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Posts posted by celso

  1. How about just say no, and if the girl likes you she will go with it. If she doesn't really like you, she will disappear and you save yourself getting into a loveless marriage. Who cares what the family think.


    ...others say the police were armed and firing....

    ...and the policeman's leg is a result of him dropping a grenade....

    ...this according to Thai people...and a foreign reporter....(Michael Yon ???)

    It's not just people saying it. There is a video showing the whole thing including where it originated, where it fell in the line, and his associate had to kick it out of the way to prevent it exploding in the middle of them. Yes, I have seen the video, and while I'm not an expert, I don't believe it was photoshopped. There are too many elements that needed to line up perfectly for that to be anything other than an accident. When you see the video you will understand. It appears this was a bomb intended to be thrown by the police at the protesters.

    The reports that say it was fired into the police line should be viewed as highly suspect. In the fog of war I can see why some people might think that, and some reporters might have mistakenly reported it, but the facts clearly don't confirm that hypothesis.

    However, the reality of how the bomb got there doesn't take anything away from the policeman who lost his leg to save the lives of several policemen. He should still be considered a hero for what he did. His actions saved lives.

    Falling down from his bag hummmm...

    Ops... You edited before I comment... pity.

    Is that his leg flying through the air? God dam_n that's nasty.

    edit: found the same video on youtube that shows the aftermath, it wasn't his leg. But you can see afterwards, he has lost most of his calf muscle.


    More Lip service?....everyday he promises some sort of action...and I ain't seen nothin...this guy must love listening to himself bark out promises of action...honestly,I've never heard or seen so much yakity yak come from one person with no results to back his words..it is absolutely hysterical...Does he have any idea what he sounds like?


    Yeah in most countries this kind of drivel wouldn't even be news.

  4. If you want 0 calorie iced coffee, I guess that would be an 'Americano yen' (cold)? That is just cold coffee and ice, no milk. Starbucks/True both sell them.

    The doctors in this thread need to go do their research. There are no studies linking sweetener or caffeine to cancer. The only proven link is caffeine -> anxiety.

    "No doubts....Caffeine + sugar or sweeteners = fat + cancer"

    To create fat, you need an excess of calories in the body. Neither caffeine nor sweetener contain calories.

  5. GNC but the price is terrible. Same with protein bars. Even with the discount they offer, you're paying silly money. Unfortunately I don't know of any gyms that offer PWO shakes, there is a café in true fitness asoke, but it doesn't offer anything special.

    If you are set on protein bars, you can buy them cheaper online from several sites based in thailand, but even then the price per gram of protein will be high.

    The cheapest option is to buy whey online (roughly 1k baht per 1kg), that's what I do. But it sounds like you want to buy ready-made and in-person. In that case I'd recommend looking around and finding real food that will fit your macros, it will be much much cheaper.

    edit: Actually I just remembered, today I saw a protein shop in Siam Discovery. The end nearest to MBK. Pretty sure I saw some protein bars there. Can't comment on the price.

    • Like 1

    1500 baht for a cleaning, that a rip off. As much as expensive then back home... ridiculous.

    The normal price would be around 500 baht... for farang. A close thai friend, told me once, that she got a great tooth cleaning at Chula hospitals, 30 minutes works . The dentist will take all the time needed. And do you know how much? Well just for the mere sum of 50 baht, really amazing!

    Chula is very cheap, BUT that's because you're getting work done by students. For a tooth extraction I wouldn't want a 19 year old girl with twig arms pulling at my teeth.

    One thing, you have to bear in mind the girls are young, normally under 22, so they see a guy o, say, 25, as being a bit old for them. A guy of 30 would be seen as rather old, not really attractive, but might be interesting if he has a nice personality and decent manners. The more interesting question to me is, how are you going to meet them? If you're not a student at the same university (or a teacher, but that raises other problems) you're not likely to go to places where they go. Most don't speak English, or at least not well, so it's pretty necessary for you to speak Thai.

    University food courts is one place... most are open to anyone. Go to one at lunch time when it's busy, and you'll see everyone sits next to each other. I go to Chula food court every day, and fairly often will end up chatting with the students on my table. Once a twice a week. I met my girl at a coffee shop she works part time at. During my phase of trying to speak thai with everyone. Don't think she actually understood a word I said...
    • Like 2

    Suthep and all the protesters in Bangkok could go home today. The farmers and the Anti-Corruption Commission will accomplish the "de-thaksinization" process that the protesters started with the Amnesty Bill.

    Google "A rotten harvest" on Bangkok Post for the latest analysis of the situation.

    (If I understand it correctly, it's not allowed to post links to BP)

    Can they go home, if this road is blocked?
    • Like 1
  9. I don't see many people complaining in every day life. Those that do... well just avoid them, "what you surround yourself with is what you'll get".

    Note that Thailand has way more expats than most countries, who are here long-term, for careers, for fun, or for retirement.

    -Go to a different country and you may find yourself only ever meeting 3 or 4 other foreigners, there for one or two years... obviously the atmosphere will be completely different.

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