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Posts posted by celso

  1. I used to like Chinese people.

    But then I came to Thailand, and every Chinese person I meet is rude, loud, and inconsiderate. It's making me racist against them... I just remind myself I met a few nice Chinese in the UK.

    Every time someone barges in front of me in a queue at a food court, I can guarantee it's going to be a Chinese. Or asking a sales assistant dozens of questions before suddenly walking off. Etc.

    It's not just us, every Thai person I talk to about tourists and foreigners, they always name Chinese as the worst.

    It's not their fault I guess, they are newly rich, and not used to travelling abroad. They've not acquired the self-awareness or learned how to behave overseas.

    The Chinese government even agrees it is a problem, and is having to remind it's citizens to behave.

    Good article in the economist about it: http://www.economist.com/blogs/analects/2013/11/chinese-tourists

    Personally, I just learn a few Chinese swear words, so I can curse them out without any Thais knowing what i'm doing. :)

    • Like 2

    Since when did they care what the international community think. IMO Privately the international community would be glad to see the back of PTP but they cannot say that publicly.

    IMO no-one outside of SE asia cares one bit who is in charge of Thailand... just like none of them said a word about the recent crackdown in Cambodia.

    In 3rd world countries, expect 3rd world democracy.


    The " deal " with China is a Memorandum of Understanding only. Surapong - who has been a private citizen now for two days according to Article 127, but still wants to pretend he has the ears of the nation and the world - spreads the Thaksin talking talks with as much zeal as he ever did. But no one is listening. Maybe he should try singing.

    You're on to something Scamper.. I think you may have caught Surapong here! Go to his office tomorrow and give a citizens arrest, you'll be a hero, people will even stop calling you farang!
  4. There is boots and bodyshop. I use both to keep myself looking hansum in this harsh city.

    Watch out if you buy local brands, read the label carefully because a lot will contain whitener.

    PS. face creams, scrubs, etc, cost about double what you pay in a UK boots store. The exact same products, brands, etc. Eg a branded facial exfoliator is about 250 baht in the UK, 500 baht here.


    "Not sure, non-b I think? My company did everything when I first arrived, I just had to go and sign the papers in Changwattana. "

    Do you do 90 day reports at immigration or do you have to leave the country every 90 days ?

    If the former you have a extension of stay, if the latter a visa.

    Anyway that is all academic as the passport is so close to expiry that neither an extension or a new visa can be obtained.

    You must take urgent action in the morning to get the passport renewed. I saw the other post made about the bank card ----again urgent action is needed to ensure the card will work.

    Yes, im working on the passport now. I just need to wait a couple of days for my company to send me a proof of address letter.

    I have to confirm my address every 90 days, so its an extension of stay?

    The main thing im worried about is, what if the new passport doesn't arrive before my extension of stay expires?


    What visa do you have ?

    Or do you have an extension of stay ?

    Whichever you will need a new passport -------you will not be permitted to enter any of the nearby countries with less than 6 months passport validity so if a new visa is required it cannot be obtained locally.

    If you have an extension of stay a renewal will not (I suspect) be possible.

    Urgent action needs to be taken to renew the passport.

    Not sure, non-b I think? My company did everything when I first arrived, I just had to go and sign the papers in Changwattana.
  7. Wait... every legit massage place I have been to, the masseuse were 40+ and twice my size. Not the kind of girls i'd be flirting with or would let kiss me. Do you have some kind of fetish.. or have you found a rare good looking masseuse?

    Also, very funny seeing how butt-hurt Sam Gold got over your story. Must have touched a nerve.

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    You can't overthrow a government blowing whistles and taking selfies. You have to get your hands dirty. Maybe go a day or two without using skin whiteners.

    The hot season has arrived. It all got too hard for them

    If you actually lived in Bangkok you would know most of the protesters are nothing like this.

    All these guys are somebodys sons.

    Time to go home to mummy in the south now. Lets get back to shopping again.

    Hubby been happy to see me locked out of Siam this year. Suthep out... shoppers in. yay!

    Siam Discovery to Centralworld has been one long street market for weeks... ending the shutdown is bad for shoppers in Siam!
  10. I was asked this question a couple of weeks ago. Its been on my mind ever since. I couldn't really think of any good deeds I did in 2013, that werent for mine or my families benefit. It bothers me a bit, I make good money in bkk and have a good life here, but I cant think of any instances where I've given back.

    What about you lot?


    They shouldn't call for keeping the kids out of it, they should call for the government and the police taking responsibility to let it happen....The police didn't catch a single person in all that bombing....Just a few were catched by the protesters and it happen that they were policemen...

    Fortunately, it is not a zero sum choice.

    Saying 'keep children away', does not mean they also say 'keep killing others'.

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