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Posts posted by richard10365

  1. At 28 years and E9 your pay should be over 150,000 baht a month. That is a lot of money in Thailand.

    I am E7 with 20 years and find it very easy to live here on 50,000 baht a month.

    If you get offered a job, I would use this info as leverage to getting more money for your job skills. You dont have to work, but if you do, they had better pay you well for it.

    It's very relaxing to watch the sun go down every night knowing you can sit there until the stars come out.

    If you don't have to work, .......don't.

  2. Wrong - those in the deep south are a step away from annihilation and their won't be any mercy coming from anywhere in Thailand.  :o

    Alas, history in Asia makes this a realistic probability at some point if the violence does not abate. But the ramifications get complex quickly. Would the Malays sit idly by as the irredentist Malay minority in the South suffers significant violence from the Thai state? Would the regional heavyweight to the north, which sees Thailand as a southern province get involved? There is good reason for all sides to find a non-violent solution, especially Malaysia which I think would have the most to lose if the ethnic violence gets out of hand.

    good point

    the only problem i can see is who are the sides tht need to sit down?

    the insurgents are led by whom, and if found will they sit down and talk

    the insurgents as i read the situation are getting to where they want to be and that is allienation from all sides leading to chaos

    Thats just it, the insurgents are led by who. There is no one person who claims to be the leaders of the insurgents. So there is no one on the Muslim side to discuss these issues.

    Don't they have local elected officials? Shouldn't they step up and lead like they were elected to do? If they don't want the responsibility, they should be replaced.

  3. Hi

    Thanks for the replies. All useful.

    Kop khun krup. ( Hopefully, I'll be able to write that in Thai soon!)


    When I was learning to write in Thai, I took one Thai letter and wrote it on one sheet of paper from top to bottom. I would do 2 or 3 letters a day that way until finished the consonants of the Thai Alphabet.

    After I finished that, I started writing the letters according to their consonant class. I would write the low consonant class first on a sheet of paper over and over again. Then I would write the middle consonant class on another sheet of paper and then the high. After that, I would write the vowels in the same way.

    Each time you write the consonant or the vowel, say it outloud (or in your head).

    In about a month, I could look at a Thai newspaper and recognize all the letters. and say them correctly.

    Learning to make words out of these letters is a little harder. Most of the time, I can read Thai, I just don't know what I am reading.

    An easy way to pratice reading Thai is to use a English to Thai dictionary. You look at a word in English and then the transliteration into Thai script. That will give you an idea of how the Thai vowels and consonants work together to make a word.

    After a while, you will be able to take any English word and write it the way it sounds using Thai consonants and vowels.

    If your an English teacher, this helps a lot when it comes to getting your kids to pronounce English words correctly.

  4. I'm retiring from the Navy in 2007 and have talked with "John" at the RAO office in Bangkok. Based on those conversations and experience in Thailand I'm not going to elect DDS of my retainer into the Bangkok Bank (via New York) method. I'm going to establish an account for the spousal retirement visa, but other than that I'm going with multiple ATM cards. And NFCU only charges $1.00 per transaction. So the WF card and it's $5.00 fee per transaction will be the emergency back-up.

    I just started transfering $1000/month from Bank of America to Bangkok Bank. It goes through the New York office to my account in Bangkok. The cost of that is $3.

    I am still considering setting up direct deposit via Bangkok Bank in New York.

    I'll probably re-consider once I've been there for a spell and know I'm actually going to stay.

    It's very easy to live here off your retirement as long as your entire retirement is yours. ATMs are very easy to get to, internet is everywhere, and major American sporting events (NFL, NBA, MLB, NASCAR, etc) are easy to see here. The cost of living is very cheap here.

    If your single with no kids to worry about, then I would recommend at least a year or two to see if you like it.

    Why keep working until your 65. Speaking of 65, social security will kick in for us as well adding another 30,000 to 50,000 baht a year to our retirement paycheck.

    What will your paygrade be at the time of your retirement?

  5. I think it is normal for every country to have foreigners who like how it is run and those who do not. No place is perfect.

    I would find it interesting to read the comments (in their language) of foreigners living in the United States.

    I'm sure the things they complain about are similiar to the things complained about on Thai Visa.

    I'm sure there are Thai citizens who have harsher opinions than those expressed here in Thai Visa.

