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Posts posted by mittheimp

  1. Backpackers just trying to see the world before they have to start work, and whats wrong with that? If we live in a place (as an expat) then we all know it better than a tourist on a budget travelling through - and thus know how to do certain things better, no doubt Thais laugh at the ridiculous behaviour and routines of expats as, likewise, they generally have a firmer handle on Thai society.

    Did my Backpacking in Morocco, Thailand, Cambodia and Australia. Australia most fun, Morrocco most scarey and interesting (saw very very few other tourists) and Cambodia most rewarding - Thailand experience wasnt that brilliant - surprisingly as I ended up living and working in the land of smiles for three years- Perhaps its better to be an expat than a backpacker here!!

  2. I'm by no means a Thailand apologist...I recoginse its many faults....And perhaps a better analogy would have been crimes against tourists...

    However, the point I was genuinely trying to make was that it's a dangerous world we live in...


    in the uk we used to say we're glad we live here and not in the usa, that was a short ten years ago and now look at the sh+t hole england has become,

    i pray and sincerely hope thailand does not ignore the problems and addresses the situations that are occuring on a more regular basis before it becomes to late.

    and a bit of advise for the government keep out the liberal lefties and do gooders

    and never sign up to the soft human rights act that only serves to give help to the criminals when the victims are left to sort out the mayhem by themselves.

    Yeah right genius!! 2000 extra judicial killings in the highly selective and phoney war on drugs has made Thailand the crime free paradise Thaksin knew it always should be! Dont know what Amnesty international were on about complaining about Thailands human rights record!!!!!

  3. Read the book, enjoyed it. What ever the litterary ability of writers surely it's interesting to read books about Thailand from Thai writers. Not much insight into thailand by reading tired old bar girl stories written by some expat tired of teaching English all the time. This book, however, is well written and quite original. I liked the story about the draft dodge and the cockfighter one in particular - although not quite sure on the ending of cockfighter - was there more significance than I picked up (girl going to car etc...?), anyone with a theory or better insight please let me know.

  4. What is the best way to send money to Thailand from the UK.  My wife sends a very modest amount to her mum every two months or so - maybe 60 or 70 pounds.  She does this simply by posting it (in sterling) to her mum.  Obviously this is a bit risky - but as the amounts are quite small is there any point doing it anyother way? Providing the money arrives is this the best way (taking into account exchange rates) or do you suggest any other?


    Get her to open a thai bank account. Transactions between UK & Thailand take 3 days providing you have the correct information & swift code.

    (Note: be sure to tell your UK bank that the money will be converted to THB on arrival or you'll lose out, especially on larger amounts!)

    I believe there is a charge for this, i have used this before for a large amount. Not worth it for small amounts.

  5. About 12 years ago ( i was 19) I was in my local pub on Christmas eve night, having a merry time, very drunk. During the evening I made a very minor insult to some chubby girl who responded by giving me a fairly soft punch in the stomach. Didn't really hurt, and we both laughed about it. I continued getting drunk and having a generally nice time. When it came to staggering home I discovered I had a bit of stomach ache, in fact this got worse and worse as I walked home. After some pain and many stops I finally arrived home. I then just lay on the floor in the living room ( now about 1am Christmas day). My parents presumed it was the effects of too much alcohol, in fact I did too!. Eventually I crawled to bed. Only then did I discover my problem. As I got undressed, to my horror, I discovered my right testicle was now about 4 times bigger than it should have been!!!! What to do, should I try and get to sleep and hope everything will be alright when I wake up (i considered this for a good while) or should i try and get medical help! Eventually I knocked on my parents bedroom and asked to see my Dad (not my mother!!) and broke the news! Off to casualty I went, A very pretty nurse came to inspect my deformity, did i detect a little smirk!! A twisted testicle was the verdict and an emergency operation was the the outcome. I had to wait a few hours for the alcohol to wear off before going under the knife. Operation was fortunately a success but I spent the whole of Christmas day on a hospital bed and the next few weeks walking very gingerly.

    And the moral of the story, not sure, perhaps don't make fun of fat sensitive girls on christmas eve!!

  6. What is the best way to send money to Thailand from the UK. My wife sends a very modest amount to her mum every two months or so - maybe 60 or 70 pounds. She does this simply by posting it (in sterling) to her mum. Obviously this is a bit risky - but as the amounts are quite small is there any point doing it anyother way? Providing the money arrives is this the best way (taking into account exchange rates) or do you suggest any other?


