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Posts posted by malagateddy

  1. Therefore… listen to what Charles de Gaulle already said in 1961: "The British are NOT interested in what happens inside the EEC, only..to take over control to manouvre it into the direction THEY want. Better keep them out". 
    I already see the coming situation:
    after weeks till months Boris the Liar is the new Prime Minister of the UK, and thinks it still works as how the British took over Birma: order the king to leave, 10 minutes time, or the British Navy will start bombarding his palace".
    O.K., they cannot refuse him seen his diplomatic passport, but all others… have to apply for a Schengen visa.
    Then.. he is NOT allowed to enter the EU buildings, so must ask at the reception for a meeting with ? ? They might answer: 'sorry, no time in this short notice, as we have a golf course meeting now. Phone our deputy assistant secretary to make an appoitment for.. somewhere 2021"... 
    No hurry, as British industry already migrated to the EU, British industry has dramatic problems to sell their output in... Belize, Malawi, Suza Islands, and  for imports.. they have no better alternative than still buy in the EU.
    Maybe when the British pound is reduced to an once… 
    You love your dreams.
    Howsabout music

    Tina Turner..Wildest Dreams..or..Supertramp..Dreamer

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  2. Maybe not clear: this was NOT an UK election, but for the EU parliament, in which every EU citizen should be allowed to vote in his/her country of residence. Just as British were allowed to vote in Netherlands, every EU citizen should be allowed to vote in the U.K.
    No, as Indian you could NOT vote for the Indian presidential election in the U.K. during this EU parliament election. ( how stupid a Brit can be ) 
    But.. the Brits already proved their attitude towards "strangers". Therefore my advise to every non-Brit: leave as long as you still properly can. 1 Nov 2019.. your personal belongings might be under import duty when taken back "home'. 
    Is that or will it be that what you are saying will be the future law if your country of origin??

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    Yes he/she does.
    Parliament is sovereign. Not the PM or cabinet/executive. 
    How quickly some forget the Supreme Court ruling.
    They new PM could try prevaricating, like May did, and running time out so the UK leaves 31/10 with no deal by default. Almost certain Macron will veto any further extension. 
    If macron still has a job over in france???!!!

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  4. It's not my opinion. It's an economic fact.
    If you had sold up in the UK, your sterling spending power has decreased 27 percent
    since Brexit. 55 baht to 40 baht.
    If you are one of the very few who can successfully generate a thai baht income in Thailand eg business etc then best of British luck to you.
    For the rest, they are in a world of trouble.
    Lovely boy!!!
    We BRITISHA are resilliant and resourceful..surely you know that.
    Pity now perhaps some of the eu subsidy junkie states citizens.
    Also perhaps pity the hard pressed German taxpapers who may well become the brussels eu atm machine finance dept???

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  5. She had an impossible task and was very stupid to take it on when the orchestrators ran away.  She should have seen it as the poisoned chalice that it was but ambition blinded her.  I do feel sorry for her but her naivety led to her downfall.  We are all paying the price for that naivety now.
    All she wanted was s damage controlled Brexit
    Read Nick Timothy

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  6. Well certainly seems her deal is dead...
    She was talking that her successor will pick up the reigns of Brexit, but I just can not see any successor getting anything better other than a watered down brexit, and even if say Boris does become the next leader no way is he going to get a no deal brexit past the Commons. 

    A hard liner does not NEED to get it " past the commons "
    New PM and all that.

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  7. Let me be clear, a declining, and more importantly, stagnant pound is a disaster for those of us who spend a lot of time in Thailand.
    It should serve as a warning to those who wish to live full time in Thailand. Keep all your income bearing assets in the UK and when events conspire against you, you can return.
    We are at the beginning of a very long and perilous journey to detangle ourselves from the EU.
    Only your opiniontapatalk_1548815629899.jpeg

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  8. And banging their bottles of chang on the tables shouting "iam never going home the UK is shitt" all of a sudden brexit came along and they start taking an interest for some reason,their hatred of germany being their no 1 gripe. Btw wont many able to afford too many changs at present haha
    More rubbish..it goes on and on.
    I care about my friends in the UK..that is why I have a strong interest in the UK leaving a corrupt autocratic eu who are hell bent on achieving a united states of europetapatalk_1557838152264.jpeg

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  9. That is one of the most laughable statements i have ever heard.
    The thought that ex pats, who have sold up the UK, are in the slightest bit interested in what's going on in the UK, as their spending power declines, is beyond belief.
    I can hear them cry 'They like it up them' as they sit eating chicken and rice in a hole in the wall.
    Only your opinion

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  10. I agree.  Unfortunately they would never get the Brexit they voted for because (yet again) what they voted for was just a pack of lies.  It's like me saying "Vote for me and I will give you free beer for life!"  Sounds good but it can't be delivered.
    That is why we are in the pickle we are in now.  If Brexit could have been delivered as promised then it would have been.  Nobody wanted this mess.
    Read the daily express..a certain right hand man of t may tells it like it is.
    All she wants is a damage limitation job.

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  11. Expected that May will announce her departure date today.  Then all the runners and riders will appear jostling for their pitch.  Some will think that they can win but most will just be there to do deals and pledge their allegiances in return for positions in the next government. It will be messy and dirty tricks will doubtlessly abound. 

    Dirty tricks all over the world politically.
    Politics is the dirtiest " sport " globally

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  12. Thank you for the reassurance , you see sometimes 2 opponents are targeting same solution [emoji106], but just until the leaving is a fact :whistling:…. on the payment we insist :tongue:
    Guess we wait and see what happens the next few weeks.
    Brexiteer PM hopefully..new cabinet full of Brexiteers..GAME ON .. I THINK..
    Also..over in brussels hq.
    sore head time for them with many new POPULIST meps

    Gonna be fun to watch I think.

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