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Posts posted by malagateddy

    May foolishly chose to fight her snap election on one issue. 
    UKIP were and are a one trick pony.
    Corbyn, despised and ridiculed my many, especially media, chose to fight the election on all the issues people consider important.
    Who did best?
    Suggesting the people who voted to leave, or remain, would vote for any one party, purely based on that party's stance on Brexit is pure sophistry.

    Brexit Party..sophistry..rather novel AND DOING REMARKABLY WELL!!!

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    The public didn't vote for a hard Brexit at all.
    Parliament has carried out the advice of the small majority of the people by taking the advisory referendum result and exploring all the option of leaving and trying to decide on one that is in the best interests of all - not just a few hard Brexiters.
    They failed. Mainly because all the hard Breiters, like Johnson have never actually put forward their vaunted "plan B' - largely because it doesn't exit, they're inept, and don't have the wit to put one together.
    May made things worse by scheming to get the PM role and then push through her likely crap watered down deal by executive decision and then getting stuffed at a snap election when that failed. She thought become PM, invoke Article 50, push through a deal using the PR - easy peazy lemon squeezy! And hey presto the Tories have delivered "Brexit" and become united and all fuzzy again. She failed miserably, misjudged things continuously and then stubbornly refused to change or go.
    If Johnson or any of the other stooges tries, on becoming PM, to simple run the clock down and leave with no deal on 31.10 they are likely to face massive opposition, form within parliament and outside.
    People are fed up with all the lies, self interest and politicizing. If it boils down to leave with no deal or remain with the deal we have, that choice must be again put to the people to advise parliament of their wishes. Because the current parliament is no longer credible or capable of deciding.
    Farage - the dubious dictator of the Brexit Party a champion of democracy? Your're having a laugh! He only likes his own opinions and the sound of his own mouth! He couldn't get on with others in UKIP which was run like a political party. So he set the Brexit Party up as a limited company, himself as autocratic boss. And dopes make contributions to this too!
    Cannot honestly see over 100000 people being " dopes "..can you??

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  3. The buffoon is running for office Ma’am…. Love that pic.
    May should have known, being Prime Minister at the time of Brexit was always going to be a suicide mission.
    Britain desperately needs someone competent and capable….. if Boris is the best we can find we are in trouble.
    In the long run there is opportunity with freedom to do trade deals elsewhere.
    Dom.Rabb is the man imo to be the PM

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  4. One would hope that there are enough One Nation, sensible Tory MPs who are committed to rejecting No Deal, to ensure the likes of BJ, Raab etc don't make it to the final two. A "sensible" Brexiteer would be Penny Mordaunt . Personally I'd back Rory McGregor.

    If a hard-core No Dealer managed to win (which they will if the Tory membership gets its way) running out the clock so we crash out on 31 October won't happen. There are enough sensible Tories who would put country before party and join Labour and the opposition in bringing down the government. Brexit would have to be revoked as there would be no government. Then a determining General Election could be held.

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    One Nation..Pauline Hanson..She's an Ozzie!![emoji23]

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  5. Indeed; I'm sure Nige will be delighted if this meaningless vote gives him a prolonged period with his snout in the MEP trough; more MEP salary and expenses paid for by the British taxpayer. The increased MEP pension and severance money this will give him; also paid for by the British taxpayer.
    But we will see; remember the drubbing Brexit parties received at the local elections? The same might just have happened on Thursday!

    Think you mean the drubbing that Ukip got.
    I honestly think that you are rather perturbed and anxious re the popularity of the Brecit Party.
    The eu mep results will be interesting.
    Imo..the so called populist parties will do rather well..must to the displeasure of likes of junkard.tusk.barnier.mecron.merkel etc etc.
    Great fun for all the anti eu citizens throughout europe.
    Bad news for the europhile federalists [emoji2][emoji2][emoji2]

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  6. I am defending no one except where stating the facts does so.
    An investment firm in which Rees-Mogg is a partner opened a fund in Dublin to protect it's clients from the effects of Brexit; fact.
    Rees-Mogg moved a substantial amount of his personal money into that fund; fact.
    If he did not do so in order to protect himself from the effects of Brexit, why did he do so?
    Email JRM and ask him??

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    Come off it! Boris Johnson thinks he's the reincarnated Churchill, with a God given right to lead the nation ... he'd sell his sister into prostitution to get his hands on that job. 
    The problem is that he has no plan, no idea what to do once he gets the job. He's a guy who has been "winging it" all his life ... and he's too old to change.
    That's exactly what's needed..a right winger to carve up a stuffy defence[emoji2]

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  8. She will be remembered, whether in a good light or not depends on who follows.
    In her defense she was given an impossible task (Maybe John Wick could have pulled it off) but the prosecution would say she was an appalling Home Secretary & should never have been PM.
    I agree with the latter... But nobody else would stand up at the time & (IMHO) were waiting until things couldn't get much worse before playing their hand... 
    £600,000.annually..crying all the way to the bank..boohoo..poor teresa [emoji35]

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