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Posts posted by cheapcanuck

  1. This is Thailand. What happens in one part of the country does not hold water in other parts of the country. Anyway for Thailand to extract bahts out of a tourist, they will. There will be check stops and opportunities for the powers that be to collect some "tea money" from the tourists. 

  2. On 3/25/2020 at 12:29 PM, dabhand said:

    Why are the Embassies not making protests to the Thai government on this serious matter?


    Instead they are merely scuttling around to provide Immigration requested paperwork, rather than firing back at yet another example of completely unnecessary red tape.


    Yes, I am looking at you, the British and US Embassy.  Once again you are failing your fellow citizens. 



    Include the Canadian joke of an embassy.

  3. 11 hours ago, ColtenSloan said:

    Interested to see what will happen exactly. I've always had tourist visas for the last 3 years. 

    Now I'm just on a visa exempt, which I am due to EXTEND next week for 30 days. 

    Been curious what I will do once that time is up, as my flight has been cancelled to Singapore, my travel plans to Vietnam are currently not possible due to Vietnam suspending visas, and now Laos has just stopped issuing visas, so I couldn't even potentially go to Laos for a Thai visa, or border hop. Even the thought of going to Laos for a month or two is now not possible. 

    (Canadian citizen btw) 

    And no not travelling back to Canada. 

    Hmm ????????????


  4. 16 hours ago, Traubert said:

    Pictures taken at 5.30am?


    Like the ones taken of the Chinese airlines check in zone last week that claimed to be immigration?

    Clock on wall says 11:05. I would say it is in the am because of the natural light from the sky lights.

  5. Heat scan is only good after the 14 day incubation. An infected person who is within the 14 day incubation period will not show any signs of infection. Which makes for a pandemic a real possibility. When I think of how many places I've been and people I've been in contact with in the last 14 days the numbers a staggering.

    By the way, I flew through Beijing on the way to Thailand. I am past the 14 day mark now from my china flight so i should be a-ok. 95% of the people were wearing masks at Beijing's international airport. Several check points in the terminal flying in and out had detection stations. That airport was very very empty.  

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  6. 11 hours ago, Tug said:

    Cause and effect ,trump Welching on the nuclear treaty attempting to strangle a nations ecomemy = trashed embassy= trump killing a foreign general (personally I’m glad he’s dead)=a response from Iran = a trigger happy scared Iranian= an airliner shot down = a big fat unessary mess cause and effect my deepest condolences to all affected by this foreign policy fiasco 

    you forgot the steps that started it all. 1 Obama signed the Iran nuclear deal with Iran and the rest of the world. 2 tRumplethinskin hell bent on dismantling Obama's legacy pulls the USA out of the deal.

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