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Posts posted by martinhp

  1. I'm all for the coup, but it's definitely not black and white.

    For the world? They've got their own problems.

    Haw can you be for a military cup ???? What did you learn in school it ever been a succes anywhere ????

    What kind of education is required for a millitary General normally they only follows orders

    If he needs weapons and unintelligent masseurs to control the country haw he gonna succeed ?????

    It only brings more arms around and frustration that's not safe

    He take the freedom of speech which was introduced by taksin

    Martial law is millitary take over for police not the government so there are no law or justice now

    But if the are as they say they must proof it and tell the truth about haw they end up with all there money and acces but it seams like it is all about hiding the truth in stead

    And that's the point I think

    why make a video like this if they want the truth why not debate haw the future cut be

    No they are pissing there pants but soon it's gonna be cold and what an uneducated general who did not ever construct any thing in this size gonna do

    This is just waste of time he is not gonna gain anything it's only a setback

    The tourist go else where

    Every things goes bye bye and he is to blame for long demonstration he is to blame for all the weapons around he bring the most in 2010 he killed many Thais

    But buttemline is no army any where in the world is suitable as government only as help for a government which he chose not to be either but it is not my problem we all good but for the Thais it's not good and properly gonna bust the corruption

  2. The monkey soldier don't know a thing haw much money do he get better go back and hang in the trees where they belong

    Convict the mad man for the treason he committed and hang him there are know room in the world for pebble like him

    I used to be Military police and I and many others soldiers there been around know the damage an ignorant person like him can do he have the power but no integrity

    He do not know what's right and wrong but if Thailand is lucky his men does ore the most of them do and can provide the justice he deserve

    Coup the country

    Concise the money (daily income )


    Change pebbles rights

    Taking low and order in his power alone

    And can go on its illegal action and must be accused for treason in the court of law and if convicted executed

    If can not get to court can be convicted any way and executed on the spot this is military law and it's apply to him as he is level dictator it's not something the world tolerate

  3. the t

    Inspite of all the remarks about her here. She DID show up. I must say against all odds. I guess Prayuth has everyone rounded up right now. Now it is time to sit them down. Give them a harsh speech. Close the doors and for the good of the country, work out the differences, find common ground. He surely has a captive audience now!!!!

    And the monkey is the right for that who the old foul think he is they should end his days so the next general know his place

    And for the rest of all you ignorents it does not matter what we think the most of all Thais wil vote for taksin same like every time you can look the red 100 times more then yellow but for me I don't mind but the other yellow monkey sut want to deport Thais from Thailand and many other illigal things that's gonna destroy the country and I think he don't even know

    Better let the Thais get what the want election and then we see

  4. Inspite of all the remarks about her here. She DID show up. I must say against all odds. I guess Prayuth has everyone rounded up right now. Now it is time to sit them down. Give them a harsh speech. Close the doors and for the good of the country, work out the differences, find common ground. He surely has a captive audience now!!!!

  5. Wouldn't you just love to grab these prats by the collar and bithch slap them into next year?

    Why.... just because you are insanely jealous of them?

    At least they are bothering to do something that they believe in, that they needn't really have to bother with...

    Since when have you ever seen any of the many many rich elite reds get up off their <deleted> and stand up to be counted????

    Never.... They hide in the background pulling the strings while they use the paid buffaloes to front the show.

    Sorry.... I meant 'police aided terrorists'.

    Well their time is soon to come and I hope the lot of them are wiped from Thai soil... the scum that they are..... stealing democracy from the people at every turn using violence and angeintimidation...

    You miss the point they are not as well connected as before taksin that's what the taksin regime has done

    The deference is remarkable taksin gave much power to the pebble but got greedy

    But suthep is charge of murder which is the highest crime and must follow the law before any reform for his side

    But I don't think I need to explain more I'm to very rich but not that young anymore and when you are young ambition is on the top and when the doors are closing so are the change of success too

  6. Wouldn't you just love to grab these prats by the collar and bithch slap them into next year?

    Why.... just because you are insanely jealous of them?

    At least they are bothering to do something that they believe in, that they needn't really have to bother with...

    Since when have you ever seen any of the many many rich elite reds get up off their <deleted> and stand up to be counted????

    Never.... They hide in the background pulling the strings while they use the paid buffaloes to front the show.

    Sorry.... I meant 'police aided terrorists'.

    Well their time is soon to come and I hope the lot of them are wiped from Thai soil... the scum that they are..... stealing democracy from the people at every turn using violence and intimidation...

  7. [q

    uote name=ginjag" post="7342987" timestamp="1390634626]

    They can not blamed this on the caretaker Government, Yingluck, has offered to postpone the election if the protesters go home and promise not to attempt to interrup the new election and all parties agree to partiscipate in that election,

    A very reasonable compromise. all that needs to be done that Suthep and the Democrat Party to.agree to the terms!

    Whether a new date is set for the election, is up to the Demostrators/Democrats who must take the responsibility fot the lost Tourists!


