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marko kok prong

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Posts posted by marko kok prong

  1. Interesting photo at the top of the article,i have by the way been trained in Imaging of photo's by of course the FBI,so here we go: the guy looks to be saying,possibly with a raised voice [hypothetical] to the girl in his right hand he carries something with straps as i cannot up the resolution,i cannot say what,so i am going with a hunch,the young girl is gesturing to her mouth,she seems to have a mask,albeit pulled down,i suggest the official is saying 'do as i say or i will apply this gimp ball to your mouth' after all they would not be hard to find there. Let me just add my FBI career was a short one.

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  2. 44 minutes ago, Ventenio said:

    shut down all roads.  


    if we can save one life, it's worth it.


    i wonder what idiot thought that one up.


    if i can save one person, it's worth it.  


    sounds better than.....if only 10 million die, i'll get my bonus.  


    or.....hey, time for war.  if we can kill 100 million i'll get a new house


    ok, back to meditation.  if i can be find nirvana for one second, it's worth it. 



    'One death,is a tradedgy,1 million a stastictic'-Stalin

  3. 5 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    I think there will be huge number of home loan (and car loan) defaults, and the whole Thai banking system will be at risk.

    What will they do? Let people owing money defer the loans 'interest free' for 4-5 years while the employment market recovers?

    There will be massive financial knock-on effects from the COVID lock-down panic.

    Astute summary,my ex wife has her car hidden,ie covered over at her boyfriends,been there for 3 weeks,i have no doubt the dumb bint would have taken out a loan from the bank with the car as security,as i was stupid enough to buy it for her,now they want the repayments, -Bad loans,hmmm,when did we experience that before?

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  4. 1 hour ago, Grumpy John said:

    Sounds good but that benefits the the miller/wholesaler.  The farmers price is what matters to farm families.  The price at the weighbridge where you sell your paddy/rice.  To harvest is say 550 baht/rai and the 6 wheel truck to take to weighbridge is 70 baht/ton....plus your growing costs!  The Chinese millers/wholesalers are making the big money....but somchai is scratching to get by!


    PS: And what about the price of fertiliser?  The cost of production of fertiliser has fallen but the price remains the same!

    Did it not say unmilled rice,i would take this to be the price the farmer would get for paddy as they call it or unmilled rice,please correct me if i am wrong.

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