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Posts posted by martinhp

  1. Thailand likes to import and export to be able of that you must not only thailand live up to international rules which do not incl military goverment or lack of freedom or hunting specific groups or arrest any who dares have another wiew on things or hirer all you friends to run a country

    Human rights are not thai politic and legal rights are for fairness not for being arrested or harassed

    Corruption which still is on is better than corruption and military goverment

  2. Why the biggest of them all think any body believe him except from some of the no brainers in here

    Haw many commities he open in which he placed all his friends

    He don't want to listen to the thais that's why they are under martial law

    He don't care about the law (it is for the pebble made by the pebble)that's why he makes his own but this is not law and order

    He can't control any thing that's why he use guns

    Ncpo is the biggest joke did gestapo ever make peace

    Non of his commities are self controlled which makes it a path not for the pebble but for him and his closest friends

    This is not my country so I just let it be but if it was my country It would be different and the most where I come from thinks same if not all that's why we changed it many years ago and I hope for the thais they change it to

    No matter what he and we all thinks thaksin / yingluck is most likely what the Thais want so as it is there country so why can't they have that and that's why he is not changing any thing he just stretching the bow

  3. Well, he's not wrong.

    When they've asked for Yingluck herself to appear (in person) and answer their questions, her sending yet another "representative" to defend her just doesn't cut it.

    She does seem to constantly avoid actually being where she's needed or asked to be, always sending lawyers on her behalf etc to speak for her. One might suspect she's unable to actually answer direct questions without the puppet master putting the words in her mouth.

    Reminds of many of her televised faux pas (where she's actually required to think, speak and answer questions, not from a script), such as:

    It seams like you write more than you think all the generals friends are not in title to any answers

    The general wants to sell the rice internationals which includes following the international laws to not only trading but way of leadership freedom of speech and many other things too

    That's why nobody sent her brother to Thailand it's not the international community there don't understand thailand its thailand there don't understand but why you care anyway you not thai are you

  4. I feel sorry for the rubber farmers as the prices have tumbled down.

    But I don't agree with their demands for the government to buy their produce for more than double the current price.

    They had good times before they have a bad spell now.

    It's not the governments fault as it is not their fault either.

    But they have to learn to live in this free world as so many other trades do.

    No good protesting and demanding.

    Where will the money come from?

    If they get, there will a lot of others also demanding.

    And you had some time to think if possible

    The goverment must look after all the poor in every country this is the main reason for democracy so the elected goverment look after the poor same like with the rice but many her don't seam understand this

    If this is unclear elected means most thais and most thais want the goverment to look after the poor same like in every other country and this create stability

  5. Who say any reforms must be made suthep ?????????

    Why listen to him

    And of course the gestapo fool

    Its all waste of time which have to be remedied after a real government legal take over after all this no bikini no umbrellas no taxi no massage and no more anything they really shot Thailand down and for what

    Suthep didn't make that good impression on me so I thought we better follow him but he must.be the gestopo fools hero

  6. Democracy do every country good it means it is run by the people for the people

    And as he does not believe in that he does more harm to the country then anybody els

    He if he was true would protect democracy as he do not makes him dictator and of course gonna make the country problems same like before

    I don't understand him why he thinks thais are stupid so they can not run there own country

    I can say my wife learned A lot in the 7 years I been here and are more than cable of making the right decision and I know many others there can do same and I think they like to create there own future and do not need somebody to tell them but need somebody with same or similar interest to lead the country and thaksin yingluck where peable the most Thai cut relate to in trust of a better future which is why they got the most wotes and if he as a soldier has a honer in life he should respect this the most and give the Thais there rights to choose there own future no matter if sutep or he likes it or not

    So he is harming the country and indeed the Thais who is very competent in running there own country

    So what does he mean I can truly say I don't think he understand and this is the only major problem

  7. No surprise here. I'd love to hear their plan on regulating the creep and encroachment that we all know will happen.

    Does the NCPO, who ordered the beaches cleared, not have a say in this, or are they being disregarded and the local govt's moving forward to bring back these nice earners?