  7. Is this right?

    I went on xe.com today to check out the rate and its 1 pound to 71.22 to the Baht

    Pardon me, Westybrook, earlier I did not realise that you were, in fact, questioning the accuracy of the exchange rate quoted on xe.com.

    What made you think it might be wrong?

    I have no idea whats normal and whats not. When I was living in LOS it was 73-74. I thought maybe 71 was pretty bad, but seeing it was once in the 30s I know 71 is still ok. 85 was an amazing rate :o How long ago was that?

    Are you trying to be stupid?

  8. managed to see extended highlights of day four, and you have to feel sorry for the Windies. A match they are finally competing in and all the decisions go the wrong way. Three of the Windies top batsman - Sarwan, Smith and Ramdin were clearly given out to bad decisions and then Hayden was caught at the end of the days play to make it three down - but was let off by the umpires. I dont think Australia really need this help.

    Shame coz it could have been a close test!

  9. de ja vuuuuuu, ?????




    This thread is specifically about the second episode and the character development of ting tong... or should I say Tong Ting. Perhaps people can comment here on there perception of how the serious issue of transsexuality is treated in the world of entertainment. Has Tong Ting been forced to change gender out of economic necessity (to become a Thai mail order bride) and will this aspect of the phenomena be tackled in future episodes!

  10. Of the thousands of drinking establishments in England, hardly any have applied for this  24 hr licence.

    Only 3 places in my town have applied for it (realistically)  and, all 3 have got it. 1, Sainburys(supermarket), 2 ASDA (supermarket), and 3, Cardinal Sins, a night club that has only agreed to use the licence once a year.


    This will change over time, and actually many more applied nationwide than originally reported a few weeks ago. I think its a very good thing for many reasons - but doesnt need the daily mail treatment, as that will kill it!

  11. my message gotabit mangled around other quotes last time (always preview methinks!)

    Although pubs are going to be open longer people are not going to have more money to spend on alcohol, therefore less pressure to drink quicker! Also the point made that people will not be exiting pubs at the same time is a good one - this causes a lot of the trouble. 24 hour drinking exists in Australia but also a law that is strongly enforced making it an offence to serve alcohol to intoxicated customers also exists. This is also being introduced in the UK at the same time as 24 drinking - sounds like a sensible and pragmatic approach to me - but the effect will not be seen or should be judged for at least 6 months.

  12. The reversing of in English licensing law neglects the evidence presented in the years prior to the laws enactment.

    Numerous reports on public health, poverty, social problems all concluded that alcohol was a significant factor in crime, poverty, domestic violence.

    When the government debated this issue, these earlier reports where raised, the government's response was that people are more sophisticated now than at the time licensing laws were enacted.

    Well I've seen how sophisticated English drinkers are, falling around p1ssed in town centers, p1ssed up brawls in pubs drunks vomiting in shop doors.... not some made up story, but the reality of English towns three nights a week.

    The answer to the problem is not relaxing licensing laws, but reigning in the breweries who now demonstratebly dictate goverment policy.

    Relaxed drinking laws ushering in European style night life.

    Although pubs are going to be open longer people are not going to have more money to spend on alcohol, therefore less pressure to drink quicker!  Also the point made that people will not be exiting pubs at the same time is a good one - this causes a lot of the trouble.  24 hour drinking exists in Australia but also a law that is strongly enforced  making it an offence to serve alcohol to intoxicated customers also exists.  This is also being introduced in the UK at the same time as 24 drinking - sounds like a sensible and pragmatic approach to me - but the effect will not be seen or should be judged for at least 6 months.

    Listen, I live in Rome, I live with European nightlife and I've lived with English pub culture, the problem is not licensing laws but English drinking culture and it was English drinking culture that brought about strict licensing laws in the first place.

    The English are beer pigs, relaxing drinking hours will only make matters worse.

    I'm against relaxation of licensing laws in the UK, and more to the point of this website, tighter drinking laws in Thailand enjoy the support of the majrity of Thais.

  13. 'Letters from Thailand', written by 'Botan' is an account of a chinese immigrant arriving in Bangkok in the 1940's with nothing and eventually starting a family and developing businesses on Sampeng lane - the story finishes in the 1960's. Not that current but it is a really interesting and entertaining read (the author has said it is semi based on her family). It demonstrates the cultural divide between the chinese and Thai people - and how the differences eroded over time (it has also been banned in Thailand and China in the past for supposedly disrespecting both cultures - but apparently is now considered essential reading in any Thai social studies course).

