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Pii Kate

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Posts posted by Pii Kate

  1. I use a C-PAP machine at night to breath. I have to bring it as carry on luggage. At home the security team put on gloves and take it away for anywhere between 15-30 minutes to clear it for flight. I was stunned when Chiang Mai security put it on a conveyor belt for x-ray and cleared it with a green "security check" tape. The same thing happened in Malaya. This was two months ago. I feel like everyone is convinced the recent travesty was a one time event. I dislike showing up hours before an international flight and waiting clear a long security queue and then waiting for the airline staff to show up or work but I love being alive more so the inconvenience is minor.

    To add to the fake gun, folks in Thailand and Malaya can carry on liquids which I find stunning. Maybe the security doesn't know that gasoline and other flammables are liquid. Any wonder the gun got through?

  2. Are you able or interested in talking to him about your love of dogs and how much you miss your many dogs at home, so could he let you walk his dogs every day? He will feel like he is doing you a favor, no loss of face and both you and the dogs have a good time. Maybe he can learn to be a better pet owner after you set a good example.

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  3. I take issue with the remark re: usually Thai food is considered healthy. Three of my friends and I have developed high blood pressure since moving here. My doctor said, stop eating soy sauce, fish sauce and using MSG. That means no more Thai food.

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  4. I cannot count the many times various drivers have offered to be my guide. Almost none of them speak English and believe a guide and driver are the same thing.

    I learned the very hard way to never hire a guide for long trips. I thought I would drive to Laos from Chiang Mai on a visa run, enjoy the country, etc. I asked for a contract but he said his English speaking wife (he also spoke English) could explain things. Idiot that I am at times, I went along with this. After one day out of CM, the guy starts asking for more money. I kept reminding him of our verbal contract. I was in the car with these two for four days and his demands for more money became badgering. He even drove me to an ATM at one point. I stuck to the contract and when I got home I was about to scream when he said, "call me anytime if you want to see the temples".

    Another woman, employee of a tour company, offered to be my private guide to Doi Suthep for 500 baht. You can take a songthaw for 70 baht round trip. Since she obviously could not use a company car for her sideline work, she wanted me to rent a car for her to drive me up the mountain.

    Fool me once.......

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  5. I grew up in San Francisco, lived in L.A., N.Y. and West Virginia and finally Portland, OR. In the boonies of Oregon and in WV the kids learn to shoot at an early age. The other places? I saw a BB gun once, never heard of or saw a parent interested in teaching their child to shoot. The country has gone mad. In AZ, with the crazy governor there, the fear of Mexicans coming over the border is out of control, and irrational. They are not looking for peaceful solutions to their immigration problems.

    I can't imagine what this childis life will be like after killing her instructor and having parents who post it on YouTube. **sholes.

  6. I agree with you fellows who say "being a man' isn't enough. Pay the bills, don't grip about it, don't add to your wife's burden of raising a first child. The first is always the hardest. I agree, why a nanny? Housekeeper 2 times a week is a good idea unless you think it will cost too much and are willing to do it yourself. Hey, that is a great money saver and a major "manly" contribution to the household!

    As a nurse, suggest she get some training on breast feeding from the maternity department at her hospital. IF she wants to breast feed. It is mainly difficult the first week or so until her milk fully comes in. Also, to the fellow who wrote about post partum depression, you are so right. This can occur months after delivery.

    And I have to take issue with your comment about your wife taking "holidays" time while being away from work. Write in three months and tell me about her fabulous holiday time.

    I fear you will have difficulty adjusting to your new manly role, begrudgingly helping, etc. You may be needier than the new baby. Good luck.

  7. I agree with Iamnoon88,

    The passengers should have been moved well away from the plane as fast as possible. Not having them hang around identifying bags! Could you imagine the newspaper headlines around the world if there was a bomb and it exploded! 197 Dead in aircraft bomb, after the plane landed and all passengers disembarked safely!

    The passengers could have been held in a safe secure room in the terminal and the bags searched. If anything found the bag could have been identified by the tags and barcodes on it.

    Thank god it was a hoax or many people may have died because of stupid Thai procedures.

    In my various jobs we always had to prepare for potential bomb threats. Number one rule was NO CELL PHONES. e of cell phones could detonate the bomb. Wonder if that is part of the simulation training?

  8. Prohibition had folks making their own and in some cases dangerous stuff. People going blind, etc. Make it hard to get and the challenge will be to find another way. Are Thais easily challenged?

    Anyone who thinks making it difficult to get whiskey but okay for beer and wine does not understand alcohol. Alcohol is just as lethal in the form of beer or wine.

    What is a beer girl?

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