  6. Its getting more and more difficult to hope for peace over revenge. It's only a matter of time until the Thai people strike back with such violence and horror that the whole world stops what its doing to watch. This is not only a Thai problem, it is a Muslim problem. Muslims worldwide better get more involved in stopping the violence before its too late.

  7. "Suvarnabhumi province is as big as Singapore but it will be more modern than Singapore with a special administration team ... to run the new city and the airport," Somchai said.

    Modern than Singapore??? Emm how modern is it going to be ? looking forward to this new projects.....

    One of my friends with long pointy ears told some of the improvements.

    Tractor beams

    Dilithium crystal exchange facility

    New transporter to energize people to their destination instead of planes

    International/interplanatary translator that not only translates all known languages but it also explains why the Thai government makes its decisions

    Acceptance to the new changes is mandatory because resistance is futile. :o

  8. I'm retiring from the Navy in 2007 and have talked with "John" at the RAO office in Bangkok. Based on those conversations and experience in Thailand I'm not going to elect DDS of my retainer into the Bangkok Bank (via New York) method. I'm going to establish an account for the spousal retirement visa, but other than that I'm going with multiple ATM cards. And NFCU only charges $1.00 per transaction. So the WF card and it's $5.00 fee per transaction will be the emergency back-up.

    I just started transfering $1000/month from Bank of America to Bangkok Bank. It goes through the New York office to my account in Bangkok. The cost of that is $3.

    I am still considering setting up direct deposit via Bangkok Bank in New York.

  9. I read quite a bit about Vietnam after I came to Thailand.


    Most of what I read was about their past from thousands of years ago up to the present. It's the stuff they don't teach in America schools.

    From that I formed the opinion that Vietnam was fighting for their freedom the same as the USA did over 225 years ago and the country I was born in (and served in it's military) is guilty of invading Vietnam and killing millions of their citizens illegally.

    I respect the soldiers on both sides of this conflict for their sacrifice in the performance of their duties. On the other hand, the stateside leadership should be accountable for any part they may have had in making this war.

    Had the peace march been a few years earlier, perhaps the United States would not have killed so many of their citizens for no reason.

    Now we have Iraq and I am wondering if history is repeating itself.

    Perhaps its time for another march in Washington.

    Learning the truth about the Vietnam war, to me, is similiar to learning that your wife is cheating on you. My trust and patriotism is gone. I don't think I could ever live there again.

  10. I don't plan on going back to the USA anyway. I got what I needed out of that country. An early pension. I don't miss anything else.

    Awww....C'mon now... Admit it... You do miss S.O.S. for breakfast in the field mess tent, right???


    Those Army breakfast's were pretty good. French toast...bacon, grits, omlet, fruit, juice, coffee, milk :o

    Then trading contents of MREs during lunch while gossiping about a million different things.

    I have to admit, those are some of my fonder memories of soldier life.

    I am glad that chapter in my life is over.....now is the retirement phase. :D

  11. From the Nation Newspaper


    Crashed helicopter found, 4 killed

    Published on Oct 14 , 2005

    Armed Forces search team Friday found wreckage of helicopter which crashed in Wiang Kosai National Park in Phrae province, 4 men on board were killed.

    Third Army chief Lt General Saplang Kalanamitr said bad weather had forced the helicopter to crash.

    The search effort was hampered early on by inclement weather, but a rescue helicopter managed to locate the site using GPS coordinates Friday afternoon. The army had sent out 500 soldiers and volunteers to search the area on foot.

    The victims included the northern border task-force commander, Major-GeneralPhairet Thongchaksu, 58, his aide, and both crew members.


    and now he is not alive.

  12. I just looked (9:57pm) at Bangkok Post and found this:


    Army helicopter in emergency landing

    Phrae _ An army helicopter carrying the commander of the Pha Muang task force, his close aide and two pilots was found yesterday hours after disappearing while flying over Wang Chin district in driving rain. The two-seat Jet Ranger helicopter was carrying Maj-Gen Pairat Thongjattu, the task force chief, his aide and two pilots. It left Phitsanulok about 3pm, contacted the air traffic control unit in Lampang and was seen for the last time on the radar screen at 5.50pm. It went missing in Wiang Kosai national park in Phrae's Wang Chin district and is thought to have made a crash landing.

    The task force said last night it had found the damaged helicopter in the park. The pilots were slightly injured and Maj-Gen Pairat safe.


    Seems the General is alive.

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