    I think in a lot of cases the chinese culture has disappeared and a lot of ethnically chinese people consider themselves completely thai, this is certainly true of my wife.

  14. At plays end on day one of the third test the Windies (West Indies) are 7/352.

    Lara is 202 n.o., and about a dozen runs from Borders all time run scoring record. His innings has been described as "stunning class and vintage majesty" The next highest score was 34.

    The umpires gave him one back after he appeared to be plumb early in the day. He was owed that one after some diabolicle decisions against him in the previous tests.

    The Australian public enjoyed his innings as if he was one of their own in the knowledge that they may not see him here again.

    Should be an interesting and close test match.

    Lara not given 'one back' as the ball pitched outside leg stump therefore cannot be given out. Something I noticed the Aussie commentators bizerley overlooked!

    Lara is certainly the greatest batsman i've ever seen, head and shoulders above the rest. Who can forget the series in the caribbean when he singlehandedly drew the 4 match series with the Ozzies. Shame the Windies have been weak for most of his era - but that shouldnt take anything away from Lara's achievements. He will soon have the highest individual score in both test and first class cricket - and the most ever test runs! Who can argue with that!

  15. This was on a recent article on cricinfo.com (the worlds no1 cricket site)- Sounds quite promising!

    Sixes of Chiang Mai

    Thailand, where the latest season just got underway, is not just the home of the world famous Chiang Mai Sixes - it is also has one of Asian cricket's fastest growing junior development programmes.

    Over 98% of the 4000 children playing cricket in the Chiang Mai, Khon Kaen, Petchabun, Chonburi, Hua Hin and Phuket regions are Thai. Around 2000 are playing in Chiang Mai schools alone, where eight full-time coaches are working hard. In Bangkok, the Thai Junior Cricket League has formed a close association with one of the best international schools in Thailand, the Bangkok Pattana, which has already installed a synthetic wicket for the junior league, while cricket nets will be completed soon. The Bangkok junior league has about eight teams, players ranging in age between 9 and 12.

    Six of the national Under-19 team which competed in the Asian titles in Nepal last week are Thais. The pick is 14-year-old left-arm spinner, Khon Kaen.

    Only ground availability is preventing more cricket being played at the adult level, where a 'C' Grade 25-over competition has been introduced for cricketers who can only spare half a day. A record 19 teams will contest the three divisions. A new field is expected to be completed halfway through this season, allowing another two teams to join next season.

    Meanwhile, defending A Grade premier champions, Indian CC, experiencing renewal from the children of original club members coming through, are likely to be challenged by several teams, Thai Colts perhaps the most ominous threat. Colts form the the bulk of the national Under-19 team which went to Nepal and have played together for several years.

    The remaining A Grade sides, British Club Elite, Royal Bangkok Sports Club, Bangkok CC, Siam CC, Champions and Southerners are all expected to be competitive in the race for the finals, which are played after an eight-game round robin.

    Thailand's proud tradition of Sixes tournaments is shared with Chiang Mai by Bangkok, Hua Hin, and more recently Phuket. The Bangkok Sixes is run by the Royal Bangkok Sports Club, held on two of the best cricket fields in Asia, right in the heart of Bangkok.

    To find out more about Thai cricket, please visit our website at www.thailandcricket.com or email either [email protected] or [email protected] for further information.-Peter Goodchap [/font]

    for the full article -


  16. And we know that Thailand is one of the prime "hunting grounds" for internationally active paedophiles..........

    You have been reading those sensational newspapers again, haven't you!! :o

    Today Thailand is relatively free of these people, compared to the 70's and 80's.

    Most of them were thrown or forced out years ago.

    I think thats a bit naive, Thailand still has considerable problems, but Cambodia now sadly seems to be the destination in SE Asia for the commited paedophile. However those at risk, like everywhere, are the poor and very vunerable. Those living in a stable family unit in Thailand have no more to worry about than anywhere else in the world.

  17. When I arrived in Thailand I had a couple of offers from people offering to teach me thai in exchange for English. The one I chose was really enthusiastic, extremely friendly and good fun, alas she was a hopeless teacher so i never learnt much (although i did end up marrying her!). Better to get someone with professional experience if you are really serious about learning Thai! I'm still very limited 5 years later!

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