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Posts posted by mittheimp

  1. Well they were certainly rubbish against South Africa! 90 odd all out, a total embarrassment! Compare that with the supper showing of the English in India, the hardest place to win. Half the team injured and yet they are favourites going into the last day!

    I guess a day is a long time in the cricket forcasting business. Australia beat the Yarpies in the third ODI with a solid all round performance. :D

    Meanwhile, England must have taken an early supper on the last day because they couldn't roll the Indian batsmen and the game ended in a draw. :D

    Not being a fan of australian cricket in general , thought it worthwhile to make the comment, so the aussies lost a couple of matches its just a glitch,, they have a wealth of young talent coming through, they are in process of building a team, even playing as they are at the moment they are still the best in the world!!england have their odd flashes of brilliance but lack the killer instinct to clinically finish off opposing teams , so they will always be nearly the best,Cant believe it Moi defending australian cricket :D Blaim udon!! he has finally got me brainwashed :o Nignoy

    but we can at least pretend!

  2. Last night I had a facinating discussion with a Thai friend, he has been to university and comes from Bangkok, in the last election voted TRT. I asked him what he thought about the protests and Thaksin and he said he wanted Thaksin to stay he told me he was good for Thailand.

    We talked about corruption and he said this was normal and expected from anyone in high office, he said what would be the point in getting to such a high position if you couldn't benefit financially from it. I asked him what he thought about making policys to benefit his business and he concluded this was normal and to be expected.

    He said the chance of having a government in Thailand that didn't abuse it's power to enrich itself was close to zero and he told me that the very large majority of Thai people have no problem with this.

    Before he wanted Thaksin to stay, but now he says he must go to ensure there is no violence, but for him the main reason he wants him to leave is so His Majesty the king doesn't have intervene and he says more and more Thai people want Thaksin to step down. Not because they have a problem with the corruption or anything else, but because they are scared if he stays there will be violence and the King will have to intervene.

    He says many Thais are more outraged that Shin was sold to foriegners than the non payment of taxes and he said anti foriegn sentiment was definatley rising in Thai society as a result of the sale.

    He thinks the next government may take strict measures against foriegn ownership as it will be a sure vote winner, it all depends on whether their own business interests benefit or not from involvement from foriegners.

    His assesement is that expats will almost certainly be better off under Thaksin than whoever may take over as from the sale of Shin any leader that wants to be popular will take an anti foriegn policy unless it affects their own business interests.

    Whilst this is one mans view it makes a lot of sense, so whilst many dislike Thaksin for his authoritarian stance, the other options will most likely be far worse. Bars may well open later and Bangkok will again be a great party city, but on many other fronts foriegners will not be so lucky.

    A bit fickle your friend then?

  3. 'Full moon party' is a nice film by any standards.

    'tropical malady' not seen but was recently shortlisted for BBC's foreign film of the year.

    I liked 'bangkok dangerous' and 'one take only' - although they show Thailand as a fairly gun crazy place.

    'last life in the universe' and 'tears of the black tiger' are both good films too. Infact most sensible Thai films (i.e not the martial arts fests) are pretty good!

  4. Yes. This is Thailand, amazing Tie-Land, where anything is possible if the Thai school wants to hire you and keep you legal, and they know the people in the province who really matter. Just wear a Thai tie.

    I know anything can be arranged.

    but legitimately, if a person has a teaching degree but no TEFL is a work permit allowed?

  5. Well they were certainly rubbish against South Africa! 90 odd all out, a total embarrassment! Compare that with the supper showing of the English in India, the hardest place to win. Half the team injured and yet they are favourites going into the last day!

  6. I like Mor Lam style, alas my wife looks down on this music as she is a total snob. She even strongly discourages me from buying any of these CD's and refuses to tell me the name of any artists i hear on TV or the radio in the fear i will seek it out and buy the CD!

  7. how depressing..

    Trust the English to find it depressing. :D I think it's meant to say that no one is perfect.

    I can't stop giggling about it, particularly with the comments that everyone has made.


    Yeah, these xxxxxx don't put enough sugar in their tea, do they?

    You will be in another life quick enough with all that sugar in your tea, lard ass! I dont put any sugar in my tea, dont be so offensive,! :D


    Do they have tea in the other life you talk of? If they dont, sod it this ones good enough! :D

    :D What the h3ll is your malfunction? After everything that was said you are telling me not to be offensive because I made a comment about sugar in their tea? What the fck is offensive about that?

    You threaten my life over a comment about tea! :D And you Brits call us Yanks uncivilized. You don't know what offensive is, pal. Watch your mouth, chap, talk like your's gets people killed in my country. :D

    only if theres oil about :o:D

  8. Thank you to those that have given a constructive and informative answer. To the others - haven't you got anything better to do?

    It may be too early for Abhisit this time but if he remains unscathed in this shot gun election then who knows! I can see Thailand having two or three general elections in the next two years for one reason or another and if TRT unravel then it may be the Democrats turn again!

