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Posts posted by kevindorian

  1. as for powerhouse i did go there, will write a review as well

    for a 1 month membership it costs 3750 which is quite high, i see no benefits of that gym compared to others to justify the price

    but perhaps they are trying to discourage short term members

    there price drops quite a lot as u increase your time, 9000 for 6 months and they had a special for full day access for 13000 for a year

    when you look at the long term prices drops nicely, but the 3 gyms i posted on my blog above I liked better then powerhouse

    I was not blown away by powerhouse. think there is better value out there

  2. Hello All,

    Just moved to the area

    Looking for the following but not set in stone, also looking for some good Rental Property Companies if people could recommend

    I will be looking for a new place here are my thoughts

    1. Around this area such as the Nimmana area or around this area, prefer to be out of direct lines of airplanes
    2. 15000 baht to 22000 baht would be a range for me per month up to 25 if it really blew my mind but that is pushing it
    3. Looking for 6 months with opportunity to extend lease
    4. 75Sqm and more would be good, the bigger the better
    5. Kitchen
    6. View is a bonus especially of the mountain, also like bright apartments, do not like dark departments
    7. The condo should have Internet or the ability for me to upgrade or buy my own internet
    8. Swimming pool bonus
    9, Washing machine big bonus
    10. Please no first floor apartments

  3. if SLS is sodium lauryl sulfate, then Moa Jula might not help you, that is my problem here as well I have issues with sodium lauryl sulfate,, burns my mouth and have only found one tooth paste here that does not have it its the SLS Free one from that German Brand, I cant remember the name of it but its in a green and white tube and its got a little german flag attached to it... however the mint in that casses me problems haha

    I done a lot of searching can never find a natural toothpaste here, most of the ones that say they are natural are still filled with lots of chemicals and are not really natural at all. I end up ordering Earthpaste Toothpaste, its made out of clay, you can even eat it. I love it works great, but i got to send it to my folks in Canada then send it here to get it, so gets expensive with the postage, my dad calls it the most expesnive toothpaste on earth thanks to the postage:)

    oh by the way sodium lauryl sulfate,is anyone is curious is the stuff that makes your toothpaste creamy and foamy when you brush, its only purpose is to do that but its been known to cause burns, cancer sores and more, the stuff is even used as a pesticide, nice:) in any case once I stopped using toothpastes i stopped getting canker sores in my mouth, used to get them monthly, now i never get em.... canker sores, not to be confused with cold sores:)

  4. I am moving from Pattaya to Chiang Mai

    I have a Honda Click and a few boxes, think a small truck with cover will be fine

    I thought about the post office for it but wanted to know my moving company options

    anyone have any experience with moving companies here, which ones are good, reliable, take care of your stuff?


  5. I am moving to Chiang Mai , I have visited the area once for a few days but dont know to much about it, need to go there for work

    I like to go to school again for studying Thai and need to find a place to live

    1. Advice on schools, courses etc to help learn the language I already have some background, can read and write some and speak but far from a pro

    2. Advice on good websites to help find a condo to rent budget around 12000 to 20 000 would that find me a nice spot in the downtown or close to downtown area?

    3. I want to be closer to the center area of the city, advice on where not to go?

    4. I like going to the gym, I used to love CAlifornia wow (RIP) I dont need a gym with super body builder machines but I do like a nice selection of cardio, free weights and machines, much like California wow used to be and air conditioning is a bonus

    5. What internet companies are up there and how is the speed

    That is pretty much it, any suggestions or ideas or thoughts would be much appreciated

    Thanks all


  6. I got to move to Chiang Mai for a little while business related reasons

    I dont have a lot of stuff with me but I need to

    1. Send a box full of books up there probably about 40 pounds

    2. I need to transport my honda click up there

    What are my options

    I presume one I can just send my boxes via mail

    The motorbike what are my choices to get it up there?

    Costs, companies that do it, time etc?

    Also just curious sakes if one drove from PAttaya to Chiang mai how many hours is it about?


  7. I didnt have either license and wanted to do it before the rules change wasnt sure if i could get it done in time

    I dont have motorcyle in my home country just car and i wanted both soooo

    1. Got med certificate 150 baht from doctor and quick check up

    2. Got resident certificate

    3. headed to office by the school off of highway 7 and on highway 36 at 2pm

    4. Got lost a few times but found it

    5. was told i was to late to apply come back by 8am

    6. I came at 745 on wednesday morning

    7. Falangs and thais there lots of russians

    8 Doors opened up at 815 or so after they put Thai people on the left and falangs on the right

    9. Got a queue number

    10. waited 30 min to go upstairs

    11. They checked my paper work

    12. Got ticket for eye test and reaction test

    13. Did color eye test 30 min later passed

    14. Did reaction test your foot on gas until a light appears then u slam the break - passed

    15. Paid for car license 205 baht

    16. Took photo

    17, Got Car License

    18. Told to wait by test center for motorbike (like i said i didnt have a motorbike license)

    19. Waited by insanely loud and pushy russians that really slowed the process down

    20. Finally got into test center,

    21. 30 multiple choice questions u have an hour too do the test and 2 chances

    22. I did it in 5 minutes and passed it

    23 Told to wait downstairs for an hour then on to motorbike outside test

    24. Went out side, did a walk around the course

    25. The Thais went first on the actual test, they sent a new person along the test about ever 50 meters

    26. Test consisted of

    a Go up a small hill

    b. Move into another lane (signal light optional)

    c. Go around some cones

    d. Go over a little raised section that is quite narrow and long without falling off

    e. Turn to the left

    f. Two controlled stops

    Rules - you cant put your feet down, except at stops, you cant hit the cones, you cant fall off the little bridge

