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Posts posted by thumper101

  1. "once Thailand has stricter control over the labour flow, as they would no longer be able to smuggle illegal workers into the kingdom. (MCOT online news)"

    Which is exactly what I have maintained for the last 2 days, despite some (few) malapropisms from some 'reddened' members.

    I made it clear: rid of the illegals, record who is here legally and where they are and what they are doing, and then open up again for recording new labouring visitors within the legal agenda.

    That also helps to reduce slavery/con-artists, etc.

    Yes, you have maintained that. The problem is that you don't have a handle on the problem. The problem is NOT, and the goal of this programme is not to regularise workers, register aliens, reduce slavery and make sure everyone pays his owed taxes fairly. At no time, in no place is that the aim.

    The army or the police or immigration or the Board of Investment or the Official Thai Visa Keeping Track Committee all could handle the task easily to meet your goals - if that were the problem. It would be simple. However, you have not understood what the problem is.


    You are right of course, the problem in this case is that someone or some group is trying to destabilize the country and get at the military.

    Unfortunately they have no concern for those who their lies and rumor mongering hurts the most, the immigrant workers who they have scared into running from their jobs and from the country.

    Someone like Emptyset you mean?

  2. witnessed police rounding up 2 cambodian servants and 1 vietnamese in a restaurant, the vietnamese had some money on her and bought her way out, the cambodians arrested by the police. Tell them to trust Thai authorities?

    Where was that?

    The Junta are not doing this, but the police are (if actually true) .... and we all know a hell of a lot of the police are red shirted Thaksin servants, and I suppose this is going to wind up the situation in an underhanded way to involve Cambodia, and I wonder who can be setting all this up?

    A certain man in Dubai perchance?

    If the police are creating this image for the benefit of undermining the Junta and the stability of Thailand, then it is about time they replaced the lot of them.

    I suppose the Junta cleaning out all the corruption isn't going to sit well with the police, as they thrive on it.

    To all you suckered Cambodians.... goodbye... plenty of Burmese willing to fill your job vacancy.

  3. There is some good news from the light at the end of the tunnel.

    In the UK, 'Snickers' bars are only 48g and cost 51p. = 28 Baht.

    Tesco Lotus currently sells 'Snickers' ( or Marathon as I like to call them wink.png ) for 18 Baht, and they are 51g.

    Just thought you'd like to know that. cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    But in the UK they are quite smart shppers (I like to call them 'techno-shoopers')

    Most people will buy a bag of 6 snickers at a Tesco supermarket for like £1.49 making the 25p each.

    But here in Thailand Tesco will likely sell a six pack for more than six times the price of a single bar..... and that is all over Thailand pricing. It seems the more you buy, the more they cost.

    If that happened on a product in the UK, it would lierally make the newspapers.

    Crazy Thailand.


    Tesco UK

    Single Snickers... 48g = 60p http://www.tesco.com/groceries/Product/Details/?id=281025126

    Sickers 7 pack.... 7 x 48g = £2 (28.4 each.... less than half price) http://www.tesco.com/groceries/Product/Details/?id=281026632

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  4. You buy for discount rate and you don't pay on time good on ya to cut them of a deal is a deal. or let them pay full rate c o d.

    Ukraine has to pre-pay for their gas now, not only was the discount deal terminated, but also their credit line was removed with the company. So they have to pay up front quarterly... They won't pay 3 months in advance, so they will be cut off.

    Hard to tell if this will stimulate resentment against the Russians even more, or it will turn the people against the new neo-nazi government?

    Whatever the public reaction, many homes are heated with gas and they also use a lot for cooking... They will all have to convert to electric for this and does the country have the resources to not only provide all the new appliances to the public, but can they also cover the massive surge in electricity demand?

  5. It wouldn't be at all surprising to find Chalerm at the top of all this, of course on the say-so of the mega corrupt Yingluck regime.

