phrase "it takes one to know one" first sprang to mind but that would imply that I felt that way about DrTurner which I don't. You don't really know anyone on this forum. You just have a high and mighty opinion of yourself.

  21. Why would anyone want a debate with these 3? Is there no one with anything new to offer Thailand?

    YS the only PM among them who was actually elected could soon be barred from politics so what she thinks may not matter (that's if she does think. Some poster would have us believe she has no brain function and is controlled from Dubai). AV the only PM among them who has stood for election and never been elected and Mr P the current PM who doesn't give a damn about election results.

    Surely all 3 of these represent what is wrong with Thai politics. They all just represent the different aspects of the status quo.

  22. Crazy to the extreme I bet everyone agrees.. pro junta .. pro Thaksin.. everyone with half a brain agrees that this is stupid.

    There are some things we can all agree on. The law should be enforced equally without prejudice or favour. All Thais should be equal in the eyes of the law.

    Looks like there's a long way to go before that is the case.

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