    Some people failed, some people failed but the instructors didnt watch them so they passed anyway

    if you fail you can come back the next day

    I didnt fail and either did the girl in front of me though she hit two cones and fell off the bridge but no one noticed

    went back upstairs

    photo again

    got license

    paid 170 baht for motorbike license and test


    Did it all in one day

    I was there until about 3pm so 745 to 3pm

    what i didnt enjoy

    1. Air conditioning was very bad so it was hot and i was sticky all day

    2. Russians very loud but that seems to be the way it is, it was hard to hear names being called etc

    3. somewhat confusing thoughout the day and never quite sure if u are in the right place:)

    4. You need a bike to take the test, u can bring your own... yes u can fail the test and drive home on it, u can also rent one t here for 200 baht or so

    I was impressed below though

    5. I respect the Thai people that work there, to go through that day after day they have thick skins a few times i thought one of them would blow up but they kept their cool there was even a drunk falang there trying to take the test, that they eventually had to send off in a police truck

    I know June 1st the rules change, new test of 50 questions, have to get 90% instead of 75%, plus training i believe of 12 hours and 4 hour video training, sure most of the process willl stay somewhat the same just a little more difficult

  8. Hello all,

    Does anyone know if there is any place in pattaya that has Latex Free Condoms, have a mild allergy to latex ones but have not been able to track

    down any around Pattaya. I know Durex makes two brands of latex free condoms but I have not seen them as of yet, just all the other versions


  9. The girls are no fools and will pick up on the body language/attitude of the customer. If he comes across as 'not interested' then usually, that will be the way he will be treated.

    If he were to state that he was in fact, hansum, available, wanting company and buying drinks, I don't think there would be a problem............wink.png

    Totally agree with this, my buddy came from another country last year, a good looking guy but he never smiles, and the first couple of bars he ask me why I get all the attention..i just said you look like a lump and not smiling. Yes in our country you smile at a girl and they give you that what the hell you smiling at look back, but here you smile and look happy the girls will approach you a lot more, next time I forced him to smile at the first few bars, he was smiling the rest of the trip!

  10. yes I have a car license from my home country but my motorbike one expired a while back and dont have one of those

    I read if you have a license for a motorbike in your own country you dont have to take the test at all, but if you dont have one you got to take the test

    will look into it more, was hoping someone on the forum has actually gone through the procedure, thanks for the replies so f ar

  11. Heya all,

    Been thinking of getting a motorcycle license had a few questions for those that have done it before. I will have to take the test at the office and wanted to know a few things

    1. Do you need to book an appointment before hand or just show up early in the morning? and does anyone know the number or webpage?

    2. I know there is a multiple choice test, and i hear there is a english video to watch before hand, anyone do this test? is there a guide available in English anywhere?

    3. I know you need a Residency Certificate, copy of your passport, med certificate, do I need anything else?

    Anyone that has gone through the process or could give me a few pointers that be great, I have researched it but there is a few versions of how it all works

    Cheers and thanks

  12. Heya all just questions about buying a motorbike

    1. I was told by the dealer that if you do not finance your motorbike and buy it straight out those laws such as not driving after 8pm etc

    do not apply as long as I show the police officer some of the documents they will supply, - that sound correct?

    2. Also I know you have the red plate for about 2 months and then you get the white plate.. I was curious what happens if you had to move, like lets say I was living in Chon Buri and bought a bike there but then had to move to Chang Mai 3 weeks later.... can this be done, can I take my bike? do I have to go back to Chon Buri, what is the deal on that front?

    Thanks all

  13. I came here a couple of years ago and went on a student visa and actually went to school for a year, really enjoy the class and the school, I came back this year and wanted to do the same thing, went to the same school and they turned into a used car salesmen pitch, it was not about the the class anymore it was they are the best deal for visa, we take care of you for long as you want, etc.. they state on their website that only 4 to 6 students per class, i asked them about ti and they were shoving in 12 to 16 in those little rooms... they were so pushy for me to get a visa and a couple foreigners working there now sitting down by me and pressuring me to go with them... i just got up and left and went and found a school that wasnt trying to slam a visa down my throat

  14. I often say people goinig into Vacation mode in their brains when they arrive, they are so bent on having fun that common sense starts to go out the window

    For instance driving motorbikes in a unfamiliar enviroment at high rates of speeds, walking along the beach at 5am in the morning or in this case bringing the wrong person or persons home with you. Of course I do not blame these poor girls, should not happen to anyone and only hope they get better both emotionally and physically and the criminals brought to justice.

  15. I woud have focused on my tones and pronounciation more. The thing with a lot of the school teachers is they get used to hearing bad falang Thai. So they actaully understand your terrible tones and vowels, then when you zip out to the real world with your messed up and tones most Thai people have no idea what you are saying. I would have spent more time checking out schools before I joined them as well. I would have gone to demo classes and so forth, the first time I just joined up to the first school I found and their method of teaching was not for me, so I ended up basically not going to that school after a month and and signing up to another one.

    Choosing A Thai Language School

  16. I did a combination of going to school in the city and also a podcast program when I was not in the city or just as an extra option

    Check out the Learn Thai Podcast Review on this link, pretty cool little site this guy has set up think its rather new but i like it, I emailed him said he will be doing a few more reviews soon as well, I am not fluent by far but like to think i am above average in all 3 areas

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