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Posts posted by thumper101

  1. Sorry Chaiwat, but it looks like your end is going to arrive quite soon. Seeing as you were the last person to see Billy having had him arrested and detained which you claim was only for questioning.... But now nobody has seen him since.

    Then this information and video clip surfacing.

    It is all pretty damning evidence that is building up here.

    Chaiwat clearly has had him murdered because he was in possession of enough rope to hang him and his department with.

    It's a pity for Chaiwat that the PTP are out, there goes any protection he may have had from above.

    Looking forwards to reading about his life sentence.

  2. England have also been unlucky with the group draw, to face two top ten seeded teams... the only team in the competition where that is the case.

    How about Ghana and the USA?

    Those rankings are not worth very much anyway.

    Sorry .... my mistake on that one.

    But my main point is that I don't think it is as lost as Hodgson is making out.

    I don't think he should be sacked on England's performance against two very good sides.... I think England supporters, The UK media and the FA expect too much from what I would consider a pretty scrap team.

    But what I do think, is that if anything he should be sacked for making negative comments about England's chances. That sort of attitude just rubs off on the players leading up to a crucial fixture.

    He should be inspiring confidence, and with so many young players, this can backfire on him. They need their confidence boosted, not bashed.

    If the bookmakers odds are anything to go by in the remaining games, then England should qualify.

    But like I said... It only takes one draw and they are going home early.

    • Like 1
  3. Ever heard of tasers / stun guns ? Their official use is growing in the UK on a daily basis. I suspect this is what he was talking about.

    Of course these are classed as an illegal weapon in the UK for everyone apart from 'the authorities', however the authorities are allowed to use illegal weapons whenever they want to. Just owning one can get you a prison sentence but it's ok for the police to use them to ensure compliance.

    I suspect Assange didn't feel very cooperative which is within his rights.

    Are you on drugs or what?

    The UK are hardly going to commit internationally banned procedures against the biggest 'whistle blower' the world has ever seen.

    Also, if you have watched the movie about his life and how he put together wikileaks, you will see that he was actually also a well practiced liar and that even his associates all turned their backs on him because they clearly realised the guy was completely insane.

    Well the British government have gone to extraordinary lengths to keep watch on him since before he went into the embassy, why should I believe they wouldn't go to extraordinary lengths to extract information from him when they had the chance.

    His case is a 'one off' and we all know he wouldn't have been interrogated by the average police officer don't we...


    There has been no need to torture him, or even interrogate him.

    He isn't a spy... he just set up a system to leak official secrets and info to the public.

    For a man who claims that the people should always know the truth... why would you think he has some 'information' that the British would be desperate for???

    It does not make any sense. For someone who is obsessed with freedom of information, you are telling us he is actually concealing information so much it requires 'torture'????

    You are miles off the mark.... The guy is a compulsive liar, and even deceived his closest wikileaks colleagues to the point they realised he was full of shit and a complete menace to national security.

    If anything, he ought to be feeling lucky that he is still alive and not been bumped off by the CIA by now, because people already have been for much less.

    Some people have died because of this nut job.... He admits that himself...

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  4. Given the current time, i would suggest there will be very few bidders at all for the cars, when any purchaser's funds are likely to come under scrutiny.

    You are living in a dream world.

    If the Junta wanted to scrutinze all those with a lot of cash, they just need to order the banks to give them the details of every person in Thailand with more than say 200 million baht in their accounts.

    You are just sniping at the junta mate.

  5. good job boys! no crime,drugs, or weapons in Phuket. HA HA HA ....they cant catch them because they are police..Guaranteed..And they never will catch them...too much $$$ involved ....It is getting way way out of hand tho...Ive said this for years. Thais are their own worst enemy. Everyone used to love them and love their hospitality and their smiles. Now they are all gone, Because they were mistreated.Cheated, Robbed, Killed, And everything else and they will never be back........wink.png

    They arrested one man for illegal possession of a Czech-made CZ 9mm and 13 bullets, and another for possession of kratom. They also nabbed three people for encroachment.