    She has well lived up to her brother's expectations as a despotic and dangerous leach.

    I am waiting for the day the Junta grow the balls to implicate and name these PTP and Thaksinite animals such as the MP who's car was found to contain war weapons headed for Bangkok..... come on Prayuth... name names.

  6. Phuket taxi mafia?

    I actually expect it's something similar as opposed to being politically-motivated. A lot of the 'mafia' gangs are having their income streams shut down, so they are likely to want to vent their frustration on the police, since they are the carriers of the new message...!!

    Erm.... The police were all involved with these mafia gangs and in some case WERE the mafia gangs in the times before the military takeover.

    Maybe the police are throwing grenades at themselves?

    What is the betting that CCTV footage shows someone on a motorcycle with no license plate. Possibly leading to a new order making it a very serious offense not to have a license plate and can make you a target as a suspected terrorist.

    • Like 2
  7. Basically the Junta is teaching the police how to..... police the law.

    These are all existing laws, that the police have thus far been happy to ignore and keep as an 'ad-hoc' way of making a little tea money as and when they desire it.

    They need to start heavily fining all the offenders, and have a 3 strikes system or like in the UK a 'points' system where you license acquires penalty points and your insurance goes up with the amount of points on your license.... so many points and you get a mandatory ban.

    The system works very well.

    • Like 1
  8. This guy needs to get out more. A total idiot just looking for his 15 mins of fame

    Sent from my Z130 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    A 15 minutes of fame that could end up as 2 years.

    I am seeing a proper peaceful Thailand for the first time in my stay in this country (5 years) and I like it. A Thailand without silly bitchy and childish cat fighting among politicians that just end up holding the country back time and again on so many different levels.

    A Thailand that was being split by politicians telling their supporters that the other side is trying to destroy them etc... Basically breeding hatred between the people in an attempt to get their people out on the streets to protest and die 'on THEIR' behalf while they sit nice and safe in their ivory towers.

    It is now peaceful, the people seem a lot happier and this prick comes along and starts instigating the crap again. He is just a shi7 stirrer.

    Lock him up and strip him of all political rights for life.

    • Like 1
  9. I can predict that there are going to be a lot of 'smoking guns' from these checks and this is going to be the anti corruption 'showcase' putting away a lot of 'rich' people found guilty of corruption, both governmental and commercial.

    This will be the military's showing to the normal people of Thailand that they are even handed and that the rich have no protection behind their wealth.

    A huge vote of confidence..... It also sends out the message that no matter who you are.... corruption WILL put you in prison and have all your assets confiscated.

    • Like 1
  10. "Whether it will be continued in the future is another matter"

    Ask me tomorrow. MAgic 8 ball says,

    Reply hazy try again

    Ask again later
    Better not tell you now
    Cannot predict now
    Concentrate and ask again

    Now we have to help farmers cut cost and increase production

    So the solution to producing too much rice is to produce more? OK, that makes perfect sense, make up a loss by selling more.

    Obviously cutting costs is a factor but not sure how achievable that is given the current farming structure, which may take decades to readjust from "Sufficiency" to "globally competitive".

    Your Prayuth bashing is getting very irritating.... I have gone through some of your content and it has become clear that the ONLY reason you joined TVF is to bash the coup and the general.

    We all know you are an incarnate of a past red supporter... probably Pipkins, jackrich et al.

    Again, your grasp of English is totally crap.

    When he says 'reducing production costs and increasing production' It means an amalgamation of the two.

    In child speak, that means getting more from less space... The only way to cut costs is to farm less land area, but with ability to produce more in a reduced plot thus saving on production costs while getting the same results as before.

    It was YOUR government that you loved so much that created all these problems.... don't expect one man to be able to fix the biggest one overnight.... but scrapping this lunatic Thaksin policy is the first step toward achieving the fix....

    Now all is left to do is get the farmers to realize that if they don't take on board these changes for their own benefit, then they are going to go very poor. That will be nobody else' fault but their own.

