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Posts posted by dieseldave1951

  1. 4 hours ago, Oxx said:


    Hardly a joke.  The current fleet is largely ageing and old fashioned.  This makes it difficult for them to attract business.  It's also not fuel efficient keeping fares high.  A modernised fleet could well be a step in the right direction.  If managed correctly (and it's a big "if"), this could be the start of a turnaround for the airline.

    thai lion have done it i travelled with them on their budget fares and the planes are full

  2. 2 hours ago, meatboy said:

    when will it ever change? the answer is never,but this question crops up again and again.

    a three yr.old left unatended,by 2parents.

    this little girl will be scared for life, WHO'S TO BLAME?

    You ever had kids ??? one parent went to get the car, the other was at the counter paying for goods

    maybe better idea if the auto censor in 7-11 was was set higher so that a child's hight  can not activate the auto door opener 

    thought better to remove these dogs would be better

    lastly if the Thais did not feed these strays they would not breed "simples'' 

  3. 28 minutes ago, Thian said:


    So where do motocycles have to drive according to you?


    Stopping to go eating is not necessary, so the truckdriver was wrong, simple as that.


    And if he had problems with his truck he should have used hazard lights (if they work of course).


    In BKK motocycles don't use the lept lane much because it's the most dangerous lane of all. Also there's a lot of sand/nails/glass laying there and there are plenty of cars who drive 50-60km/hr so we just use every lane.

    I also drive car but it drives me crazy in BKK, on a motocy i can easy go around all the idiots who don't know how to drive.



    Stopping to go eating is not necessary, so the truck driver was wrong, simple as that

    not if the truck driver selected a long straight section of road  if this moron had'nt hit this truck he surly would have hit something  else, maybe someone trying to cross the road with a family, just think of that as an issue,

    this idiot had no consideration for other road users so luckly he killed only him self

  4. 35 minutes ago, Thian said:


    The most left lane is not a parkingplace nor a place to open a shop and start selling fruit. Customers will park right next to the vendor on the 2nd left lane and that's dangerous.


    Yes i concentrate vely much to see where i'm going, far too much...i even don't see newly built condominums who are 300 metre from my house, that's how much i focus on the roads. 


    And when i have to stop for something i always check who's behind me and if he also stops, that allready has saved my life..i see loads of cardrivers using phones/laptops while driving. This guy only killed himself, a cardriver who's on the phone can kill many others as well. Hence why you won't see (many) people on the phone in my homecountry, there's a huge fine for it which is great.




    aha how do you know their there  i mean the condominiums :D

  5. 4 hours ago, Thian said:

    Did the truck use his hazardlights when parking along the road?


    And why do they park big trucks like that along a road? They do it everywhere and it's very dangerous.


    Also taxidrivers drive very slow when they are searching for customers, they cause a lot of congestion/frustration among other drivers.


    Thailand needs parkingplaces along the roads where vendors can sell and drivers can rest..


    Also it needs police who keep the roads safe.....oh well, keep on dreaming...

    does not matter if they were on or off, the motorcyclist would not have seen them anyway with his head buried in the phone. now his head is buried in the truck stupidity at is best 

  6. 5 hours ago, The stuttering parrot said:

    Or maybe he was watching a football replay.

    For the headlines to scream Pokemon is just ridiculous . The plain fact is that he was using a mobile whilst in charge of a vehicle a fact that is somewhat lost in this Pokemon frenzy.

    And where is the Pokemon posse police with their yellow balloons ?

    Great finger pointing opportunity !

    they have not screamed pokemon and they have said maybe ??? 

  7. 3 hours ago, edwinchester said:

    I'm confused.....wasn't it only yesterday the Govt said there was no connection with the troubles in the south?

    you have the police 

    you have the government 

    you have the army

    and there all singing of different pages 

    they are arresting anyone of any age its tragic that these (ahem) authorities actually get paid for contradictory statements

    runnung around like headless chickens come to mind

  8. 4 hours ago, Eligius said:

    The police will be claiming that reward, of course. Unlike 99% of the rest of the world, where rewards are given to the public for useful information, in Thailand the proffered reward is given by the police to the police for useless - disinformation!

    the police are offering a reward of 100,000 baht, but only the police can collect,(after they have extracted the information out of some informant) stating they have made a breakthrough with there own hard work  :bah::bah:

  9. On 8/18/2016 at 11:10 AM, ScotBkk said:

    These statements have got to be a first!!


    "If I tell you all the information now our case may be ruined and how are we going to catch anyone? I never thought in a month of Sundays they'd admit for once they need to Shut the F@;:ck up? 


    Must've had a brainstorming :coffee1:



    they have no one yet the fishing boats are still at sea 

  10. 1 hour ago, aussieinthailand said:

    Hey Somchai,  I bet I can get him to smell my sock again:cheesy:      I wonder what else he uses the sock for when he's all alone???

    Look on the TV again, it's general sock sniffer man telling us all just what a bang up job he's doing, 

    Don't worry about them increased terrorist bombs killing local and tourists, I heard it was Thaksin.

    And my super special sock sniffing TAT team tells me that what ever happens in LOS it wont affect the tourist numbers.

    As for the economy, rice price palm oil price, rubber price, corn and sugar and just about everything else, well  I have a cunning plan,,,  We export Thai design socks too the world, They'll never suspect a thing.

    And one last thing you guy's stop asking me questions I don't like,     just put a sock in it...


    So 1,200 people out of say hmmm 60 million people asked how is he doing after 2 years with a 7.5 approval,  Who could argue with then figures.   Wait a second Somchai,  if he has 7.5 approval of the people, why so little a turn out for his referendum?  And it's not that long ago that  general sock sniffer man had a 99.3% approval???

    and these random choice people who said he doing a good job,live only in city areas,do they ??? ask the poor buggers who are up to there necks every day in mud in the rural areas planting and cultavating rice crops, ask the families who are reduced to living out of bins, i never seen so many people fishing in bins for a living ,  ask THESE people how well he is doing, not city slickers

  11. 31 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    Bear in mind, it has been 9 days since the first bomb. And they are bringing in a suspect only now? Nine days is an eternity when it comes to bomb investigations. What on earth have they been doing for the past nine days? And they still refuse to even consider calling it any sort of terrorism. That evil word might scare away tourists.


    Well, I will tell you something guys. Those bombings did scare away tourists. I have a friend who is visiting Pattaya at the moment, and it is a ghost town. And I have another friend in Samui, and he says he has never seen it so slow. He knows of a large Chinese group who cancelled due to the bombings. When the Chinese start cancelling you know you have problems! 



    but but but T.A.T. say it's so busy in pattaya and hua hin is back to normal, i have to believe T A T because it' is such a creditable organised government department 

  12. 2 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    The Bank must have felt it was only half to blame,which I suppose

    is correct,without the Telephone Company issuing a new Sim card

    without due diligence,this would not have happened,so the Telephone

    Company should cough up the other half,but I suspect they will not,

    unless much more pressure is put on them.


    Regards Worgeordie

    the new sim has to registered with the bank first through an ATM,(kasikorn bank) so the thief would need access to the customers account, this requires the thief to know the customers bank account pin number, customer need to look closer to home for the thief i think 

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