    Ncpo <removed> don't have a say as not elected

    And the hole lot is missed by the tourist there now are forced to stay at the hotels with pools who you think own those and haw much do the charge for drinks and food

    Yes they can just go out (in swim suit) which is not wise here according to the <removed> boss

    Before you write again think about who the most Thais gonna elect and who is removing them every time

    That's a no brainier so even you can get in

  8. How many other countries will give free land to the poor?

    I can't think of any.

    But it is not enough for Thais, they want more.

    No wonder they can't develop, they remain as dependant as infants their entire life and tit feeding them constantly won't help them to grow up and take the bull by the horns.

    It seams like you need to learn something or two if the brain don't get over loaded

    Why you think the bed on beaches is gone with the different sales

    Who owns the big hotels with pool and who are competitor for same

    Answer very rich Thais own the hotels and the poor try the beaches

    The rich do not want to share and do whatever it takes to control the country and they use the king to legalize this same like the dictator PM

    the sun beds are just an example of haw they rich think

    only care for them selves thaksin tried to equalize things a bid and got convicted by military junta and as a military junta is illegal they can not convict any body but the rich Thais are use to get away with any thing even murder and the military and the rich Thais are same

    So many reasons for give the land to the poor they can not get the power here first thaksin then yingluck

    And now no election again and if you think the most Thais gonna elect the foul in charge here you wrong

    • Like 1
  9. >He also called Mr Niphon to stop guiding the public to influence the case against Ms Yingluck.<quote

    We don't need to be influenced, we are fully aware of the fact, that your client and her partners in crime robbed the country blind!!coffee1.gif

    As we all except you know the truth is not delivered by the PM if he don't want

    And if they don't proof it 100% there are nothing and the thai can again elect her which they properly do

    And as you don't understand this.........makes you ??????

    Especially under the consideration of the first line it means not ever possible for the PM who is a dictator to convict any as he is the biggest criminal especially when the most thais want yingluck not PM

    So you better step up your game and learn about democracy it's not always as it seam

  10. Should have locked them up under Thai anti terrorist law.

    Section 135/2 A person who:

    (1) Threatens to commit a terrorist act by [showing] behaviour which is convincing enough to believe that the person will actually do as threatened

    That person shall be punished with a term of imprisonment between two years to ten years, and a fine between 40,000 Baht to 200,000 Baht.

    Or freedom fighters it's actually the PM there is the terrorist

    It's not ok but it might be the first of a lot the most thais don't appreciate the PM work or his self appointment

  11. The Pheu Thai Party is all washed out and hope it stays that way...We don't need politicians like them and their on the run criminal leader. I am happy that Khun Prayuth is at the helm at this time when Thailand needs Change in a better direction.

    I know you got it all wrong thaksin is conviced by illegal government same like the current government

    They do not represent the thai pebbles not same like yingluck they are seasing power by treats and violence it will never create stability

    The illegal government is going down hill day by day obviously they are not cable of the task and do not wish to listen to the voters there never will or did vote for them and if you understood a little about dictators and democracy you would know this too

    I don't mind to much only illegal or legal and as long as every body is not equivalent for the law corruption gonna stay

    and a dictator is not and therefore not legally in charge

    and legally not able of running the law he doesn't follow himself

    I hope you can learn something

  12. They are all the same can not criticism any of the these officials no matter they are all wrong in there handling of things

    PM say every thai must stand together what a fool if it was like that we didn't need the law

    And as long as non of them recognise the word of the law no justice gonna happen

    All the protesters ,all the office encroaching pebbles,all the land encroaching and so on must face the law or nothing good gonna happen it is more than 2000 years experience they go against

    But the worst is to believe that pebbles from different countries are born with this low knowledge some are but not the most .

