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marko kok prong

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Posts posted by marko kok prong

  1. 1 hour ago, Krataiboy said:

    It won't and can't. Nature has equipped us with immune systems designed to protect us from harmful viruses and bacteria. We need to be exposed to pathogens from early infancy in order for these systems work efficiently.


    The notion of an aseptic society is about is credible as most of the other fanciful nonsense in this article.



    Agree,when i was a kid,we all used to play in gardens dig with our hands, generally get dirty like kids used too,i never knew of anyone with asthma,or peanut allergies ect,that are now rife in western countries due to being too clean look at kids in poorer countries you don't see this even in Thailand,i have never heard anyone say their kids are alllergic to this or that. At 55 i still have a full head of hair and very few white one's why,cos i shampoo at most once a month,hair is self cleaning.Of course i shower,but only use soap on the nether regions,under the arms.

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  2. Heat stroke is extremely unpleasant,i have had it ,you just can't think coherently,i started to get a month or so ago bird proofing my gutters,i recognised the signs and stopped immediatly,had a swim,but was still feeling a little dizzy several hours later. Another thing to watch out for especially now we are getting some rain is prickly heat,were the pores sweat so much they become blocked and red and very itchy ,calamine lotion helps but mainly try to stay out the heat and not sweat.

  3. 3 hours ago, Chivas said:

    lol the real total is now between 43,000 and 46,000 because Johnson and his hapless mob have only been recording (deliberately) hospital deaths and not deaths elsewhere primarily from old peoples homes knowing how catastrophic they are

    We have a death record currently only marginally behind the USA despite a population of only 1/5th the size.


    Johnson and Cummings will almost certainly face calls for collective manslaughter when this is all over for the incompetance and deliberate protection of their chums business interests initially


    Staggeringly only today its reported that we are to put people arriving in the UK into quarantine something that should have happened on March 1st. The knives are very very sharp for that blond bombers back make no mistake and rightly so. Even now there are many that dont believe he caught Corona in the first place and has been hiding in his fridge snorting and quaffing Champers with Carrie throughout.....


    I dont subscribe to that but when you have a serial liar for a PM what do you expect



    Yes exactly what i read in a couple of articles,in a way it like road accidents in Thailand only count's if your dead at the scene[though they may have changed that,not sure],so they are massaging the figures,not counting deaths in care homes,or elsewhere,a disgrace,the most bungled effort in the world to try to control this.Trump is a unhinged maniac but at least he has been visible and talking to the nation ,Johnson, must at least after 2 weeks be able to do a quick video and speak to the nation,but no sign of him.

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  4. He is a illegitimate son of Diana,fathered by Capt Hewwit,with whom she had an affair ,in days gone by he would have been taken to the tower and never heard of again,so his Royal status is spurious at best.She is a slapper on the make. Having said that don't think he is a bad chap,fought for his country,and supports a lot of good causes,still young,but has made an awful mistake with this bint.

  5. 2 hours ago, unamazedloso said:

    This is discrimination based on racism  Its against the law. My ex girlfriends entire family are on the beach right now and everyday.  Boogie boarding, fishing, etc... Oh, her husband is chinese? Guess thats ok. Any police listening to this, want details. Pm me????

    Yes but i suppose your talking about a beach along the Amazon,near the logging camp where you live ,so i does not really apply here.Sorry on re -reading your post you said ex g/f so she is still in THailand,not in the logging/wildcat goldminers place in Brazil.

  6. Well hopefully it will make the idiot with the sling slot on face book look like the muppet he is if nothing else,this is happening all over,so all the posters who think Thai people hate us[there are a few as in any country] maybe think again,as i said where i live i have rarely ever encountered problems with the locals.

     May i add it seems new poster ss sturmbanfueher Hugolars has gone very quiet,thankfully.

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