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Posts posted by daleyboy

  1. Thank you for the quick response.

    We were actually planning a visit for her of a few months rather than weeks.

    She hasn't worked at 7/11 for very long, and i think she would probably have to find another job when she goes back, as i don't think they will hold her job open.

    As for everything else you mentioned, i can supply all of that, it's just this employment thing that concerns me. I know how difficult it was for us to get my wifes visa 15 years ago. We were rejected 3 times and eneded up getting my local mp involved.

    Jane Lacey Smith kept saying we wouldn't stay together as husband and wife, oh well proved her wrong, amd she has actually popped up on my facebook as someone i might know haha

  2. My wife and i have been married for 15 years and have a 9 year old son and i have a 21 year old step daughter.

    My step daughter has always refused point blank about coming to the UK to live, although after our last visit she has shown an interest in visiting us for a holiday.

    I fully understand that she wouldn't be able to reside permanently but how difficult would it be to get a visitor visa?

    My wife has been a British citizen for approx 8 years now, we have room to accomodate her, i have financial documents to show we can support her etc etc. She has a job in 7/11 but no savings or land etc.

    I have been out the loop so long, im not sure of the process. When we applied for my wife it was all done at the British embassy in Bangkok, there were no language requirements or health tests, is this still the case?

    Any help would be appreciated, I'm coming over in November for 3 weeks to look at some business ideas, and would like if possible to sort the visa at the same time.

  3. I was thinking the same, i can get a prescrition here in the UK for tramadol, and the drugs authourity dont require the forms to be filled in. Luckily Amitriptyline and naproxen arent on the list either.

    I didn't know how easily i could get a thai doctor to prescribe me codeine, guess it would be quite difficult. I'm just glad I'm off the morphine now lol

  4. OK

    So i am coming over in July for 3 weeks, and i know that i need a medical form from the Thai drugs authority, but they are also askng for a certificate issued by the competent authority of the country of departure. Who exactly is this? is it my doctors?

    Trying to decide if it will just be easier to go to the docs when i get there and get a prescription for the 3 weeks, or if i should try changing drugs for one that isnt on the list?

  5. Ok so my wife and I have been married for 14 years and I have a step daughter who is 20 this year.

    For all the years we have been married my step daughter has always fought to stay in Thailand, never ever wanted to come to the UK. Anyway she has decided she now wants to come and live with us in the UK.

    I'm after advice on the type of visa to apply for and costs and difficulty. It's obviously been many years since I had any dealings with the embassy.

    also I should point out my wife has been a British citizen for the last 6 years. We are both in full time employment,we also have a mortgage. We have room in the house for her and we have the necessary funds to support her. We also have an 8 year old son.

    I always remember getting my wife over was one of the most expensive and painful processes I've ever experienced.

    So any help and advice would be much appreciated

  6. I've just found out the very sad news. It is true he could be a grumpy old git, but he was always there for me to offer help and advice when I needed it. And this was from a man I had never met face to face. We always managed to have a laugh even when one or the other was feeling low.

    Take care John and don't forget to check your hovercraft in case it's full of eels ;)

  7. As i said before i understand there are two sides to every story and i am entitled to believe whichever side i choose, but at the end of the day it isn't down to me to decide who is guilty and who isn't i am just offering help and support to one side as i am sure the husband is recieving help and support on his side.

    There are some rather unpleasant questions being asked. I have no "interest" in this girl other than trying to help out as i have been asked by wife. Not all men have one track minds :)

    As for her visa situation, i have deliberatley left bits out because to include it all could possibly identify her

    I am not going to justify myself any further on here so to the mods please close this thread

  8. To the OP, you've seen the bruises/cuts yourself then? Or is it just an accusation of domestic violence?

    (Many people see an accusation of domestic violence as a done deal)

    There are no physical cuts and bruises as he used an open hand slap on her face and then chest, he then ran away when her 13 year old son tried to protect her. Now i know there are always two sides to every story, but after listening to her recount the mental abuse she has suffered for 4 years she is either completely truthful or an Oscar winning actress, while i listened to her tell her story to the immigration people i felt physically sick, and i am no shrinking violet, but how any person could treat a fellow human in this way is beyond my comprehension.

    These are just a few of things he did to her. She was never allowed out on her own, if she wanted to go anywhere to see her friends she was always dropped off and picked up by him. If she wanted to go on the Internet she could only do this if he was present in the room. If he wanted to slag of friends and family and she didn't agree with him he would scream and shout at her. She wasn't allowed to cook Thai food because he didn't like it and she had to cook him 3 meals a day. She wasnt allowed to talk to her son in Thai as he would scream at her that she was slagging him off to her son, even though in 4 years he has made zero attempt to learn any Thai. And the list goes on, now IMHO he doesn't want a wife he wants a slave

    Edit for spelling

  9. Well we went to the immigration advisory service, and they are taking on her case. They are looking for the ilr under the domestic violence rules, so fingers crossed things are looking up for her. She is also seeing a family solicitor next Friday to start divorce proceedings on legal aid. And finally she has to see the police next week to give a full statement with a interpretuer there.

    I will keep things updated as and when they happen, and lets hope it all works out for her, because after hearing the full story yesterday of the shit she has put up with for the last few years he deserves a bloody good hiding, because if there is one thing i hate and thats a bully!!!

  10. Well she has a police report, with his bail conditions on it, and her son wittnessed it as well, but she didnt require hospital treatment.

    Its a tricky one, was goona take her to the immigration advisory service, but they want evidence of what money she has, but her husband has taken all bank statements. She also cant claim benefits of any sort, and she doesnt have enough money to fly back to Thailand with the kids.

    Spoke to a couple immigration solicitors yesterday, and they say its very difficult to get legal aid for immigration problems.

    Whats really pissing me off is the fact she is married to an English guy, she has a kid with him as well as her other child, yet no one wants to know or help her.

    I am running out of ideas on how i can help her. Looking at the notes for the ilr and not paying the fees if she is destitue. Well she isnt, she is still living in the rented accomodation paid for by her husband, and he has put a small amount of money into her account, but certainly not enough to pay the fees required for ilr.

  11. She doesn't apply for asylum, she applies for ILR. Assuming her children are not British, they can be included in the application.

    She should apply as soon as possible, as she is applying as the victim of domestic violence she can apply now and does not have to satisfy the knowledge of life and language in the UK requirement.

    There is a fee, but this can be waived if she is destitute.

    See Completing application form SET(DV) and links from that page.

    Thanks for that info. She was really starting to get worried that there was nothing she could do, hopefully this is all going to work out for her. Thanks again :)

  12. A friend of my wifes was attacked last week by her husband. He was arrested and bailed with provision not to have any contact with her. She is currently on a 2 year spouse visa with no recourse to public funds.

    The big problem now is her husband has left her with no money for food and bills etc. and she isnt allowed to claim any type of benefits. What i need to know is can she apply for a visa to stay in the UK as the 2 kids involved are now both settled and in school.

    I was told she might be able to apply for asylum because of domestic violence, anybody got any thoughts on this?

    Its been 9 years since the wife and i had to go through the visa application processes so i'm not sure what could or couldnt be done.

  13. Anyone tried Jools bar for Xmas dinner? I know their Sunday roast is lovely and their other food is of a very good standard, so i am pretty sure their Xmas dinner would be pretty good.

    I know some people say it is very cliquey in there, but to be quite frank i go for the food, not the sizzling conversation. :o

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