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Posts posted by daleyboy

  1. More do-gooder foreigners who think *they* know better than anyone else... it makes me sick when tourists come here and pull shít like this.

    What are you on about do gooders? Maybe these tourists just dont like to see animals mistreated. :o

    They are not pulling any shit, its people like you who walk around with blinkers on that make the problem worse, like sbk says most of these animals are ripped from their mothers when they are very young and spend their short lives being mistreated and battered, and then they are killed.

    Would you find this acceptable in your home country? Images like this do nothing but damage Thailand as a tourist area, as people become more ecologically aware, then the longer this carries on the more tourists will choose to go somewhere else.

    It is common knowledge that Thailand is one of the worst offenders of the cites treaty, and we should all take responsibility for stopping this cruelty to animals.

    Maybe you should engage that thing between your ears before moving those fingers towards the keyboard, as when you don't engage the grey matter it just makes you look like and idiot

  2. Dear GF,

    Those links do not open now (i.e. the 'page cannot be found' message). Can you make them viewable again please ? Thanks.

    By the way, I wonder how many PM's you have received after posting the initial pics. Don't tell us the usernames of the senders of course; but just the no. of PM's. I know how most guys are :o One time on a 'friendship site', I took on a female username and my inbox was flooded in a single day with dozens of messages from guys....and there wasn't even a single pic that I had posted :D



    Sorry Jem, but the links have been disabled by yours truly.

    The links were active for about 10 hours yesterday.

    Pls. ask around. I'm sure some of the folks saw emmmm pics.

    The links havent been disabled they are still working fine for me

  3. yep... any excuse to post a photo and remind us that he has a few stars in the garage...

    and its been a while since he has posted to remind us that he has a shedfull of these posers cars at his disposal worldwide.

    normally he includes a picture of a girl posing with the cars , in case anybody should possibly suspect that just because he drives the wealthy gays favourite car (according to a recent bangkok post poll) he himself also drives his chest wig chariot along bourneville boulevard.


    :o I couldnt have put it better myself :D

  4. edit:

    On a more serious note, i would recommend the blues factory as good place to listen to some good music. :D

    We had the last Thai visa pissup there and a good night was had by all, we also went to Lennie's jennies before we went to the BF and that also was a very pleasant place to be even with the wives in tow


    :D :D

  5. I think not only is it referencing to other threads but also to external sources like say a newspaper or maybe a definition from wikipedia. So for example you copy and paste an article but then don't acknowledge where you got it from :o

  6. On a more serious note, i would recommend the blues factory as good place to listen to some good music. :o

    We had the last Thai visa pissup there and a good night was had by all, we also went to Lennie's before we went to the BF and that also was a very pleasant place to be even with the wives in tow, and Sunny was a very nice host as was Dave from the BF :D

    The following night the wife and i went out with a few members from here to the moon river pub and that was also a very enjoyable night, and another place you wont get hassled :D

  7. I have bought golden virginia at 7-11 near sukhumvit 22 maybe a bit easier to get to than ksr :o

    Thank you will give it a try, near soi 22...... but on Sukhumvit itself right.

    So I will go and check out all the 7-11's I find between Soi 22 and 23.


    Yeah its actually on sukhumvit itself, on that side of the road, and the wife assured me it was between 20 and 22 but nearer to 22 so if i was you i would just have a walk along from 20 and check out the 7-11's i think there are only a couple and it is definitely one of them. Sorry i cant tell you exactly which one, but it was awhile ago.

    Maybe there are other 7-11's which sell golden Virginia as well :D Anybody know?

  8. One of the members on here called kurgen is a part owner in a club called Jennies, apparently it comes highly recommended, no hassle from girls. :D

    Haven't ever been there but i know kerryd and Britmaverick spend a lot of time there so i am sure they can give you better descriptions of the place :D


    I am not sure if there is an 'in-house' joke going on here: but the only 'Jennies' bar I am aware of in Pattaya is on soi 6/1 and is a kathoey bar where the 'staff' rush out and fondle your genitals, then beat you up, if you don't go into (the aforementioned bar).

    Like i said no hassle from girls :D

  9. One of the members on here called kurgen is a part owner in a club called Jennies, apparently it comes highly recommended, no hassle from girls. :o

    Haven't ever been there but i know kerryd and Britmaverick spend a lot of time there so i am sure they can give you better descriptions of the place :D

  10. My gf mentioned that when she gets around to having a baby it will definitely be by C whether advised or not.

    She's very petite and worried about pushing it out!

    Any other Thai girls feel like this?

    My wife felt like this, but unfortunately for her, we are in the U.K where they wont do a c section unless it is absolutely necessary.

    She as bricking it as i am 6"8 and 150kgs, but like the midwife said that doesn't mean the baby will be huge. In the end the wife gave birth just using gas and air in 6 hours. Although she was screaming towards the end, the really painful bit for her was over in less than an hour. Little Joe was a bit above average size, but now at 4 months old he has grown so quickly he is the same size as a 1 year old :o

    At the end of the day any medical procedure carries a risk, no matter how many times it is carried out, there is always the chance of complications, and for this very reason hospitals in the UK wont carry out a c section unless it is for a very good reason. :D I would urge your wife to go natural, they can always perform the c section if necessary at a moments notice

  11. it was a can of black olives and the can was sort of rusty. i cut my finger slightly on it.

    am i supposed to go and get shot or anything? i dont want to get tetanus or botchulism.


    You in Pattaya by any chance?

    If so, you could go to Bangkok Pattaya Hospital and get a tetanus shot, a band-aid and an aspirin. Should get some change out of 10,000 Baht!

    DM :o

    I think you are missing a zero of that quote :D:D

  12. There is another way to do it. Follow these instructions

    1. Press prtscn button on your keyboard

    2. Open your paint program which is listed under start>Accessories>Paint

    3. Then goto Edit> Paste

    4. You then have your screenshot captured for you to edit how you like

    Hope this helps you out matey :o

  13. The thing is Terry, until we see the photo, your whole online persona is very difficult to take seriously and be believable

    Let me try and explain, you say you are an Aussie yet you seem to use a mixture of very American and Very British terms like the word <deleted> which as far as i am aware is a very British term. Now you are the only Aussie i have ever heard say this. Then there are the American spellings of some words.

    What about the word crikey or how you seem to like to spell it cricky. Now i would have thought any self respecting Aussie would know how to spell their most famous word :o

    And what about the posting style? Your first posts on here were generally quite intelligible, but the most recent posts, you just seem to be trying far too hard to be a Aussie.

    Now these are just personal observations made by myself and several other members, so show us your pic and shut us all up.

    Crikey cobber until the picture shows up i am on GH side :D

  14. Doesnt matter what rule it is, its nearly the same and I win always anyway.

    I am amazed you win anything, you have your head so far up your arse the only balls you can see are your own, and they are so tiny you would never be able to hit them with a tooth pick let alone a snooker cue :o

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