  6. He has done the best with what he has to work with.

    Really, the second goal was a fluke setup, the ball just landed very sweet for him and he took his chance and pulled off the winner. That can happen at any level of football and against any team.

    England have also been unlucky with the group draw, to face two top ten seeded teams... the only team in the competition where that is the case.

    I don't think it is beyond reality that England can get out of the group.

    All it requires is that Italy beats both Costa Rica and Uruguay... That is not above reality... then we only need to beat Costa Rica.

    Uruguay are still minus one goal difference, only one goal better than England's. If they get beat by Italy by just one goal, that puts them on the same GD as England going into England's last fixture with arguably the weakest side in the group on paper (despite their shock win over Uruguay).

    If Italy only beat Costa Rica tonight by one goal, then that put Costa Rica's GD at plus one. So England will need to win by 2 clear goals next week.... not impossible, if they find their form, or play like they did against Italy last week, they should get that comfortably. If Italy win tonight by 2 or more goals, then England only need to win 1-0 because the GD would be the same and that means it goes on the result of the game between the two teams.

    I think Italy are capable of beating both Uruguay and Costa Rica.

    Of course, all it takes is a draw in any of the fixtures and England are out... so come on Italy.

    So it's not in our hands totally, but on paper, if you went from the form book, then you would have to say that if all the most likely scenarios play out, then England should qualify.

    How many times have England pulled off the great escape???.... Come on.... We are used to watching England always have to do it the hard way.

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  7. Rwanda would be a less comfortable and cheaper option. Whether or not he can be a jail top gun in Rwanda is of no concern.


    He would be released within a few months of him being released from the UK penal system.

    Strange how he insists on Rwanda specifically.

    I would grant him his wish, but would hand him over to a Sierra Leone prison instead.

    I would give him 2 days max.

  8. This is an investigation not a court case... If she is found guilty, she will be referred to the courts for trial... Then she can call all these 'so called' witnesses from the start and she will be granted them.

    However, as an investigative body, I think what they should have done was to allow the witnesses on the condition that they understand and agree that their individual testimony will be thoroughly investigated as separate elements in the case and if their claims can NOT be substantiated 100%, then they will face up to 20 years in prison.

    Then we will see how many of the 8 extra witnesses go through with it. I have the sneaky feeling that all will bail and leave her looking even more guilty of rigging false witnesses.

    I certainly would not put my personal liberty at stake for someone who will not care what happens to me.... That would take a huge sycophantic gesture or a shitload of money under the table.

    • Like 2
  9. I land at swampy I go down to the first floor I walk over to the taxi queue the lady asks me where am I going how many are travelling I get in the taxi and get to my destination.

    Never had a problem even when I have a few travelling with me with golf clubs a suitable vehicle is always found.

    No problems at anytime as a matter of fact I find the system terrific.

    You are not a taxi driver are you?

    The problems are with over-charging and it does happen, and also violence against other 'legit' drivers from illegal ones.

    Not everyone knows where the best place to grab a taxi in the airport is.

    They wander out of the wrong exit on the wrong level, and find they are charged 1500 baht just to get to Asoke or worse, and the taxi isn't even allowed to be picking up.

    Those are the problems being dealt with.

    • Like 1
  10. What would be good to see is the Assets Commission investigating every one of these individuals who have suddenly decided to bail out. That would be interesting.

    They are both part of the new 56 state organization probes.

    They are resigning obviously sorting out all their crap, hiding masses of money and ready to flee.

    They should extend this to EVERY PTP politician also.

    Really the Junta needs to see this through to the end before even starting the reforms, because the knowledge they will gain from investigating the corrup will be a solid basis to work off, closing each and ever loophole along the way.

    It could take years, but at least we will have years of zero corruption. But they HAVE TO start making extreme examples of people and handing down huge fast tracked prison sentences and complete asset seizures and full family wealth checks since they gained their position.

