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Pii Kate

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Posts posted by Pii Kate

  1. Two things.


    1) I'd ask her why does she lighten her skin to look like the people she hates?

    2) Report her immediately to the powers that be. Using the classroom to express her bigotry is just not right, especially since you pay for the class. Technically you are her boss.

    Good luck.

  2. I was pushing my way between the (what seems like) millions of motor bikes/bicycles in my condo parking lot when I noticed attached baskets with food, school supplies, helmets, in them. No one steals here. Or almost no one. I love feeling safe in Chiang Mai.

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  3. I would be delighted to be acknowledged by a clerk. I would be over the moon if that clerk knew anything about the product. As it is, I have to break into the gang of 5 at the check out counter at Central to ask for help and then it usually takes at least three more people to find what I am looking for. All done with an attitude of bare tolerance to my presence. YES, I would shop somewhere else and maybe pay a bit more if it meant getting good customer service. Thais copy the worst aspects of American and Western culture. Time to learn the good stuff.

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  4. I get medical care at RAM in Chiang Mai. Doctor visits are 300 baht or $10 but medicine at that hospital is out of sight, over the top, expensive. So most of my stuff gets filled at a local pharmacy for about 1/3 the price. It's not the doctors, it's the hospital;, but not all hospitals.

  5. Okay, so one side of the story is yours. As I read it I thought about the children. She doesn't do much for them? What about you? When the last time you helped with homework? took them to the zoo? How about a nanny who can give them more attention, if not more love? Housekeeper twice a week? What do you do with your full time job money? If you are working all of the time, what do you give her? Or did you intend to marry a servant?

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  6. When I first came here I was confused by the money conversion, Dollar to Baht, tired and alone. I wanted to set up internet and after unsuccessful attempts over two weeks, asked the manager of the condo I live in to help me. She asked for 8000 baht. I called my property manager who advised me to refuse the managers offer and I got it done the same day for a fraction of the price. Only because she asked, I told her what I paid and for the first time this rude woman became sheepish and for a few weeks was respectful to me. I try so hard to respect Thai culture, not hurt feelings or express anger, etc. and wish the same respect could be shown to me. Now 8 months later the same things is happening again

    . This time with the water bill. Same staff member. I was quoted three different prices. I asked for a receipt and that was the end of it. My landlord pays the water bill.

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  7. I used to get a lot of these at home in US and would respond by telling them I have forwarded the email to the FBI. Never heard back again....Now, another group offering low, low, low interest rates on credit cards would leave a message and call back number. For me, since I didn't have a credit card I knew right away they were phoney but not sure others didn't get caught up in it.

  8. I've been in Chiang Mai for about 8 mo. Several of my friends drop by because my place was big. I moved to smaller space and they still come.

    One invection hot plate and an electric tea kettle and I manage to make a decent meal for us. My friends don't have kitchens. Cleaning up in the bathroom sink is messy, so meeting out is best. For many women we are done with cooking, cleaning, etc.

    Come round for popcorn, beer and a movie any time, the invitation stands for my friends and they do come.

    Question? What matters most? Friends or venue?

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