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Everything posted by mrbojangles

  1. So now you say "he should' whereas only the other day you were saying "why would he" sign for City. The amount of back tracking you do is pretty high for anyone's standards Rick As for the Spanish bit. It's not the first time you've come up with that. What's your problem with Spanish? You have some you know, as well as other nationalities. United and City have the same amount of English players in our squad's and that's including your 3 all-so-ran goalkeepers (Henderson, Grant, Heaton). I really fail to see what point you are trying to make. BTW. The Argies speak Spanish
  2. @RickG16 surely this cannot be right. All these players wanting to leave United and the ever so important adulation of 76,000 screaming fans ????
  3. Go back and read the thread. I'm responding to you telling me to stay on track, when it was YOU who brought up the subject of the stadium
  4. Go back a little Rick. Firstly, we were talking about Alvarez. You responded to Wilai asking why would Alvarez want to join City. I responded that he'd probably like to win something. You then go off at a tangent and mention crowds and your stadium and I responded to that. I didn't bring the subject of crowds or the stadium up. Stay on track will you ????
  5. Oh dear. A post of a truly deluded, desperado trying to convince himself that actually winning games and trophies no longer matters. Just how many fans you have and how loud they shout. I wonder Rick, will you get a trophy for have all those stadium tourists singing songs they only learned the day before they got the train up north ????
  6. Can't you see the hypocrisy in what comes out of your fingers and onto the keyboard? You never go but brag on about how full your stadium is compared to others. ???? How many people a stadium holds is absolutely irrelevant and if that's all you can try and cling onto, your club are in a bigger mess than I hoped.
  7. Absolutely. It also has no mention of the fact that there are still no direct flights between the 2 countries and Saudi's without special permission still aren't allowed to travel to Thailand, or face big problems if immigration see a Thai stamp in their passport upon returning.
  8. Is that all you got nowadays? Can no longer brag about your on field activities and only about how many tourists you get in your falling down stadium that resembles a crumbling Roman coliseum rather than a modern stadium
  9. I know it's been a long time since you won the PL, so I'll forgive you but it's only 5 appearances to qualify for medal ????
  10. There'll be an apology tomorrow stating one of TAT's children had been playing with the calculator again
  11. Just a stab in the dark but he probably wants to win something ????
  12. We are certainly linked. Looks an exciting prospect
  13. Typical Ronnie. The King of the balloon chasers always looking for an angle to get a freebie ????
  14. So long since you've been there I reckon it was the old Wembley you are talking about. Scousers do know to go to the new one don't they ????
  15. ? You haven't won a League Cup for about 10 years nor an FA Cup for about 15 years. How is it Anfield South ???? In the last 10 years we've won 6 League Cups and 2 FA Cups
  16. I wasn't suggesting he jumps up and down. He didn't smile or clap. You obviously can't see past your avatar tinted glasses
  17. Course they celebrate. The CR7 show might not be interested but every other player is. I might try and find the goal and see if the rest of the bench celebrated
  18. Apparently he didn't even celebrate your third goal. That's not how I'd like a player of a TEAM to act. A team is more than one player
  19. Which make the postponements even more ludicrous
  20. Exactly. The issue I think is that the clubs asked for clarity and the FA came back with something like, you have to have so many senior squad available or youth with senior experience. That's opened the door for non covid related absences. These clubs will be moaning next about fixture congestion. To me, Leeds have have been the example to set and have just got on with it. Of those 33 positives, are they all players or staff as well?
  21. Getting ridiculous isn't it? I'm sure I heard/read yesterday that they only have one player out with covid related issues. The rest are players injured, away on AFCON or loaned out.
  22. Didn't want to state the obvious ????
  23. Too soon for him I reckon. Everton don't have the luxury of time to appoint a learning on the job Manager. They need an experienced manager with knowledge of the PL and getting out of the poo
  24. BoJangles keeping his head down ????
  25. Looks like you better give Mo what he wants to renew his contract. You seem to miss him too much when he's gone
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