    What was the wealth track record of every family member before and after they gained their position..... Look for unusual wealth increases to coincide with their time in office, make an investigation of that family member also, find out where the money come from... If it is linked to providing services to that particular ministry business... seize the lot and all their assets too.

  11. The US have clearly shafted themselves on Iraq.... Now that it have gone from political to religious, they will be lucky to get out of there in 50 to 100 years.

    Their foreign policy has come to haunt them on a large scale this time... If the US were ever to pull out and leave them to their own devices like they did in Afghanistan many moons ago, they will regret it.

    They have basically made a rod for their own back.

    Put more effort into renewable fuel so you are not so reliant on oil.

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  12. Its a shame... I can imagine getting rid of the tatty places, but some of those clubs are quite 'high life'. They also provide a nice place to sit in the shade and have a cold beer and a snack while watching the sea lap against the shore.

    Why can't the local council just force them to pay high rents and drill the money back into the local economy and that will keep people their jobs and livelihoods.

    Making the beach bigger, but much less tourists will go now that there won't be any amenities for them.

    Stupid really.

    • Like 2
  13. 'Chalerm said he agreed with the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) policy to legalise all unauthorised stands, provided it did not affect the existing legal ones.'

    Erm... If they are illegal and have a tendency to resort to violence, and the whole think backed up by a politician, then they should be arrested, their stands demolished and jailed until they name the politician who in turn should face up to 20 years for running a mafia while in office.

    But they want to actually reward these dirtbags with 'legal stratus'?????

    Am I reading this wrong or what?

    • Like 2
  14. This is all staged to discredit the Guardian report of 200,000 Burmese slaves on Thai waters. Probably posed for the photo and then left.

    Almost certainly propaganda, and all it will do is piss off the educated west who know exactly what is going on here.

    It wouldn't shock me too much if all the slaves have been tipped overboard by now.... Naaa, maybe that's going a too far, but if they can do it to Indonesian naval officials.... whistling.gif

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  15. '"We have reports on prosecution of human traffickers and we showed the US that we have put in a lot of effort to fight trafficking," he said. "I think we will escape from sanctions, and be upgraded."'

    This guy has been sniffing glue or something.

    Kerry has a cob on with Thailand at the moment, and add that to the recent scandal with CP and their supply chain of slaves via the Guardian report... To think that he actually thinks there will be an UPGRADE is crazy... they will be very lucky to stay in the present tier if anything.

    Also, I bet these DSI reports are all faked... The US are not dumb, this place is the hub of fake everything including passports, ID cards, Rolex watches and obviously now... human trafficking convictions.

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  16. This guy is clearly in it up to his ears.

    But the problem is... he has money... maybe not legit money, but he has money and this is Thailand.

    I think we can safely assume that 'not enough evidence' will surface for a conviction.

    By the time this case comes to court, the Junta will be long gone and everything will be trusted back in the hands of the police, judges and lawyers.

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  17. Chances are that she was beaten as a child herself, and passed this down to her own.

    I foresee that the child in turn will do the same to his own children.

    If she had an ounce of sense, she would have got better results by just telling her child in a nice way, how to sell the keyrings best.

    Now I really feel for the kid who is going to have to go out selling while constantly trembling with fear.

    I doubt it will ever happen again, she has suffered maximum face loss with this going viral and i wonder what she thinks when she watches herself beating the holy crap out of something so small and defenceless that she also happens to love.

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  18. A notice to former, red supporters.

    Not, one way traffic any more, as complained before.

    True justice is back in Thailand.thumbsup.gif


    He is NOT charged of anything yet.

    How long will it take before his puppet master Suthep bails him out?

    Show me the REAL prosecution in court and his REAL stay in jail and I will eat my words.

    This guy is a pathetic example of human race,

    Show us the real justice for the 28 murdered by red shirts.

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