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Posts posted by daleyboy

  1. Tippaporn.

    Let us know when you want it closed mate, everyone does want to know what will happen over the next few weeks, when you arrive in Thailand and confront your wife.

    Perhaps let us mods know when/if you want to carry on with this, otherwise shall we close this thread? You seem to know what is going on now, and in reality we all now what will happen in this thread from here.

    TV members have shown their respect for you, and from me, on behalf of the Thaivisa.com admin and mod team we wish you all the best, we want you to know that all of us are concerned for you and will help if we can.

    Maybe rather than closing the thread it could be moved to bedlam, where the trolls wont have access to spout their <deleted>. :o

  2. just bloody grey and miserable

    Glad i dont live in the Uk anymore.

    BTW. You forgot to add GRIM! :D

    Yep sorry mate your right, its <deleted> grim as well :D

    Thanks for reminding of that Jocky, may god curse you with short arms and an itchy bum :o:D

  3. A very thirsty Arab was walking in the desert near Israel. He spots in the distance a Jewish man who has necties on a card table. "I'm very thirsty do you have some water" the Arab says. "Buy a necktie" the Jewish man replies. "A necktie! Are you mad, this is the desert, and I need water!" Oh, Ok you don't want to buy a necktie. There is a restaurant a mile over that next sand dune over there, they would have water for you" The Arab thanks the Jewish man and walks over the sand dune.

    An hour or so later the Jewish man sees the Arab crawling back over the sand dune, exhausted. "Whats the matter, didn't the restaurant have any water?" The Arab replies, "Yes there was plenty of water but your brother would not let me in the restaurant without a tie"

    :D:o Good one

  4. An easy way to track emails, is with a program called read notify. This program tells you when the mail was opened how may times, who it was forwarded to and where it is being read and for how long.

    I would write to the emailer using read notify and then you will at least see if someone is reading the mails that you send and where they are. I would also suggest tracking the ip address, if you know te address already, then put it into his program and it will tell you where it is

    According to Ken Hollis and the alt.spam FAQ:

    You cannot generally tell by a e-mail header which specific computer the e-mail came from. Just about every time you dial into your ISP (Internet Service Provider) you are assigned a different IP address. If someone sends you an e-mail and they log out, the next time they log in their IP address will most likely be different. If the computer has a permanently assigned IP address *and* you have the cooperation of whomever owns that block of IP addresses you *might* be able to get information on who might have sent the e-mail.

    About the only way to tell *exactly* which e-mail account the e-mail was sent from is to get the ISP (Internet Service Provider) to tell you. Usually the ISP will require you to get the local police involved (a warrant of some type) to force the ISP to give you that information. Even given that you know the account the e-mail originated from, a forger can find out that person's account / password and log in as them, they can gain access to that computer while the person who owns that computer is away from the computer or they could install a back door program that allows them to control that person's computer remotely. If this were to happen then the forger could send the e-mail and nobody would know who *specifically* sent the e-mail.

    I hope it all works out mate, and dont jump in too early with both feet, test the water first, if theres anything i can do, i am just a pm away :o

    That sll interesting reading chippie, but i think the person who sent these mails, isnt setting up backdoor programs. It is one spiteful person who knows some details.

    Read notify like i said before, will tell y the city and country of origin, it will tell you when it was opened and for how long, as well as a whole host of other tings. So at least tip would know if the person who sent the original mail was actually reading any mails he sends in return, he will also know if the mails are even coming from thailand

  5. An easy way to track emails, is with a program called read notify. This program tells you when the mail was opened how may times, who it was forwarded to and where it is being read and for how long.

    I would write to the emailer using read notify and then you will at least see if someone is reading the mails that you send and where they are. I would also suggest tracking the ip address, if you know te address already, then put it into his program and it will tell you where it is


    I know this may sound a bit sneaky, but it is best to be prepared, and like others have said, just pay a surprise visit. Turn up a week early, on a late flight so you arrive late at night then if something is going on then you will catch them at it.

    At the end of the day mate, imho this is a sick windup by some prick that wants to do you harm. I had a similar situation when my wife was still in Thailand and i was in the uk sorting out visa paperwork. I was told my wife was with her ex while i wasnt there. I almost recked our relationship, but luckily i had a friend out there who discreetly checked out what was going on. As it turned out this person was emailing me telling me she was out partying with her ex when my friend knew she was at home with his wife.

    I hope it all works out mate, and dont jump in too early with both feet, test the water first, if theres anything i can do, i am just a pm away :o

  6. I once interviewed a Scotsman for a job in Thailand who spoke absolute babel 'big big' etc. I asked him how long he'd been in Thailand, his response 4 months. He came across as a halfwit and needless to say he did not get the job.

    A halfwit in Scotland is considered gifted :o:D

    And a halfwit in Pattaya is considered normal!! :D

  7. Well I didnt know you swing the other way.

    Only at the weekends when my name is shirley. But sushhh keep it to yourself, i dont want the whole world knowing :o:D

  8. Here is your answer:


    i have the pussy so i make the rules !!! girls have that, not me ok.

    sorry blokes, but its a sad fact of life that this is the way it is mostly. :D

    i been trying for years to get around it but ain't sorted it out yet ? :D

    cheers friends :D:D:D

    Not if your me.

    I could have all the free ladies in the world and i still wouldnt want to be you :o:D

  9. Rumour has it, that between me and Kurgen we have enough technical knowledge to start up a computer. :o

    Thing about rumours is they are very rarely true :D unless you are talking about kurgina and jennies, then those rumours are definitely true, well thats what kerry told me ayway :D

  10. Not sure about divorce papers etc, as neither of us had been married before, but i do know that we went to the amphur in Bangkok sat around for an hour and then signed a couple of papers and we were married, so that part is pretty quick and easy.

    We used a translation and visa service run by a Thai. Cost me 6k baht including all the paperwork sorted out which may be expensive, but in my eyes i got value for money and it saved loads of hassle. Not sure if the visa woman gave a backhander to anyone to get us married that quickly or if that is just the norm. Anyway good luck with the marriage :o

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