  9. minorities are not necessarily wrong. This is why democracy can only be seen as the'least worst solution' rather than the mystical and rightious solution the Americans see it as.

    Thaksin is popular because of populist policies, policies that satisfy the short term. However that is not the issue.

    The biggest issue with Thaksin is the systematic and deliberate erosion of an effective opposition - be it a democratic one or one through other institutions such as the media. When the prime minister has an unhealthy control of the media then the potential for abuse of powers is enormous and possibly inevitable. Thaksin needs to be reigned in now before it's too late!

  10. If this rally stays peaceful at least it shows people can oppose the government without real fear of too much intimidation and threat of violence. This is of course not because of Thaksin but generally the progress Thailand has made as a democratic country - institutions must be sufficiently independent of the government to allow this to happen. Such rallies in countries of similar development level would probably be suppressed more violently! Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Venezuela for example.

    Of course the fear is that Thaksin is trying to repeal this progress.

    Thaksin ok bai!

  11. Dont know much about him apart from what I have just read on various sites, all seem quite positive. Seems to share a bit in common with new Tory leader David Cameron (UK). What does any one know about him? good or bad! Is he ready to become the next Thai PM, is he ready?

  12. because someone has done some good things doesnt excuse his midemeaners. Thaksin is very corrupt, he uses his position to make himself more wealthy. Corruption is a huge problem in Thailand and if the prime minister is getting away with it and condoning it then this sends a terrible message and example to the rest of the country. This is why Thaksin has to go!

  13. I'm surprised he knew where Hong Kong is, he is a yorkshire lad after all :o

    joking aside, I wish him a speedy recovery, and scum a speedier decline

    c'mon Wigan

    He doesnt! if you watch the video closely you can see that its actually pointing the opposite direction, North America more like (which is quite apt considering who he plays for! :D ).

  14. UPDATE

    Thai murder trial could take years

    THE trial of a man accused of murdering his girlfriend on a Thai holiday island could take years to be concluded.

    Paul Chetwynd-Talbot, 32, is charged with the murder of Kettering teacher Debra O'Hanlon at a holiday home in Phuket in August last year.

    His trial will begin on Monday with a short hearing to decide which witnesses will be called and when they will appear before the court. However, because of the way the Thai judicial system works it may then be months or even a year until the trial begins properly.

    Alasdair Forbes is the managing editor of the Phuket Gazette and said the trial was unlikely to be resolved quickly. He said: "We doubt very much that the trial will be over fast, as he is pleading not guilty to murder and is claiming it was accidental. "That means a full trial, which in Thailand could take two years or more, with weeks between hearings."

    Miss O'Hanlon's parents, Pat and Malcolm O'Hanlon, of Torrington Crescent, Wellingborough, said they had no immediate plans to travel to Phuket. Mrs O'Hanlon said: "The only time we would go would be when it came to the trial itself. "We are at the point where as much as we would like it to be settled quickly we understand that this is the way the Thai police and the Thai courts work. "They are extremely busy but they have him in custody and will hear it when they have time. "I am not worried because I know whatever sentence he gets will be served on top of the time he has already spent in jail."

    Chetwynd-Talbot claims he killed Miss O'Hanlon by accident after a drunken argument, but police on the island have recommended he be tried for murder. He has not been given bail and has been in jail in Phuket since turning himself in to police after the body of 31-year-old Miss O'Hanlon, of Blenheim Way, Kettering, was found by police after she failed to turn up to a barbecue with friends.

    17 February 2006

    Kettering News

    A bit of a contrast with the two fishermen from koh samui!!

  15. Siam Reap

    No not Siam Reap either!

    You are all really struggling with this one! It is cambodia and it is their second biggest city with a population of 120,000 residents, (however having visited it I find this very hard to believe)

  16. Ah! Mittheimp (where does that name come from), now that we are on a similar wave length. I have seen local elections that put the BNP as the 4th party. Maybe my knowledge of Brit politics is letting me down. Let's face it my post was not about politics.

    The BNP is far from a party I would wish to lead Britain but we are being sold down the river by the ship of PC fools at the helm. Why should my heritage be hushed aside in favour of more abrasive beliefs from the 3rd world?

    As for hot cross buns! Would it make any real difference if they were hot triangle buns?

    Should we be forced to wish eachother "happy holidays" in case we offened thin skinned Islamists?

    Should I remove my flag?

    I would enjoy a St Georges day and would drink and clap hands with anyone that would wish me well.

    All the best. Maybe I shall share a pint of real ale in an Irish pub in Thailand with you.

    I am always very suspicious of these overzealous PC stories. The infamous banning of bar bar black sheep was the view of some well meaning crazy middle aged white woman in Birmingham which had no support from any ethnic minority group - but the tabloids still got hold of it and put their slant on it - and maybe the same goes for hot cross buns!

    I work at a multi ethnic school in London - and nothing so bizarrely PC ever happens like that!

    Be very suspicious of the Daily Mail and its ilk!

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