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Posts posted by kevindorian

  1. I am heading to Bangkok for a few days in the Siam BTS Area

    I am looking for a hotel with a nice gym, that has some cardio, some machines and some half decent free weights

    its hard to tell from hotel webpages as they often use that fake gym photo then you go there and you find a little tiny gym or something

    I would also be interested in a gym in the Siam area that was not part of the hotel that I could go in and do a daily drop in rate

    I am not looking to break the bank on the hotel 75 to 125 bucks a night i would guess

    any suggestions on hotels or gyms in the area ?


  2. Does anyone have any experiences with them good or bad and any ideas on how they compare to

    Bangkok hospitals? I noticed the prices are cheaper but i hope that is because of location and not quality

    love to hear any thoughts on it, and if we can refrain on the joke comments about how Thai ladies dont care about your hair its what is in your wallet or shave it all off type jokes that be great as well:)


  3. Go to Sandy's near the Chiang Mai gate. They have a lot of supplements there.

    There is also another Sandy's on the highway past central festival on the right hand side attached to that little mall area that has a Rimping, 7 11, Macdonalds and Tom Tom Coffee. I actually like that Sandy's better then the Gate one, it is bigger and has more selection, also like the staff there as well.

  4. Well I was hoping the 8 hours a week and so forth would stay away from Chiang Mai but today found out that it hasnt:)

    School told our class today

    1. Classes will now be 8 hours a week - which is fine for me, as I was actually doing some private lessons, but will probably have to drop them

    2. After December 11th I believe she said, any New Visa created will only be 6 months now, so a trip out of the country to reset your visa every 6 months instead of a year. School said that any visa before the 11th will be grandfathered and still will be legit up to a year, but the 8 hours has to start , so starting next week its 8 hours for me.

    3. There is also suppose to be more on the spot checks of the schools, surprise visits etc.

    She mentioned (the school) that immigration is moving to 8 hours cause they think it will deter people from working in Thailand, making them go to school for 4 days a week etc, means you are a real student and it would interrupt your work flow to much if u not a student.... guess that will be the case for some people.

    It is going to be tough on the teachers at least in my school my teacher has to add 4 hours to 6 different groups somehow, she says she have a massive headache trying to figure this out... as mentioned before this will surely kill a lot of schools and making the ED visa not as attractive for those using it as strictly a visa source

    will wait to see what new rules can see next, 40 hours a week? :) 1 week visas:) who knows

    Personally this will not effect me to much, but as i stated before just tired of ever changing rules

    • Like 1
  5. I dont think its a Thailand thing, in every country you got people that will keep it and people that will return it

    I actually lost my Oakley Sunglasses 3 days ago, I actually just thought I misplaced them in my room

    and was too lazy to look for them, then the other night the cashier at Rimping said to me in Thai if I lost my

    sunglasses the other night and I said i just might have, sure enough they had my sunglasses behind the desk

    seems i just left them at the counter and paid for my food ... very nice to see

  6. Hello all,

    I just wanted to touch base to see if this all sounds correct

    1. My first 3 months is almost up after getting a new ED Visa in Laos

    2. My understanding is I have to go to CM Immigration and do two things

    a. Extend my ED visa for another 3 months at the ED Visa Counter would be my first step

    b. Then I need to go into another queue after that and do my 90 day reporting at another counter

    A two step process correct? In Chon Buri where I did my last ED Visa I only had to go to one desk but I been told it is a two step process here in Chiang Mai

    Any help on what I might expect at this office for a first timer?

    a. I been told I should go super early to line up in the queue

    b. Anything else I should be aware of, do I need to dress up, where a nice shirt or something

    c. Any tips people can give me ??

    d. has anyone done it recently?

    e. is it still 1900 Baht? who gets the 1900 baht the ED Visa Counter?

    Thanks all

  7. I been on and off studying Thai for a while now, can read, write but conversation is sub par

    the thing with the language schools for us foreigners is what is taught isnt always what is used

    Thai people have many short cuts, many slangs and many ending particles that they use daily life and really if u just learn from books and class

    it aint going to cut it for most people

    the key is to practice the language with the Thais all the time, but for some of us with shyness might not always be the case

    I started watching Thai Movies with Thai movie subtitles, not only do u learn new things but u learn how they speak

    of course having a teacher, thai friend, dictionary is going to help... i wrote about it on my Thai blog


  8. Hello


    I am new to Chiang Mai.  I need to get some dental work done, not just a cleaning.  Need to get a couple of teeth repaired at the gum line

    have had the procedure before on another tooth.