    HER TERMS,--"go home and promise to do what I say? The 3 years of mismanagement has caused this, and mismanagement is an understatement.

    Her responsibility that no one pillages and plunders, can you comment on that ??

    I can i think the new zoo gonna be great success I've never seen monkeys almost look like humans like this but they need a fence

  8. I'm glad if one international school here is worth some money but surely it's overpriced

    I to use to bring my girl to international schools kajonkiet/headstart 2 1/2 year

    At headstart they claim to be Cambridge never the less more than halv is Philippines

    Philippines or the English + teachers I think despite there probably good education don't get a job at Cambridge

    Logic that's lead to another goal for a company when it start taking the wrong path by deceiving it's customers

    That's why the charge to much according to in the end is accomplished

    But no worry if you are happy that's very good and do hope for the best for you and your children or child

    But a last thing is it's your child there must go the extra mile not the teachers in the end

    Thanks for your reply

  9. First we all have to remember this is despite the beautiful country still the 3 world

    And there are no international schools here it's all big money machines with no tax to pay

    Second is this jungle is different from all we now it's corrupt same like everything

    No enrollment fee is worth paying

    And there are no qualified teachers and I know because business men like me is who hire high educated boys and girls.

    I look into every corner in the persons cv and where it's achieved before speaking to the person the truth is that Thailand is not a place where i would hire anyone from straight from university

    On the other hand a person with the right education there have shown himself in order to success would be very interesting in connexion to a possible expansion of a companies interest in the chosen country

    So in my best judgment I would try to find something with foundation in the Thai society

    That's no matter if you or me for that wish to stay a lifetime or not

    International schools are conclusively in this summary a very unhealthy decision for the child and her or he's future

    It's an easy mistake to make I did it to and i should know much better but not

    It's all beautiful and nice and when money don't matter it where to go until thinking

    It's like many things done with good taste but inside no substance

    Wherever the say the get there things from Cambridge or others it's just another scam

    It's just information i hope some will pass international schools by and that's all

    For the sake of all our kids and them to come

  10. Hallo, after the end of term 1 now I would be interested in some experience with the HeadStart school and its teachers.

    I plan to send my child beginning next year to their pre-school program. Any feedback would be welcome.

    We live in the 3world there are no international schools Here please don't make them foul you it's only money machines no schools here worth more than 70.000 bath a year and no schools are worthy of any enrollment fee at all

    Logic is where and why should the best teachers come here except if the come from Philippines

    It's an easy mistake to make everything presented very well same like the vacation clubs around the island

    But the truth is the level of education is very low and Thai is non existing more or less

    I'm Danish and im a business man and i have full education from Denmark and im still running very good profit business we have more than 40 employee and one day my girl must run it and Kohinoor or headstart do not provide enough basic so I'm able to guide her

    I changed her to a English program and in very short time she start moving forward

    It's all up to you but like said I made the same mistake and money is not an issue for us

    But my little girl is I only got her

    Anybody there from Patong (car-sharing)?

  11. Hallo, after the end of term 1 now I would be interested in some experience with the HeadStart school and its teachers.

    I plan to send my child beginning next year to their pre-school program. Any feedback would be welcome.

    Anybody there from Patong (car-sharing)?

  12. Hallo, after the end of term 1 now I would be interested in some experience with the HeadStart school and its teachers.

    I plan to send my child beginning next year to their pre-school program. Any feedback would be welcome.

    Anybody there from Patong (car-sharing)?

  13. Hallo, after the end of term 1 now I would be interested in some experience with the HeadStart school and its teachers.

    I plan to send my child beginning next year to their pre-school program. Any feedback would be welcome.

    Anybody there from Patong (car-sharing)?

  14. My litle girl just spent one year at headstart phuket at a cost of 240.000 bath

    I decided to place her in English program instead

    Headstart is what we in Denmark call a money machine there are no Cambridge in this or other things there justify a payment like they are asking

    After that year she don't know her abc and the thai is more or less not existing in headstart

    Is seems like the amount of Russian students are increasing which make the one hour Thai irrelevant the Russian don't like to learn Thai but for my child it is a must without difficult to work in Thailand I know i only speak Thai but can't read as a businessman I know it's not good

    They supposed to have an hour. Swimming a week but at headstart they decided to use only the children pool

    It's not deep enough for swimming only playing so know I again have to bring my girl to swimming

    The good question from the Thai teacher why she know don't swim the answers are above

    They charge an enrollment fee which is only applied for the student they do not feel this apply any things at there part So like a fine

    I confronted Jason the headmaster about this and many other things but it's not in his interest he just fool another one so no need to explaining

    He talks well but it's not with any debt

    All examination are paid just before which is kind of abnormal especially in a country like Thailand haw much does a good grade cost?

    I can only apply to everybody's common sense and then do what the like but I can tell my story and I got better education for my girl for 60.000 bath a year as she say they don't got so much toys but more books.

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