    The PM must give up stop he's nonsense his low level seams to effect to many areas which he will never understand

  13. She was perfect for the job from the Thai perspective. Attractive, amicable, lively, never taking a counter position to what Thai officials wanted. However, there were times when I wish she could have shown some grit. For example, Thaksin getting a visa to visit the US, even though he's a fugitive from the law. Granted, that's primarily a US Imm. Dept. issue, but she, in her position could have been influential in that decision if she chose to speak up. As for the Yingluck puppet administration dropping the ball on allowing NASA to set up a research station in Thailand ....well again, perhaps that was too far removed from Madame Ambassador's influence. Would have been a big plus for Thailand though, to have some real scientists doing real science in their country, with Thai assistants, of course. Thailand needs all the help it can get to appreciate real science, and ease away from their ingrained hocus pocus beliefs.

    You are fully aware of what you are saying or you don't understand to much ?????

    elected politicians are the not criminal and the ones who gain it unlawful is the criminals that's why easy

    Hocus pocus talk for you selve it might be more than you are able of try to go to school !!

    You maybe understand a thing or two after

  14. It seams a little of when they two suspect don't know haw they did it

    And even more that they subject turist for wird kind of safety measures instead of do it to the immigrants workers

    Maybe it's not the problem and the police know

    And very unintelligent of the pm to push the police for resolve the crime better give them time and help so they can prove with out a doubt that the results is 100%

    But obviously it means more to pm that girls not. Wear bikini

    But unfortunately it's doesn't matter if FBI or UK look at the evidence it's already compromised and must reliable of the thai samples there are no second chance after autopsy is done ones

    But it's seams like it doesn't stop with the incompetence when the like to criminally criticism but they don't got that attitude from strangers PM /general think same it's unfortunate for thailand and it will certainly not boost the economic in export or import of turist

    Since May it is more unsafe many lost there income and burglary is the way out it seams

    No matter they planed the coup for years the pm must understand that undermine police public servants is dangerous and he can not shoot every one and must restore democracy no matter he can not steal more but for the safety of the country and the turist

    And this case is just another example of the incompetence of the PM who is not elected and did not take care of the country he intervene by him selve but showed haw much he is out of any form of control

    Today it's is harming thailand trust is kind of important

    And for those who don't se the connection integrity of the country is every PM job

  15. Good news, everyone should have legal counsel when jailed guilty or not. However, this will not help those who cannot accept the overwhelming evidence against these two or those who want to believe it was the rich Thai kid (for no other reason than he is rich and Thai) that did it who was taking an exam at school in Bangkok and appeared on security cameras that day in Bangkok.

    No doubt the lawyers will be able to collect new DNA samples from their clients and have it compared against the DNA results from the semen taken from the scene originally and sent to both Thai and Singapore labs. But again, doubt this will convince some of admitting their original suspicions were wrong.

    While police may have done things wrong, there is no plausible way they could fake the DNA and expect to get away with it unless these two accused disappear from the planet and nobody can ever check their or their family's DNA ever again.

    You are right and I think they are involved too but normaly immigrants are lightly to do crime for many reason but rage killing is unlikely done by them and I think one person at least is missing out of the investigation that person able of rage killing

    I think that's a Thai in close connection are the one in charge of this and the one with a rage it's very difficult to violent kill some one you don't know and it hardly happens it takes a special type of mind which is not consistent with instantaneous respons of a sexual need but consistent with a Thai who think he is special and are overturned in that believe publicly or even private and this is a motive for rage killing and for Thais it's likely that he will bring friends I think this person want to rape and kill and watch too

    he find the tools to kill in some way don't mind the boy to much but the girl

    he can control the immigrants and know he can use them in two ways he brings condom for himself and after take the boy out he starts the scenario

    He is clever enough to plane some but loose the condom and are properly aware of the time to leave the island and use this knowledge to get out full aware of its not 100%but also use to work with the police and paid them off so the real deal is about cash not about crime investigation this can explaine the lack in the Thai police investigation nobody is this unprofessional in any police force any where but if you know the most why investigate

    The lost condom containes the truth but official it is with no DNA but it will have some DNA but this is retirement with a bang for severel police officers and all condoms comes out of the pack with no DNA

    In my experience this is close to what is going on but to prove this not easy and the emmigrants are guilty so case closed

    And the media here are not free so I think someone got away with murder and he will do again if nothing change

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