    I am not looking for the cheapest, and I am not looking for the most expensive I am just looking for a good dentist, if it happens to be the most expensive well that is how it is


    Can people recommend a good dentist to me, in the hospitals, private, whatever and why you think they are good?  Remember I am not asking for suggestions on a cleaning.  Thanks

    • Like 1
  9. Well that seems ridiculous. If you have paid for a years visa then surely you get a year. Of people have to leave every three months essentially to do this no one will enrol in school as it will end up being very expensive.this will put schools out of business I think. Still confused but I think I will go with what ubon Joe said as it makes far more sense that after the year you would have to leave which I though was the case any way.

    Yeah that is the thing you didnt have to leave every year if you went to the same school in Chiang Mai you could go to the same school up to 3 years without leaving the country and places like PAttaya boast up to 10 years. I think that is what they are trying to shut down, so every year you now have to leave.. it would be crazy to make everyone that just got their visa this month either by resetting it or just starting it to have to go and redo it all over again.... but will wait and see the official rules when they come into play,

  10. I dont think that is how it works

    I think if you have been in the school over 1 year then you have to leave after the 29th, you cant stay in the country for more then one year with a border run outside of the country.... so new people just getting wouldnt have to go until next year, if that isnt true and everyone has to go then i am super screwed as i am in laos right now getting my visa , to have to go back would seriously suck so soon

    • Like 1
  11. You just say that you are supporting yourself. Then if they want proof show some form of proof that you have funds coming into the country from abroad. The best proof would be a Thai bank book showing transfers in.

    This is going to really hurt a lot of English Teachers that have been using the ED visa while they teach.

    The only income they have is teaching but they are not going to be able to show it.

    This is also going to mean more work for Embassies as they are going to have to verify the income much like they do for us younger folk.

    Should be interesting to see how this works out.

    I agree though with all the abuse it is about time they did something to resolve the abuse.

    However, I've been thinking of the ED-visa for a year as well. I only speak Thai normally except when I write here or when I talk to my mom or some friends back home, so I'm not really scared of officials testing me. How much does the immigration want you to show?

    And since most of my money are in a Norwegian bank account, they will only see Norwegian kronor, is there somewhere I can make a certified translation of printings from bank as well as what it's worth in baht?

    Outside of the old 'big fish eats little fish' story urban myth I have not heard of anyone who has been tested by immigration.

    I been tested twice at the immigration, nothing official she asked me where i was from, how long i go to school, where my school is, what times I go to school, why i go to school i didnt get the fish question

  12. Chiang Mai the hub of Superior Physical bodies. A thread looking for gym's to work out with heavy weights and now I see another thread looking to buy protein. So far the one answer for here in Chiang Mai is where to buy whey.

    Not going to be any room for Joe average who just wants to keep his body toned up. Not built up.

    that was actually me, I wanted protein powder to use in a shake occasional if i miss a meal or miss getting half decent protein in the day, usually only take one scoop a day, not looking to get big, just heal :)

  13. I think everyone has a different routine and its about finding the right gym for that and also for extra things like pools, saunas and overall experience, some people need all the bells and whistle to feel like they have a good workout while others are happy working out with a few weights in their room

    as for Maya, that isnt even open yet, I got a tour last week, they gave me a tour upstairs and there is no equipment or set up at all yet, just a bunch of workers smashing walls and so forth, they said they hoped to be open in late august, and yes it will be pricy about 4000 a month for a monthly membership they said but prices go down the longer you commit

  14. did another post on Power House Fitness Gym Center

    Nice website! Now I slightly regret joining Power House, as Fitness Thailand looks a lot better and bigger (and a little cheaper too). Also just found out that a friend from work goes there.

    I actually had making a website like that in my mind before, with like a directory of all the gyms in Thailand with reviews, but seems you've already done it!

    well i started it haha only got four gyms on there with more to come, but thanks:)

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