  11. So this sort of suggests that the dual tracked lines won't be electrified and they will continue to run diesel train services. This is exactly why we can't have military generals who have no idea what they are talking about from running the country....

    What the hell are you talking about?

    He was saying he didn't back 'high speed' electric projects.

    Nothing said about they were staying diesel... In fact in the last report he actually said they are backing 10 electric lines.

    So your argument is based on nothing more than your terrible ability to read and understand basic English.

    Prayuth is doing an amazing job and I would love to see him as a PM on a permanent basis.... he is getting things done at lightening speed.

    • Like 1
  12. US propaganda State Department?


    Stop it pleeeeeeeease.

    I hope you're getting paid for this. Beclowning yourself for free seems pointless.

    So while you're peeling off that ridiculous red nose, here you go: What source do you want on the Dongrek massacre of 1979? To your "mind", what's credible?


    The only clown on here at the moment is the clown who is alluding to the fact that Cambodians fear a massacre at the hands of the Royal Thai Army.

    Even if that did happen BACK IN 1979.... You have to understand that a hell of a lot of those 'refugees' were Khmer Rouge,and to be blown to bits by their own mines is poetic. The Thais didn't plant those mines you know.


    When you are in a hole, it is best to stop digging. You clearly have no idea about the past actions and positions of the Thai Army vis a vis Cambodians and in particular Cambodians in Thailand.

    At the time of the massacre which you seem to know nothing about, the Khmer Rouge remained active in pockets along the Thai border because they were receiving military assistance and safe haven from the Thai military. The Thai military supported the Khmer Rouge at that point in order to oppose Communist Vietnam.

    The civilian refugees had fled the Khmer Rouge and were in safety in a refugee camp in Thailand and were pushed over a cliff at the point of a gun into a minefield surrounded by Khmer Rouge territory.

    These actions are well remembered in Cambodia and talk of it is obviously suppressed in Thailand.

    It is not hard to understand why a military crackdown on Cambodians has sent tens of thousands into a panic fleeing to the border.

    Next you will be denying the Nazi concentration camps. You can always learn new things if you will just listen. Will you listen?

    Will YOU listen???????

    It is people like you that creates misinformation.

    I am saying it is 2014 NOT 1979

    Or are you also saying that the army are capable of massacring these Cambodian illegal workers????

    Come on man.... Even the Cambodians don't think that is their fate if they remain.

    You and your mate are completely scaremongering and people like you are the main reason the Junta has to control social media and prohibit certain comments...... like yours.

    You guys couldn't get more 'anti-Thai army' if you tried.

    You are both disseminating very dangerous content.

  13. At the moment, in the opinion polls which are normally quite accurate in the UK when you draw an average of the top 5 or 6 pollsters, have the 'YES' vote as being around 37%... and the 'NO' as 47% and 16% undecided.

    However, unlike in elections, it is one thing to express what you personally want to happen and what will actually happen. The polls don't take 'apathy' into consideration the way it should... This is the clincher, because I think most of the voter apathy will rest with the 'NO' camp.

    It is far less likely that the YES camp will be apathetic, as these are going to be the staunch nationalists and English haters, those who can't forgive the past... This is their 'revenge' and they sure as hell aint gonna let it slip them by... Whereas, the NO camp probably will be assuming that a victory for them is a foregone conclusion, and a portion of them possibly won't even bother going to vote or they don't figure the actual importance it is for them to make the effort.

    It is also interesting to note that should the YES camp win their independence for Scotland, that is going to put a huge bullet through the Labour Party's future election successes, as they will lose around 50 safe seats in one fell swoop.....

    Also, if they get independence and stay out of the EU for a spell, then there are going to be some problems for all the Jocks working in England and Wales etc.... A polish person will have more rights and benefits that a Jock, they will also have to apply for work permits etc.

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